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What Should the Vatican Say to the (Last Generation of) Nuns?

…f these women had left religious life, having shed their habits in the late 1960s, as my mother had, as if to feel more of the breeze blowing after Vatican II famously “opened the windows of the Church.” Others left not long after, to marry or to work jobs of their choosing, while a few have kept their vows to this day. I could usually tell the nuns from the ex-nuns by their shoes: blue canvas sneakers for the former sisters turned actual mothers,…

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Gay Pride Weekend Draws Mormon Allies and Equality Supporters

…ation not only honored our LGBT brothers and sisters, but also honored the spirit of Mormonism at its very best.” Tresa Edmunds, a straight LDS ally and mother, made a 3-hour drive into the city to march with her sign: “Gay kids grow up Mormon, I’m here to keep them safe.” As in Seattle, San Francisco marchers reported tearful parade-route meetings with gay Mormons estranged from the community. In Chicago, a contingent of 15 LDS marchers, organize…

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Is Change Possible? Shifting the Ex-Gay Question

…issues by people directly involved in these matters. 1Exodus was founded in 1976, not 1975 as the piece originally stated. 2The article’s statement that Exodus did not condemn Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill for over a year after it was proposed is not accurate. The Uganda conference attended by Exodus board member Don Schmierer took place in early March 2009. The conference generated criticism from many corners, including evangelicals with long-…

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Future of Liberal Religion: A Counterculture Blooms?

…low from afar the NCC’s current “re-envisioning” effort, marked by the July 1 launch of its “Transitional General Secretary’s” 18-month term, I see evidence of a transformation afoot within ecumenism that questions the premise of the either/or accommodational choice Hollinger mentions. We may be misreading what is happening around those widening ecumenical tables. Second, Fosdick’s 1922 sermon might well provide inspiration to the pluralist-advanc…

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A Muslim Eagle Scout on Boy Scouts’ Exclusion of Gays

…the highest rank in scouting, and it’s proof that you know how to put the spirit of scouting into practice. So it was with disappointment that I learned of the Boy Scouts of America’s decision to deny membership to openly gay boys. Scouting taught me that even if we are each a little different, there is a place for us on the team, and we can work together to meet our goals. Unfortunately, the Boy Scouts of America believes that these truly Americ…

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Simon Critchley, Atheist Religious Thinker on Utopia & the Fiction of Faith

…into topics like Rousseau’s theory of civil religion, mystical anarchism in 13th and 14th century movements of the Free Spirit, debates about religious violence. The Faith of the Faithless points to the ways in which religious ideas—theology—are still deeply (if crookedly) embedded in our politics, a convoluted situation for which Critchley has no simple solution. But he does suggest that old theological standbys (faith, hope, love) might still of…

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Four Reasons for Optimism in the Wake of Tragedy—Insights from a Sikh and a Unitarian Minister

…ave temple president Satwant Kaleka, the precocious young children of 9 and 11 years, Amanat and Abhay, who ran inside the temple warning of the arrival of the armed killer. This appears over and over again in Sikh thought and history: spiritual courage manifests itself in a time of worldly defeat, enabling one to transcend victimhood. Through his teachings, the fifth Sikh Guru, Guru Arjan, reminds us: ‘[A devotee] has no pain, she is totally at p…

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‘Let It Be Unto Me’: Akin, Rape, and the Early Church

…pretive chasm” separating two versions of the same story; the first told in 1752 and the second in 1836. A monk is told to keep watch over the body of a girl whose family believes has recently died, but instead forces himself upon her sexually. In the morning, it turns out that she is not dead, but was just in a coma. In due course it becomes clear that she is pregnant. In the 1752 version it is assumed that the monk must have known she was alive,…

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GOP, Gingrich, Perry Team Up to put Satirists Out of Work

…an beings are not merely centers of consciousness or emotion, or minds, or spirits, inhabiting non-personal bodies. The human person is a dynamic unity of body, mind, and spirit. Marriage is what one man and one woman establish when, forsaking all others and pledging lifelong commitment, they found a sharing of life at every level of being—the biological, the emotional, the dispositional, the rational, the spiritual— on a commitment that is sealed…

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NYPD Lied About Islamophobic Third Jihad

…the deep, structural racism and the collusion with the CIA to violate the spirit, if not the letter, of federal and local laws, they relish in lying to the public. In the face of months of AP reports that the NYPD has been engaged in spying, they deny it, simply stating that AP is wrong, offering no proof of their innocence or rebuttals. Then their claim was that Third Jihad was only shown a couple of times and that Police Commissioner Raymond Ke…

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