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‘America First’ and the Origin of the Modern Jewish Conspiracy

…a of the West as a “Judeo-Christian civilization” comes primarily from the United States, although important Christian conservatives from continental Europe also subscribed to it. It was fundamentally an anti-totalitarian idea: both Communism and Nazism were seen as threats to the religious values on which the West was understood to be built. In this way, the idea of Judeo-Christian civilization became an anti-Communist ideology during the Cold Wa…

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Manslaughter Conviction of Brittney Poolaw Represents Pattern of White Christian Policing of Black and Brown Women’s Bodies

…rs old at the time of her arrest, in 1998. “Hers was the first case in the United States involving murder charges brought in the aftermath of a stillbirth,” Goodwin says. “She was Black, poor, and had worked as a farmworker. In other words, she was politically invisible.” There’s also the more recent case of Purvi Patel, an Indian-American from my home state of Indiana. The politically vulnerable women of color who are swept up in such prosecution…

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U.S. Envoy Minimizes Mounting Evidence of Mass Graves in Sudan

…ly reported atrocities, adding: In late June, a contractor working for the United Nations witnessed Sudanese Army soldiers filling a grave with bodies and covering it with a bulldozer. The Sudanese Army, paramilitary forces and government security forces have also attacked the United Nations force itself, the report said, including the summary execution of a Sudanese staff member. The report, which was requested by the Security Council, recommends…

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The Forgotten History Behind Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim Terrorism

…ributions of Muslims to the building of modern Western nations such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and France are just as important. It was U.S. Muslim writers and thinkers such as Mahommah Baquaqua and Mohammed Ali ben Said, who also served in the Massachusetts 55th (Colored) Infantry during the Civil War, that gave American readers some of their first accurate accounts of African cultures. North Carolinian Omar ibn Said penned the fir…

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Museum of (In)tolerance for Divided City

…s exhumed the graves under the supervision of an Israeli archeologist. The number of skeletons taken out of the site numbered between one thousand and fifteen hundred. According to Gideon Sulaimani, an archeologist who worked at the site before the court injunction went into effect “They call this an archeological excavation but it’s really a clearing-out, an erasure of the Muslim past.” In 1984, George Orwell’s great satire of totalitarian regime…

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The Irony of Trumpism: A Turning Point for Muslims in American Politics

…n for trafficking in assumptions that Muslims were not already part of the United States, while Peter Beinart described his assumption that Muslims should be required to prove their loyalty as a “lapse into Trumpism.” The presence of Abdul-Jabbar and Ellison served as a reminder that Muslims in the U.S. are not exclusively immigrants. Abdul-Jabbar and Ellison, both African Americans, converted to Islam when they were young. Furthermore, speaker af…

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Anti-Immigrant Legislator Takes Aim At Arizona Children

…nited States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States”—puts pressure on a belief in the divine inspiration of the U.S. Constitution cherished by many conservative Mormons. Some Mormons have already gone on record in opposition to the new bill, sensitized perhaps by negative publicity about Mor…

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Is Sam Harris Really a White Supremacist?

…nce, Aziz criticized Harris for writing that Islamophobic incidents in the United States are “tiny in number, often property-related, and still dwarfed five-fold by similar offenses against Jews.” Aziz countered that violence done against one minority should never be downplayed because there is greater violence against another minority. Harris has the supreme privilege—a rich, white man’s privilege, I should add—of remaining aloof and ignorant abo…

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Obama Changes Course on Islam

…ions, arguing that “Several recent incidences of violent extremists in the United States who are committed to fighting here and abroad have underscored the threat to the United States and our interests posed by individuals radicalized at home. Our best defenses against this threat are well informed and equipped families, local communities, and institutions.” This statement comes under the heading of countering radicalization. While I have no doubt…

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The End of Michele Bachmann?

…inence in America are now known to be, as a matter of fact, hostile to the United States and its Constitution.” Based on the ‘explanatory memorandum’ document identifying a number of American Muslim organizations as allies in its author’s aspirations, prosecutors in the Holy Land Foundation trial publicly labeled over 200 American Muslim organizations “unindicted co-conspirators,” a highly controversial move derided at the time by legal experts as…

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