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Republican Scandals Drag Secretive ‘Family’ Into the Big Time

…re intimately linked in the eyes of those who don’t share either with American capitalism. “Our enemies,” Diane writes, “see what many of us in the knowledge industries overlook—the religious underpinning of American hegemony.” The enemies of empire speak often of the crimes of the past (sometimes, unfortunately, only to obscure their own). Empire, particularly the religiously mediated media empire embraced by The Family, tends to favor the future…

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I Was Nearly Seduced by David Brooks’ Reasonable Analysis

…the person selling them has called them “securities.” This crisis is ironically not psychological at all, though much of the pain is. No, this crisis in empirical, a simple matter of numbers (and words) not adding up. And the reason they don’t? Because people, really bad people, lied about them, cooked the books, sold this nonsense to their friends, and to the rest of us. So forget economic theory, and psychology; we need an ethicist. And the que…

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Like Azusa Street Baptized into Bureaucracy: Mexico’s Flourishing LLDM Church Loses its Apostle

…the air. Deeper in the district is the fenced Huerto Getsemaní, where tropical birds cry out in cages and Aarón lies buried beneath a great metal bible. Across the street is the main temple, built in the 1980s and early 1990s, much of it with volunteer labor. The building is white, and its sloping surface, like a 26 story-tall circus tent, is paneled. The effect, whether intended or not, is of stairs marching up to heaven. Alternately, the buildin…

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Even After an Obama Victory Reports of the Death of the Religious Right are Greatly Exaggerated

…n providers are engaging in racist population control measures against African American and Latino women (charges that numerous groups, including the Guttmacher Institute, have thoroughly debunked). Obama’s administration would likely “expand the role and access of faith-based initiatives,” said Joyce, warning that: “The Democratic Party’s courtship and pursuit of moderate evangelicals such as Jim Wallis and Rick Warren—who represent a putatively…

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RD News Round-Up—Nov. 4, 2008

…s of hope,’ among them the fact that five million more people received medical care at Community Health Centers (CHC) since 2001.” ++++++++++ Saving the GOP from Itself? Over the next few months, as George W. Bush prepares to leave the White House and return to Texas, conservatives across the land are licking their wounds, wringing their hands and plotting their comeback. A debate about the future of the Republican Party and the role of the religi…

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Mormons Fight Marriage Equality in Mexico; Is Catholic Church Italy’s Anti-Gay NRA?; Nigerian Anglicans Cut Ties With UK Diocese; Global LGBT Recap

…had participated in last year’s conference on LGBT activism in Latin America and the Caribbean that was co-sponsored by USAID and the Gay and Lesbian Victory Institute. Martínez lived in the city of San Pedro Sula, which has been called “the murder capital of the world.” Lavers cites another Honduran activist saying that more than 150 LGBT people have been killed in the country in recent years “in a systematic violation of human rights.” Nauru: H…

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Ten of Our Favorite Top Tens

…st, everything from the Mormons to monks rioting in Tibet, the new evangelicals, the Kosher workplace debacle—and even the Catholic church on aliens.) 2.) Heading the list of TOP TEN RELIGION STORIES FROM RELIGION NEWS WRITERS is the “Pastors Gone Wild” story. Religion journalists agree that the top story of the year was that of presidential candidates and the pastors they kept company with; Jeremiah Wright “damned” America, discredited himself (i…

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Women’s Liberation Through Submission: An Evangelical Anti-Feminism Is Born

…Woman Conference ’08: a stadium-style event to promote what its proponents call “biblical womanhood,” “complementarianism,” or—most bluntly—“the patriarchy movement.” Women gathering to support the patriarchy movement? It’s evangelical counterculture at its most contrarian. The Associated Baptist Press explains the relationship of biblical womanhood to feminism, highlighting an ambitious initiative that arose from the meeting: a signature drive se…

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Amway, Religious Right Pyramid Scheme, Returns to the Motherland

…ive Christian families—become major underwriters of Republican Party political candidates and religious right causes. According to Progress for America, Amway’s founders contributed $4 million to conservative 527 groups during the 2004 election cycle. In April 2005, Rolling Stone reported that Amway CEO and co-founder Richard DeVos was connected with the dominionist political movement in the United States, and that DeVos had given more than $5 mil…

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The War Within: Religion and Our Tangled Relationship with Our Bodies

…nt commercial, medical, and self-help discourses). What about a woman with cancer? Can she be healthy on some level as well? Or a man suffering from ALS? I think our answers to such questions need to be more nuanced and complex than current definitions of “good health” and “healing” allow them to be. There is, as I suggest in the book, a difference between healing and curing. And there needs to be alternative ways of living with these body issues—…

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