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The Abandoned Orphanage: Hillary Clinton’s Mother Teresa Moment

…lastly, she had to hang up now. Clinton’s office would prove no more forthcoming. When contacted numerous times in 2006 for comment, Clinton’s representatives seemed distressed by the very line of questioning, as though the then-Senator’s good intentions should suffice. It’s a story that reads like the moral of Clinton’s courtship of the religious right: a “center for babies” meant to symbolize the “common ground” Clinton and the anti-abortion ha…

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Angry Voters, Right-Wing Populism, & Racial Violence: People of Faith Can Help Break the Linkages

…anti-immigrant xenophobia is a major text or subtext of these movements. A common outcome is that lots of angry white people not only condemn callous and corrupt politicians and their wealthy allies; but also blame and then stomp on those they scapegoat for societal problems: the lazy, sinful, or subversive louts being coddled and unfairly assisted by the corrupt government and arrogant liberal elites. It is the “producers versus the parasites.” H…

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Religion at Decade’s End

…g a staple of resistance against various forms of imperialism, had finally come of age. Lawrence worked comparatively to show how such movements possessed and expressed some surprising similarities across the boundaries of traditional religious confession; fundamentalism was, in his view, a legitimate comparative category that helped name what he viewed as a religious “revolt against the modern age.”   A decade of confusion I will return to the qu…

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Eid on 9/11 Anniversary?

…who I expected to see.) He said, “I figured that some Muslims might feel uncomfortable walking home”—people had already begun to blame any number of extremist Muslim groups, and of course the subways had been shut down—“and that, if I walked home with them, maybe people would think twice before trying anything.” (He wore a yarmulke). Responding Together If I give a sermon for Eid ul-Fitr, I’ll tell that story. For the younger congregants to whom t…

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Battling for the Soul of the Democratic Party

…Florida). Warren has argued that homosexuality disproves evolution and has compared pro-choice advocates to Holocaust deniers. Although Wallis has been at the forefront of promoting the “abortion reduction” agenda as “common ground” he says everyone can agree on, he remains opposed to reproductive choice. By rejecting the so-called “culture wars,” the “broader agenda” evangelicals and their Democratic allies imply that there is something inherentl…

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A Color-Blind America? Don’t Fall For The Okey-Doke

…students noted that after the election results, their classmates had made comments such as “they [African Americans] can never complain anymore because they got one of theirs in the White House.” Despite the numerous problems with this perspective (which cannot fully be dealt with here), I use this statement to make the same point here that I made to my students–don’t fall for the “okey doke,” for the con. In another words, don’t allow the spin f…

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Friending Pope Benedict on Facebook?

…of Hong Kong and one of the few women permitted to attend this meeting, recommended that Benedict start a blog to explain the word of God. She asked ”the Holy Father to open a multi-language blog to shepherd today’s world: [a] daily scriptural verse with [a] simple reflection, brief text and plentiful images.” So, the question is, will the pope heed Lam’s advice and embark on the wonderful world of blogging? Will he use this twenty-first century…

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A Religious History of American Neuroscience

…me in the SPR threw themselves behind a new contraption called the “psycho-phone” through which the inventors claimed to be hearing the voices of angels. The psychophone no doubt sounds absurd, but I can’t say that it sounds much more far-fetched than a transcranial magnetic stimulator. Both demonstrate the enduring cultural impulse toward techno-theologizing. However much neuroscientists might want to forswear an interest in the metaphysics of th…

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War on Christmas Affirmed by Southern Baptist Convention

…t any of my Lutheran, Catholic, Muslim, or atheist friends will call me to complain about this resolution, I find it just as troubling as many of the previous more controversial resolutions. As a Baptist, I tend to use Scripture as a hermeneutical screen for understanding my world and the ethical issues I face. The first text that comes to mind is also known as The Golden Rule found in Matthew 7:12 “So in everything, do to others what you would ha…

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Trump, Islamophobia, and the Philly Pig’s Head Incident

…in the U.S. to be registered in a database and stop Muslim immigrants from coming into the United States. Upping the ante on Tuesday, he made comparisons between his policies and President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s policy to place Japanese Americans in internment camps following the attack on Pearl Harbor. All of this rhetoric stands in sharp contrast to the values ensconced in the U.S. Constitution which guarantee legal protections for the free exe…

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