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Global LGBT Recap: Religious Leaders Support Persecution as Countries Vie in Homophobia Olympics

…pment Joaquim Chissano, former president of Mozambique and co-chair of the High-Level Task Force for the International Conference on Population and Development, published an open letter to African leaders last week that put LGBT equality and reproductive justice at the heart of the continent’s economic development goals. He writes that empowerment of women and gender equality, the rights and empowerment of adolescents and youth, and the sexual and…

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Tokyo Governor Says Tsunami is Divine Punishment—Religious Groups Ignore Him

…are likely to look askance at explicit expressions of religious faith. The number of negative responses is particularly high among younger people in Japan; according to research by Tokyo professor of religion Nobutaka Inoue, only ten percent of college students in Japan will affirm that they are religious. Given those numbers, one might conclude that Japan is not a religious country. But Governor Ishihara’s outburst and the rapid response by relig…

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Marriage Equality: Race, Family Values, and the 99%

…d law has any teeth, as Ellen DeGeneres is the only prominent lesbian most high school students seem to know and most dialogue on homophobia never progresses beyond a token lesson on bullying. In my gender justice work with high school students, I’ve used films and texts such as That’s a Family, Straightlaced, and Christine Sleeter’s “Turning on Learning” guidebook. Yet there are virtually no secondary school resources that address the racializati…

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A Story in Which the Gay Mormon Does Not Die

…sending her to conversion therapy, her parents have accepted Alex and they Skype with their daughter and her girlfriend a couple of times a week. There are even jokes about future grandchildren. For Mormons, after all, family is supposed to be forever, even when that family doesn’t end up fitting expectations or the mold. This defining commitment to the continuity of family has fueled a quiet grassroots rejection of the new LDS Church-announced po…

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One in Eight Biology Teachers Creationists

…do not have time to do something that is at best poor science.” Sadly, the high numbers of openly proselytizing teachers doesn’t surprise me. I’ve run into far too many educators who view the classroom as their own personal church pulpit. And until a student is willing to stand up to this religious bullying and blatant violation of the First Amendment, there’s not a lot that can be done. But for the 60 percent of teachers who are too timid to take…

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Survey Finds Little “Francis Effect,” Two U.S. Catholic Churches

…glossed over the encyclical at their recent meeting and haven’t made it a high-profile issue for clergy and lay Catholics the way they did with the “religious freedom” issue, which got everything from a high-level task force to repeated mentions by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops leadership, to an annual “Fortnight for Freedom” to mobilize Catholics around the issue. The second reason, as an earlier PPRI poll shows, is that a good number

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‘Hell is a World Without You’ Shows Readers How Squarely They Would Have Been on Path to Jan 6 if They’d Come of Age in Evangelicalism

…is (and isn’t) in our group, what do you see as the commonalities between high-control religious environments like these and other societal systems? For me, this is one of the fundamental ways society works. One of the questions throughout your novel is what does it mean to believe something? and you show how belief is not about some assent to an idea but about being part of a group. We don’t have beliefs so much as we identify as the kind of per…

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Google-Phonics, Or, ‘What Is the Sound of a Thousand Tech Workers Meditating?’

…rs—until this also fails to please. “So finally I got the googlephonic—the highest number of speakers before infinity.” He pauses dramatically before adding finally, “Sounds like shit.” In classic Martin style, he waits for the laughter to die down before adding the final punchline: “So I said, ‘Hey, maybe it’s the needle!’” The metaphor is apt. The gurus of Silicon Valley tout the benefits of exponential increases in the processing power of hand-…

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Trump Order A ‘Death Sentence’ For Some LGBT Refugees? Global LGBT Recap

…nding in the way of LGBT voters actually voting for Marine Le Pen in large numbers. But her anti-immigrant, anti-EU position — coupled with a more center-left economic policy that supports France’s robust social safety net — is pulling voters from left-wing constituencies to her side. Courting LGBT voters remains a high-wire act, because beneath Le Pen’s march to victory is a simmering internal battle that could build into a true revolt from withi…

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Religious Right Attacks Federal Bullying Intervention

…her kids. Certainly, parents are able to teach their kids to not engage in high risk sexual behaviors or pre-marital sex without demonizing another entire group of people. It’s called teaching your kids to be responsible for themselves. Still, it doesn’t preclude teaching respect for the beliefs of others instead of demonizing them as people who believe in “high risk homosexual sex acts” or premarital sex for all! Matters are not made any better w…

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