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Obama The Secular Socialist Strikes Again

…ingrich claimed, “Obama doesn’t understand anything about that sentence” because “secular socialists” don’t understand it. The Declaration of Independence is a document Gingrich maintains proves “American exceptionalism,” which of course a Kenyan anti-colonialist doesn’t understand either. In a depressing, ridiculous, maddening sign of the times, the White House press office actually issued a statement to Brody that “The President is in full agree…

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Gingrich on Obama’s “Kenyan, Anti-Colonial Behavior” and “American Exceptionalism”

…dam Serwer’s takedown of it, the money line being “This is the witchdoctor sign without photoshop, WorldNetDaily without the exclamation points.” Or, from the right, Daniel Larison’s pronouncement of the story “the most ridiculous piece of Obama analysis yet written,” its thesis “simply stupid,” its conclusion “inexcusably moronic. . .  ideological Birtherism.” At Ralph Reed’s Faith and Freedom Coalition conference on Friday (D’Souza delivered a s…

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Progressive Faith Leaders Rally to Keep Heat on “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”

…ike the Human Rights Campaign’s Clergy Call lobby event and through clergy sign-on letters and letters to the editor. Retired chaplains have been speaking out to tell the truth about DADT and to tell their own powerful stories of pastoral ministry to lesbian and gay service members who were denied the freedom to serve their country simply because of who they are.” However, as Knox and the faith leaders working with him are well aware, the fight to…

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The Non-Existent Tea Party-Religious Right God Gap

…hite House and now with Focus on the Family, implored his audience here to sign the Manhattan Declaration. (It is based on, he said, the recognition that religious liberty is our “first freedom.”) Or why Newt Gingrich referred derisively to “secular, anti-American values.” To Gingrich, those “secular” values represent the curtailment of (religious right) religious freedom. The your-rights-infringe-on-my-religious-freedom argument is the main one y…

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Immigration Reveals the Many Faces of Jesus

…can Family Association, who swears that Jesus, if he were in charge, would sign the Arizona immigration measure into law “in a heartbeat.” Why, I asked rhetorically? “Because of his compassion.” This compassion is for the citizens of Arizona who are subject to home invasions, out-of-control drug trafficking, human smuggling, the constant threat of kidnappings, and a $2.7 billion price tag for all the social problems caused by illegal aliens. The c…

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Will Sisters Save the Catholic Church?

…xecutive Director of NETWORK: A Catholic Social Justice Lobby, organized a sign-on letter to members of Congress supporting the bill that was affirmed by dozens of leaders of women’s congregations representing tens of thousands of nuns. President Obama acknowledged the singular importance of the sisters’ actions in helping to secure passage of the legislation. The sisters differed with the bishops, though in fact, their letter was subsequent to an…

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The Economy is Sacred, Stupid

…what you believe, but how you act. The actions of believers are much more significant than words or arguments: vote out those who will get in the way of you and your money (i.e., “socialists,” “tax-and-spend liberals,” “Democrats,” etc.); use town hall meetings to promote scripted, digestible sound bites that echo the media propaganda machines hammering home simplistic though comforting messages (i.e., “the federal debt is a moral issue,” “health…

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Women’s Liberation Through Submission: An Evangelical Anti-Feminism Is Born

…tion of the aims and principles of the submission and patriarchy movement. Signers affirm their belief that women and men were designed to reflect God in “complementary and distinct ways”; that today’s culture has gone astray distinctly because of its egalitarian approach to gender (and that it’s “experiencing the consequences of abandoning God’s design for men and women”); and that while men and women are equally valuable in the eyes of God, here…

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Remembering Rumsfeld: The Defense Department Gospel and America’s Desert Crusade

…perverse dreams, both equally doomed, offer an inkling of hope that there is enough common ground between the apex of American power and the popular expressions of its terrorist enemies that the two might someday graze together, like Isaiah’s wolves and lambs. It is, backhandedly, the sign that a more patient dialogue, over years of inevitable sacrifice and setback on all sides, might finally be fruitful, uncovering a world everyone can stand to…

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