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The Heart of Texas Ain’t Hateful: An Open Letter to Lawmakers From a Texan Trans Queer Latinx

…seated sense of awareness of difference. When I was a young trans queer, I used to love visiting the Texas statehouse, with its statuesque building that I believed was filled with good people committed to making our beloved state better. I loved standing underneath the rotunda that was as round as the Texas sky is big. I enjoyed traversing the state—from Big Bend to the Panhandle—and, back then, did not know the fear that I do now when I think of…

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White Nationalist Mottos, the Fate of Jews in the New Christian State, and ‘Appeal to Heaven’ Humor — Day 2 of NatCon 2024

…his point, Wilson, a slavery apologist who has thrown his support behind abusers, claimed: [I]t used to be that the sexually troubled had to keep their kinks hidden away in the closet, but now the conservative Christian has to keep their virtues hidden in the recesses of the closet. “Appeal to Heaven” jokes—with democracy as the punchline Attempting to inject some levity into his remarks, Wilson joked about the recent revelation that an insurrecti…

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The Awkward Silence in the Wake of Jacob Neusner’s Passing

…ief in me. That engagement changed my life. He demanded, in public, that I use my imagination and do the work that he said, in public, that he was sure I was capable of doing. He pushed me harder than anyone else has ever pushed me. Sometimes, he pushed me too far. In those moments, he was no longer asking me to use my imagination, but instead insisting that I give him something specific that he wanted from me. It took me a long time to be able to…

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Group Behind King James Bible Congressional Resolution Thinks Obama Might Be Antichrist

…arbera of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality, urged Christians not to use the KJV because, Bauer said, “it was commissioned by a homosexual.” (Note that the anti-KJV campaign never really took off; it remains the most popular translation for evangelicals, according to a recent survey by the Southern Baptist Convention-affiliated LifeWay.) Perhaps, though, the Democratic Party would have some issues with one of its House members taking up the…

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Porn-Again Christians: What Happens When a Biblical Literalist Launches a Sex Site?

…e only sexual practices specifically condemned in the Bible are those that use or abuse another person—relations governed by a spirit of possession, objectification, and control—and this would be a sin for both straight and LGBT people. However, here our agreement frays. As someone who says he believes that “the Bible is the inerrant Word of God,” Mr. X is quick to point out that his site is godly precisely because it does not include “wicked” thi…

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Death With Dignity: Combatting Religious Opposition to Physician-Assisted Suicide

…octrine may likely reconsider those beliefs as technology advances and its use becomes accepted in everyday life, Campbell said. Even if official church policies don’t change, churchgoers often do. The Catholic Church’s opposition to contraception hasn’t changed, but Catholics in the United States use birth control and have abortions at about the same rate as non-religious people, Campbell said. And he explained that in the dozen years physician-a…

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Double Helix: Science & Religion as Cultural Kindling; A Response to The New Republic

…a church. Don’t teach creationism, teach about creationism, recognize it, use it as a teaching opportunity. To not do this exacerbates the very statistics about Americans cited by Coyne; we need to do this because of those statistics. When we do, people actually learn better, see that there are usually more than simply two sides to an argument, and aren’t forced, as they currently are, to ‘take sides’ or reject ideas. Humans learn better when we…

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When Churches Do Business

…d gay couple, James Fairbanks and Alain Beret, contend that the diocese refused to sell them a historic mansion in Northbridge, which had been used for years by a church-affiliated nonprofit retreat center, because the couple might host same-sex weddings there. Fairbanks and Beret, who wanted to operate the property as an inn that would hold weddings and other big events, contend the diocese accepted their initial offer in spring 2012, but eventua…

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NC’s “Bathroom Bill” Shows Problem With “Religious Freedom” Label

…ven the very real campaign by some conservative Christian organizations to use “religious freedom” laws to uphold anti-LGBT and anti-abortion measures. Because of that campaign, the definition of “religious freedom” has been stretched to become nearly synonymous with discrimination, and the fact that major news outlets like MTV and The Atlantic are covering this shift is huge. But when we use the term “religious freedom” to reflexively describe an…

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Can Christians Lie? How Conservative Evangelical Bible Interpretation Has Shaped ‘Truth’

…, we’ve come to expect routine deception from the President—as well as, to use the more technical term from Philosophy, “bullshit.” But what about dissembling from the White House spokesperson, a known evangelical Christian whose Southern Baptist preacher father Mike Huckabee advised her “to be honest” as the press secretary—or other Christians serving in the Trump Administration? Could a Christian lie? Obviously, Christians can lie—like other hum…

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