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How Far Will White Christians Go to Maintain Power? An Interview with Robert Jones

…hristians have merely been paying lip service to democratic principles and free elections, or whether they really believe in those principles and norms now that white Christians have become a demographic minority. This is all quite new—this reality of not being a majority white Christian country. We’ve gone from 54% white Christian to just 44% since Obama was first elected, or a drop of about 1% per year. Previous generations of white Christians h…

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Top Five (Less Sensational, But More Dangerous) Things to Remember About Pat Robertson (1930-2023)

…nge figure—an extreme loose cannon—underplay continuities between him and relatively more moderate conservatives, making allies with roughly similar ideas seem like lesser evils. So I wondered whether to acknowledge Robertson’s latest provocation. It bores me, and I feel cheapened even to think about it as I worry about one of my students who has not yet returned from a mission trip to Haiti. Still I could not resist clicking on a list of Robertso…

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My Womb for His Purposes: The Perils of Unassisted Childbirth in the Quiverfull Movement

…ticularly zealous proponent of unassisted childbirth, she has in the past helped promote an extreme version of the practice taught by Carol Balizet, head of the obscure, Tampa, Florida-based Home in Zion Ministries, that is condemned even by fellow unassisted childbirthers. Balizet, a former nurse and the author of a number of books on Christian home-living, motherhood, and home birthing, represents a fringe expression of the Quiverfull suspicion…

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The ‘Dreher Affair’ Highlights the Right’s International Networks

…e, an offshoot of the American Center for Law and Justice—both founded by televangelist Pat Robertson. The Anti-LGBTQ group Alliance Defending Freedom has set up shop outside the US as well, dubbing its coordinating international body Alliance Defending Freedom International. The Polish Ordo Iuris, a right-wing catholic organization which leads a crusade against abortion, is likewise well connected on an international level with German pundit Birg…

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Healed of the Sin of Religion: At Church with Sara Miles

…inly replicates class structures and racial structures. You go where you feel you belong (the phrase “our church home” is telling). Of course I understand that people want to feel at home. You live in capitalism, to be crude about it; you live in a hard place, and you want a place that feels authentic and real and where you can be yourself. But what I see over and over again is this inability to tell the difference between tradition and nostalgia….

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Dubious Diversity at America Mag

…ops’ efforts against gay marriage and reproductive health care under the “Religious Freedom” rubric. As with her role at the bishops’ conference, Alvaré’s biggest value to the right-wing Catholic roadshow is her very existence as a woman who gleefully opposes abortion and contraception. As my colleague Sarah Posner has reported, she’s one of the most outspoken proponents of the supposed dangers of the “contraceptive mentality”—Pope John Paul II’s…

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Sharing Many of the Same Flaws as its Subject ‘The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill’ Podcast Puts Blame Anywhere But Where It Belongs

…siveness. Unfortunately, those who contributed to the podcast failed to model self-reflection and wisdom in the name of truth and repentance, and those who could have done so were glaringly absent or were represented by heavily curated audio clips or name-drops. The Gospel Coalition and Christianity Today both played vital roles in providing Driscoll the platform, celebrity, and legitimacy necessary to continually apologize before moving on to cre…

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Christians Should Give Up “Christianity”: An Interview with Peter Rollins

…g, market-driven existence—just another shiny thing we acquire to make ourselves feel okay. Alfred Hitchcock called this (in another context entirely) the “MacGuffin,” or as Rollins explains it: “that X for which some or all of the main characters are willing to sacrifice everything, something that people want in some excessive way—the object that seems to promise fulfillment, satisfaction, and lasting pleasure.” And yet when we get our hands on t…

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As Hobby Lobby Heads to SCOTUS, Let’s Ditch Kosher Butcher Analogies

…Jews been so concerned about the fortunes of kosher butchers.) Here’s Michael Helfand in the L.A. Times: Indeed, it is far from surprising that the U.S. 10th Circuit of Appeals decision now on appeal before the Supreme Court, which granted an injunction against implementing the contraception mandate, highlighted the hypothetical case of a kosher butcher. As the court queried: “Would an incorporated kosher butcher really have no claim to challenge…

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Jesus Christ and Super Stars: How The Holy Rolled Mainstream in Pop Music

…within the walls of the church. Julien Baker told The New Yorker, “‘Ultimately, I feel like there is just a pervasive evidence of God… Though I know that is maybe a controversial thing to say.” A survey of the musical landscape suggests otherwise. Though Baker and other artists are reluctant to identify as Christian artists or explicitly state their religious influences, the fingerprints of the Gospels on their works is undeniable. These are not t…

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