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Sarah Vowell’s The Wordy Shipmates: The Problem with Popularization

…am Laud, the “suck-up,” is “Mr. Arminianism.” John Endecott is “Winthrop’s Welcome Wagon rep” who becomes the “mullah of Salem.” The Pequot War was a “destructive tantrum” inspired by the same frustration that makes “skateboarders…break their own skateboards in half.” Into this Marvel Comics colony Vowell inserts a host of analogies bent on making Puritan obscurity present. John Cotton’s Southampton sendoff in 1630 is “like scoring Nelson Mandela…

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The Most Religious Race: Islam in Europe

…ing in Europe as guest workers, Muslims have long since overextended their welcome. (Caldwell pays no mind to the hundreds of thousands of Muslims, from Senegal to Bengal, who fought for Britain and France in World War II, and so helped save Europe from itself.) Unanswered: Where are these Muslims to go? What are they to do? Caldwell hints that Muslims should convert to Christianity, or otherwise detach themselves from their spiritual identity, bu…

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Niebuhrian Humility and DC Punditry

…a Daily Kos diarist using the handle AZDem. Rosenberg laid into AZDem for promoting “High Broderism,” among other things. Those other things include a false sense of “Niebuhrian humility” in the face of the Bush Administration’s daunting certainty. Said AZDem: President Obama’s favorite theologian, Reinhold Niebuhr, famously posited that if you and I disagree, then at least one of us is wrong, and it may be me. That’s known to historians and poli…

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The Christian Roots of the New Age: The Aquarian Gospel

…h,” 44:1), but here the same pattern of disappointment continues. Jesus is welcomed by the Athenians, much as they will welcome the Apostle Paul some decades later, and they invite Jesus to share his teaching. He is introduced to the priest Apollo, “Defender of the Oracle,” but he learns nothing from the man. Instead, Jesus teaches “a wisdom far greater than theirs” (44:6), then he sets out again on a Cretan vessel called Mars, and sets his sights…

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Keep it Catholic, Catholics: A Response to Michael Sean Winters’ Attack on Frances Kissling in America

…ted to do. This is what Catholic looks like in the twenty-first century. I welcome and respect such transparent statements from other Catholics so we know who stands where. But such statements are rare when the risk of being labeled “not Catholic,” or “not approved by the Vatican,” or for politicians, being denied Communion, is all too real. I am an active participant in contemporary intellectual and activist work. But I will not engage, especiall…

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Is it Kosher Now? The Evolution of Kashrut in the Wake of the Agriprocessor Fiasco

…lso goes further in the moral obligations it places on the institutions that would seek its sanction, the tav does not aspire to the mantle of “kosherness,” but is instead set up as a kind of parallel system of okaying a food-provider according to the spirit of Judaism. These are tentative but welcome steps. The ancient rabbis taught that since the destruction of the Temple a Jew’s own table is his or her sacred altar, and should be subject to the…

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Gordon Gekko Gets God: The Heritage Foundation of Theology

…the malignant free-market madness that US conservatives have successfully promoted for four decades. Known (and much loathed) abroad as the “American model,” or the “Washington consensus,” this is the Friedman–Greenspan regime of total deregulation wherein the public, in effect, subsidizes big capital to work its high-growth wonders to the ostensible benefit of us all—that chimera known as the trickle-down effect. Because Americans live in a kind…

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What in the Name of the Crusades are Tennessee Evangelicals Doing in Kurdish Iraq?

…m Hussein, 350 evangelical pastors and church leaders assembled in Kirkuk, welcomed by Kurdistan Regional Government President Massoud Barzani. During the gathering, George Grant, the American director of the Classical School of The Medes, declared that ‘Jesus Christ is Lord over all things; He is Lord over every Mullah, every Ayatollah, every Imam, and every Mahdi pretender; He is Lord over the whole of the earth, even Iraq!’ In a recent intervie…

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The Incredible Shrinking Catholic Church

…nd procreation, those who embrace ecumenical dialogue, and people who believe in the primacy of conscience (a hallmark of post-Vatican II Catholic moral theology). For Benedict, a Holocaust denier is welcome and these ecclesiastical outliers are not. Ironically, by recognizing Williamson as a member of the Church in good standing, Benedict has made his flock much smaller….

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Teaching Love: Soulforce Takes it to the Quad

…of lawn to read a statement declaring that the Soulforce contingent is not welcome and that anyone who ventures off the sidewalk onto the college’s campus will be arrested for trespassing. “We love you,” one of the riders calls out as Kimbrow gives instructions to a police officer who has followed him to the edge of campus. “I love you too,” Kimbrow replies before he turns and walks away from the strangers at his gate. “This is just what happens s…

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