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New Book Details Harms of Evangelical ‘Purity’ Movement and the Obstacle to Change

…ropriate to represent the pious mother. She turned the role down. Klein, a New York-based writer and sexuality educator, shares this memory and other striking stories of her experience growing up in the purity movement in Pure: Inside the Evangelical Movement That Shamed a Generation of Young Women and How I Broke Free (Touchstone, 2018). She combines memoir with survivor interviews and research on shame, sexuality, and religion to effectively arg…

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No, I Don’t Owe My Yoga Mat to Vivekananda

…cans who sought to counter mainstream institutional forms of religion with new metaphysical movements, such as Christian Science and New Thought. He encouraged his disciples to turn inward, toward the self, rather than outward, toward either Christian or Hindu orthodoxies. Vivekananda responded to Americans interested in wedding metaphysics with modern ideas and values as well as the aim of self-realization. In all of these ways, he appealed to an…

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The ‘Health Freedom Movement’ Enters the Covid Era by Disseminating Medical Disinformation 

…ctional medicine; traditional Chinese medicine and qigong; and more of the new age spirituality diet and health advice that I describe in my book. Move forward to 2021, and health freedom has become a concept that brings together right-wing libertarianism, conservative Christianity, and new age spirituality, especially regarding vaccinations and Covid regulations. Health libertarianism dates to the antebellum period when the concern was bodily fre…

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Politics in a Time of Crisis: Sandy? Blame Socialism

…Manhattan? No government or an ineffective government leaves us with post-New Orleans Katrina, a disaster that helped doom the Bush Presidency; last year, New York City went into overdrive, going out of its way to be ready for Irene. That was a good thing, and thank God Irene wasn’t as bad as we thought she might be. This time around, maybe last year’s preparations will make New York City’s recovery from this disaster more efficient and more comp…

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How ‘Positivity’ Can Lead to Conspiratorial Thinking

…outgoing administration. Yet it goes deeper than this. Trump attended the New York church of Norman Vincent Peale in his youth. Peale took the positive affirmations of New Thought and turned them into religious principles and economic maxims. It also goes further than Christianity, connecting to new age thinking found in works expounding the Law of Attraction, such as Rhonda Byrne’s The Secret, now in its tenth edition. The Law of Attraction stat…

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Rick Perry’s Jesus Imperative: A Report from Saturday’s Mega-Rally

…mplaint, he shrugged it off, saying that he was not familiar with the term New Apostolic Reformation, even though he knew its founder, Peter Wagner. “I have a lot of confidence in him spiritually,” Garlow said of Wagner. “There are a lot of theological differences here, but we’re focusing on one issue: Jesus,” Garlow added. “It’s not about whether Perry becomes president, it’s about making Jesus king.” Jesus = Obedience Mike Bickle, who runs an or…

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Discrimination on the Taxpayer’s Dime? The Fight To Curtail the Overreach of RFRA

…sion was later ruled moot because HHS had changed its policy and did not renew the USCCB’s contract (provoking the Republican accusations of anti-Catholic bias), the ACLU maintains the legal reasoning still applies. If it does, the ACLU argues, the bishops’ claims that the new Prison Rape Elimination Act regulations violate RFRA would not prevail, since RFRA cannot trump the Constitution. “It’s a stretch to argue, as they do, that they are entitle…

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Catholics for Choice Blasts New Proposed Contraception Coverage Rule

…ocial services organizations, and Catholic hospitals, said Hutchinson. The new proposed rule permits these organizations, she said, to self-certify that they are entitled to the work-around, or accommodation, that places the onus of providing and paying for the contraception coverage on the insurance company.  Hutchinson said she was “dubious, maybe cynical, about how easy and how smooth the process of making sure the folks who do need, the employ…

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Are They Jewish Bones? Battle for Separation of Synagogue & State in Israel

…ets fired from Gaza. The Ministry of Health, which approved and funded the new construction promised that the new wing would be completed in 2011. This is where the bones, Jewish or otherwise, enter the picture. During the excavation of the land allotted to the new ER a small ancient graveyard was uncovered. Archaeologists from the government’s Israel Antiquities Authority judged the graveyard to be from the Byzantine period (around 600 AD), a tim…

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Global LGBT Recap: Catholic Polling, Religious Violence, International Advocacy

…d legislators with 300,000 signatures opposing marriage equality. Nigeria: New York Times on Deteriorating Situation for LGBT People The plight of LGBT people in Nigeria continues to worsen in the wake of President Goodluck Jonathan signing a harsh anti-gay bill into law in January. The New York Times’ Adam Nossiter reports that the law not only bans marriage, but makes it a crime to join or support a gay organization or “directly or indirectly” m…

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