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State-Licensed Ministers Can’t “Pray Away the Gay,” SCOTUS Affirms

…in all 50 states. In fact, even the California minister who filed suit is free to practice the debunked “therapy”—he just can’t engage minors in the practice, and can’t represent himself as a state-licensed therapist offering that treatment. In his ministerial duties he is free to preach about the power of prayer (or, in some cases, more nefarious tactics) to “rescue” people from the bonds of queerness. But what he can’t do, according to the newl…

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The Kids Are All Wrong: Texas Tosses The Enlightenment

…else begins to define and delineate for them what it means to be human and free. Only then do people get up in arms. If we are going to conserve our humanities, we must be actively involved in our politics and education. Only through the reflection on what it means to be human—a reflection that engages with those beyond our immediate community, state, and nation—can we teach and learn to become better humans for both ourselves and each other. As A…

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Bill to Stone Gays to Death Introduced in Kenya

…sexual harassment, molestation of children, and unfaithfulness to one’s spouse.” No distinction is made between homosexual and heterosexual behaviour—both must be free from harm; with mutual consent; the breaking of a commitment to another person is not involved; and sexual behaviour must be carried out with the intention to express affection with respect, and give pleasure to each other. These precepts apply irrespective of one’s gender or sexual…

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A ‘Vows’ Piece in ‘The Times’ Shows How Doctrinaire Christian Celibacy Has Become Compared to its Ancient Roots

…church, it could result in great harm. Ambitious churchmen, he said, might use it as a stepping stone to privilege and status. Ephrem even raised the specter of celibate men who might use their rank to ingratiate themselves to young, unsuspecting believers. In language that might be ripped from today’s headlines, he cautioned against making sexual renunciation a prerequisite for leadership in the church: ‘Stalkers,’ he warned, ‘would be everywhere…

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Why Atheists Should Fight For Establishment of State Religion

…ular liberals. Instead, they should have done everything in their power to promote North Carolina’s Freedom of Religion Act and, more, fought to establish the Christian state of North Carolina as quickly as possible. And conservative evangelical legislators need not waste their time writing toothless resolutions establishing state religions. Rather, if the Christian Right would like religion to prosper in America, they should erect a wall between…

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The Next Islamists: The Wide Green Smudge That’s Changing Our World

…judging by the progress of things, some parts of the planet are doing much better than we are. This may then make for new alliances between the Next Islamists and the West (so long as the West can break out of the thick teleology that demands we see the Muslim world as backwards and hostile.) But if America ignores options for trade and commerce in place of suspicion and hectoring, we empower Russia, China, and our own slow obsolescence. For China…

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Secularist Activists Are Being Murdered in Bangladesh: An Ongoing Crisis Causes Many to Flee

…secular and democratic Bangladesh, where people have secure life and enjoy freedom of speech, freedom to publish, and freedom to express.” Still—what has he and his family lost? And what is Bangladesh losing as a result of this unchecked mayhem? Who Will Remain? As the attacks illustrate a deep problem in Bangladesh, these two stories illustrate a deeper success: since February 2015, more than a dozen writers, publishers, and activists—and, in som…

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HuffPo Columnist Tries to Link Darwin to Hitler

…ary He drove those enemies of the human race out of the Temple of God; because then, as always, they used religion as a means of advancing their commercial interests. But at that time Christ was nailed to the Cross for his attitude towards the Jews; whereas our modern Christians enter into party politics and when elections are being held they debase themselves to beg for Jewish votes. Finally, Hitler says this about his cause: And so, internally a…

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Supreme Court: Law School Christian Group Can’t Exclude Gays

…ecision did not violate the group’s First Amendment rights of association, free speech, and free exercise. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote for the majority: In requiring CLS—in common with all other student organizations—to choose between welcoming all students and forgoing the benefits of official recognition, we hold, Hastings did not transgress constitutional limitations. CLS, it bears emphasis, seeks not parity with other organizations, but…

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Image of Hubert Aiwanger, Bavaria's deputy premier speaking at a podium.

Holocaust Humor and The ‘Real’ Germany — As Top Officials Shatter Post-WWII Taboos, German Conservatives Follow GOP Playbook and Charge Ahead

…ument made by conservatives in the U.S. who dislike the current GOP but refuse to support Democrats: Presented with a choice between “the Left” and even the far-right, they see “the Left” as the bigger existential threat—and will stick with the Right despite expressions of bigotry, violations of the law, anti-democratic behavior, and more. Josef Schuster, president of the Central Council of Jews, was not convinced, though his predecessor and presi…

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