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International ‘Pro-Family’ Summit Calls for New Anti-Gay Laws: Global LGBT Recap

…: Amnesty International said in a press release that lawmakers in the West African country passed the bill on Aug. 25. The Associated Press said the bill’s “aggravated homosexuality” provision would also apply if the suspect is a parent or guardian of the person with whom they are accused of having same-sex sexual contact or is in a position of “authority over” them. The news agency further reported the measure is nearly identical to Uganda’s Anti…

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Workers Once Forced the Social Gospel Into Churches—Can It Happen Again?

…decisively with the American Railway Union. At churches across the city’s South Side, meanwhile, Protestant churchgoers rose up against “scab ministers.” Nowhere was the backlash more severe than at Pullman Presbyterian Church. When the minister there railed against the strike—declaring at one point, “there is a maxim that half a loaf is better than no bread, and in my judgment the employees were getting two-thirds of a loaf”—working people walke…

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5 Reasons That Cartoons Are the 21st Century’s Great Metaphysical Playground

…happens in cartoons, so there’s more room for moral ambiguity. Think about South Park. Or take the Rick and Morty episode in which Rick creates a new, lumpy form of life in his laboratory. Rick pets it, comfortingly, and then puts it under a laser beam that burns it alive. Indie pop plays in the background. Then Rick attempts suicide. If Rick and Morty were live action, that would have been a horror scene. But in a cartoon, it was relatable and, w…

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The Theology of Westboro: The “World’s Meanest Church” Is More Than Picket Signs

…e heard so much more widely and creep into secular life, from school dress codes to abstinence-only education. So those people are likely to be irritated. What alternative title would you give the book? Redemption in Topeka: How the World’s Meanest Church Decided to Stop Anti-Gay Picketing and Spend Their Talent and Energy Ending Racism in the Heart of America. Previous to his anti-gay work, Fred Phelps was a civil rights activist who led consider…

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The Surprisingly Short History of Popular Yoga

…ow yoga was being practiced. Now the class is back with a new instructor—a South Asian instructor—who worries she was hired only because she’s Indian. The incident was the latest in a string of cultural flashpoints surrounding the centuries-old Indian practice, and has made many a yogi rethink the lines between cultural exchange and cultural appropriation. In the following conversation, journalist Michelle Goldberg and professor Andrea Jain discus…

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A History of Prophetic Black Preaching That Doesn’t Start or End With Dr. King

…ooks and underplays. She does not adequately attend to the vital roles the African-American preacher and African-American preaching played in shaping the course of the largely leaderless movement of more than 1.5 million southern Black migrants who exited the South between 1916 and 1940, staking it all in search of America’s Promised Land in the industrial North. What’s your next book? I have a book titled Exodus Preaching: Shaping Sermons for the…

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Why Pro-Life Voters Shouldn’t Trust Trump on Abortion—And Why It Doesn’t Matter

…thood’s services excluding abortion. Other conservative activists—like the Southern Baptist Convention’s Russell Moore—have made similar vows, unconvinced by Trump’s claims to have abandoned his previous support for abortion rights in favor of a thoroughly pro-life position. Citing Ronald Reagan’s conversion from a pro-choice governor to an unwaveringly pro-life president as a model for his own transformation, Trump may have convinced enough Repub…

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The Bindi Isn’t Indie

…ed as a direct counter to the fact that the bindi tag was dominated by non-South Asians wearing the bindi purely as a fashion statement. The aim was both to educate people on the bindi’s significance and to reassert cultural ownership. Participants can submit selfies or tag their pictures with #reclaimthebindi to take part. Reclaim the Bindi is active on Instagram, Snapchat, Tumblr, and Twitter, and has recently launched a zine and an online store…

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Passover with Mohammed: A Jewish Journalist in Yemen

…There have been reports (still unverified) of clashes with Al-Qaeda in the south, a story about drone strike in Marib, just two hours to the east, is also emerging. But lunch is a very important time in Yemen. Three other reporters join us and we order rice, salta—a traditional Yemeni lamb dish—chicken, soup and piles of fresh bread. Because of Pesach, I don’t touch the bread. I’m eating my salta with a spoon instead of scooping it with a handful…

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Does Donald Trump Have a Catholic Problem?

…nite State, the Republican primary calendar moves southward to states like South Carolina, where Trump is polling well. But Trump’s momentum and the structure of the GOP primary calendar could be hiding a potential weakness for Trump that may hurt him both in an extended primary fight and in the general election: Catholic voters. Right now Trump is doing well among less affluent and less educated white voters in the South, Appalachia (West Virgini…

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