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More than Half of Mississippi GOP Primary Voters Believe the President is Muslim

…t since evangelical anti-Mormonism is thought to be more pronounced in the South. But it did ask whether they believe President Obama is a Christian, and only 14% did, with 45% saying they believe he is a Muslim. These numbers are more pronounced among evangelicals, with only 9% of evangelical likely Republican voters in Alabama believing the president is a Christian. Fifty percent—half of all the voters in the Alabama GOP primary—believe the pres…

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“Dark” Skin No Longer a Curse in Online Book of Mormon

…eration were raised to understand that the indigenous peoples of North and South America are the descendents of the Lamanites, a belief that has been challenged by anthropologists. The Book of Mormon taught that the phenotypical features of Lamanites—their dark skin—came about as a consequence of unrighteousness. Unsurprisingly, the outlines of this story resembled general American Christian folk theology which attributed racial variation to Bibli…

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RDBook: Darwin and Slavery

…rst time. These are the type of experiences that shaped me, that shape all Southerners. In Sacred Cause Desmond and Moore argue, with overwhelming evidence, that Darwin, too, was immersed in issues of race from the day he was born, and that his abhorrence for racism shaped him and the theories and ideas for which he’s famous. Darwin, as we see in Sacred Cause, following in his grandfather’s and in-laws’ footsteps, was a passionate abolitionist. Bu…

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Pakistan’s ‘Martyrs of Love’ Under Attack

…the Veiled), al-Hujwiri played no small role in the spreading of Islam in South Asia. One can’t help but wonder why a man of his stature would stir up so much enmity among Islamic extremists, to the point that they were willing to commit such an unspeakable atrocity in the name of their faith. Sadly, July’s bombing in Lahore would only be one of several strings of unprovoked acts of sectarian violence by Pakistani extremists this year, culminatin…

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Transforming America’s Israel Lobby

…ewish brothers and sisters, who are with me on Darfur, who were with me on South Africa, can’t bend themselves to deal with injustice to the Palestinians,” said Reverend Dr. Susan Andrews, a former moderator of Presbyterian Church USA who dealt extensively with the American Jewish community during the divestment controversy. “I just never understood it… Part of what needs to happen is a conversation about what justice means. We need a conversation…

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The Role of Faith in the Lives of Abortion Providers

…r clinic escort (or as she describes it, “peacekeeper”) at a clinic on the south side of Chicago, told me this week. “To think that he was murdered inside a church really brought it home to me.” Doctors and other staff at clinics are heroes, she emphasized, “making sure women are at peace with this decision, making sure they know what they are doing, and that everything is safe for them.” A doctor I spoke with this week, who is Catholic and provid…

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RDBook: Is Nothing Secular? A Review of Jewel of Medina

…of his publications was a firestorm of criticism by Muslims writing in the South Asian press against his views, with the result that Western Orientalist scholarship about Muhammad and Islam became synonymous with the colonial domination of South Asians under the British Raj and of Muslims everywhere. In September, 1988, the novelist and Emory University professor, Salman Rushdie, published the well-known novel, Satanic Verses, a term first coined…

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RDNews: Oct 20, 2008

…alamity for social conservatives. Levey, whose organization claims that it promotes “Constitutionalist Judicial Nominees,” told OneNewsNow, the online news service of Donald Wildmon’s American Family Association, that the “Ten Commandments would be removed all over the place. ‘Under God’ would be removed from the Pledge of Allegiance. The death penalty would be banned. There’d probably be constitutional rights to all sorts of new things like human…

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Busy Days For ‘eBay of Prophecy’

…ate Fred Thompson, a rival who helped sink Huckabee’s upstart ambitions in South Carolina, is somewhat more favorable, if only because it is less personal”: Fred Thompson never did grasp the dynamics of the race or the country, and his amazingly lackluster campaign reflected just how disconnected he was with the people, despite the anticipation and expectation that greeted his candidacy. “Many conservative Christian leaders,” including Gary Bauer,…

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Why Don’t Muslims Condemn Terrorism?

…kill. 3. Muslims do not condemn terrorism. Part of moving beyond this simplistic idea of Muslims is to move beyond simplistic pronouncements. Muslims are constantly condemning the violent acts committed in the name of Islam. The reality is most Muslims do not communicate in European languages, and those that do are fragmented over the various European languages. Here is a link to an English language denouncement of the Mumbai attacks from Muslims…

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