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Are We Seeing the End of the ‘Good Arabs’ in Israel?

…Jewish project of making “Israeli Arabs” work, Israel had to cultivate a “class of collaborators,” individual Arabs who would essentially spy on their neighbors, and even their own families, to provide information about illegal activities, infiltrators, smuggling etc. These collaborators were awarded with preferential treatment by the government such as gun licenses, housing permits, lucrative jobs, and loans. The point more generally was to quel…

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Marriage Equality: Race, Family Values, and the 99%

…lso benefit from segregated neighborhoods, schools, tax credits for middle class homeowners, and higher-paying jobs. Complex families of color that are either headed by single gay or straight parents are marginalized as inherently dysfunctional, welfare-dependent, and socially borderline. Loving gay partners of color with children are nonexistent. This media white-out has insidious implications for both straight and gay children of color. If gay c…

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Six Overlooked Gems from the Future of World Religions Report

…Olympics – Opening Ceremony – Beijing, China 同一个世界 同一个梦想 – U.S. Army World Class Athlete Program – FMWRC. Photo via U.S. Army/Flickr 3. Because China: That Thing about Muslim Plurality in 2070 Might Not Actually Be True The wild card that could sink item 2: China. Five years ago, China’s Christian population was an estimated 65 million—just 5% of the country’s population of 1.3 billion—including the two sects of state-sanctioned Christian churches…

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Intelligent Design Trial Celebrates Fifth Year Reunion

…es struck down the teaching of intelligent design in public school science class as unconstitutional, writing that it was merely revamped creationism posing as a scientific theory. For many of us who were involved in the trial (I was a reporter at the local newspaper at the time who covered it), it was a life-changing experience. As I’ve said many many times, Kitzmiller v. Dover was this bright shiny moment at a very unsettling time in our nation’…

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The Demographic that Should Keep Rove Awake at Night

…unaffiliated—four times the rate for the over-65 cohort that keeps Rove in business. This isn’t a trickle, it’s a tsunami. Google also shows that there’s no shortage of interest in the Republican Party’s “white problem.” The white electorate, long the bread-and-butter of Republican victories, has declined from 81 percent in 2000 to 72 percent in 2012. But if you look under the hood, the Republicans’ white problem is worse than these numbers sugges…

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Little ‘Value’ in New Harris Book

…stinguish an artery from a drainpipe, forget it. But what about the actual business of well-being itself? Perhaps brain science can tell us why one person likes to go to a baseball game and another to the opera, but can it tell us whether we should go to the baseball game or the opera? Leave aside the convoluted, pretend issues that philosophers so love—the opera singers all have starving children at home who will suffer if you don’t go to listen…

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Julian Assange Nativity, Castro’s Hanukkah, & a Burger Blessing

…in Naples, Italy. A Dallas, Texas megachurch pastor is compiling a list of business that fail to recognize Christmas and instead settle for ‘Happy Holidays.’ Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma is taking a stand in the war on Christmas by trying to keep the “Christ” in “Christmas parade.” And the three wise men may have been from China. Always striving to sink to ever lower levels of human decency, the Westboro Baptist Church says it will picket Eliz…

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The Bush Obama Faith-Based Office

…tently downplayed the financial component, saying his office wasn’t in the business of doling out money (even though the agency faith-based offices are) but emphasized partnerships that would bring the benefits of economic recovery to people through faith-based social services. But now that the economic recovery is, well, not happening, $140 million to do stuff like replace a church HVAC system looks mighty odd. Or $50 million to Catholic Charitie…

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McCarthy, Born Again and Retooled for Our Time

…e later that he had added a few thoughts to the 2010 reissue of Schwarz’s “classic.” In response to my question about how he could assert that Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi are secret socialists, he pointed me to chapter 15, in which he claims that House Democrats (who all admire Fidel Castro, he maintains) are affiliated with socialist organizations that “quite literally comprise a Socialist Red Army within the very contours of the House of Repre…

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Indonesia: As Volcano Erupts, a Spiritual Loss

…orruption, and single-minded dedication to self-promotion of political and business elites. Even Islamist groups who normally denounce beliefs like Mbah Marijan’s as “unbelief” rushed to embrace his memory. This is a face of Islam that people in the United States and other Western countries too rarely see. News of Islam too often repeats stereotypes of violence and extremism, projecting the views and acts of a tiny minority onto approximately twen…

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