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‘Religious Liberty’ and the Origins of the Evangelical Persecution Complex

…King has now entered the religious right pantheon. I would argue that the Washington Post letter fits a historical pattern, but one that is far removed from MLK and the modern civil rights movement. It is part of what some historians have rightly named the “long southern history of infringing on some people’s rights in the name of other people’s liberty.” Conservative politicians and activists have led a virtual parade of victimhood. Richard Nixo…

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Act, Pray, Tweet: What the H*ll To Do About Gun Violence?

We’re now averaging more than one mass shooting per day, The Washington Post reported last August. But the mounting frustration of chasing solutions is the good news. The Daily News piece “God Isn’t Fixing This,” articles in the Atlantic and Washington Post, the Nation’s compilation of candidate reactions to the San Bernadino shooting, Daniel Schultz’s parallel list of reactions relative to NRA campaign contributions, The Huffington Post’s collec…

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Pope Mum on LGBTs in Uganda; Church Defends Anti-Marriage-Equality Efforts in Australia; Cyprus Passes Civil Partnerships; Global LGBT Recap

…2010 marriage equality law included a prohibition against adoption. As the Washington Blade’s Michael Lavers reported, some religious leaders criticized the vote: “Adoption should only be done by couples, and a couple is a man and a woman,” said Manuel Barbosa of the Portuguese Episcopal Conference, according to Diário de Noticias, a Portuguese newspaper. The Parliament on Nov. 27 is expected to consider a measure that would allow lesbian couples…

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Global LGBT Recap: Asylum for Victims of Homophobia Exports; Orthodox Church Sees Anti-Gay Campaign Turned Toward Itself

…claim and a six-month prohibition on working after a request is filed. The Washington Blade also reported this week that Stonewall U.K., the country’s largest gay advocacy group, is devoting more resources to global LGBT rights issues and hopes to hire additional staff to work on the problems facing LGBT people in Russia, Uganda, Eastern Europe, and elsewhere. India: US Offers Asylum While Exporting Homophobia Speaking of aslyum, IndiaWest reporte…

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Should CNN Religion Writer Accept Award From Religious Advocacy Org?

…its first annual Vine and Fig Tree Award. Named for a reference in George Washington’s letter to the Jews of Newport, the award will be given on September 19, 2013 to a journalist who, in their estimation, demonstrates “excellence in reporting on religious liberty issues.” Other figures honored by the Becket Fund include Gov. and Mrs. Mitt Romney, evangelical author Eric Metaxas, and National Organization of Marriage co-founder Robert P. George. …

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With New York Joining DC in Defiance Methodist Church Faces Showdown on LGBT Ordination

…iciated a same-gender living marriage not long after the law was passed in Washington, D.C. Nonetheless, our protests have not gone without penalties. Several complaints have been lodged by conservative right wing members of the church aimed at defrocking clergy and prohibiting out and practicing candidates who hope to be ordained. While much work has gone into ending church trials, ordination seemed to be that critical area where little traction…

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Race, Reparations and the Search for Our Molecular Soul

…political worlds. Nelson recently spoke with The Cubit about actor Isaiah Washington’s ancestry test, the authority of DNA, and how YouTube and TV have changed the culture of genetic testing. This interview has been edited for length and clarity. Lots of written and oral histories describe the Middle Passage and the history of slavery in the United States. So what does DNA evidence add to this? Is it just telling us things that we already know? I…

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The Revolutionary Spirituality of ‘Hamilton’

…rough In the Heights, Miranda’s musical about a Latinx community living in Washington Heights. I cannot underscore the excitement I felt hearing the experiences of a community that lived unapologetically outside of white America—complete with Latin rhythms, raps and the best of Broadway musical stylings. Fast forward to 2009, when I watched a YouTube clip of Miranda performing pieces of a concept album then called “The Hamilton Mixtape.” I thought…

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LGBT Affirming Christians Issue Prebuttal to Values Voter Summit

…l Press Club to pre-empt the anti-gay messages that will be streaming from Washington D.C. during the Values Voter Summit this Friday and Saturday. Among the speakers were the Very Rev. Gary Hall, Dean of Washington National Cathedral, who said it is important for LGBT-affirming Christians to say “as loudly and clearly as we can” that not only is homosexuality not a sin, “homosexuality is actually good, because it is a gift from God.” Too many chi…

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Catholic Church Campaigns Against Gay US Ambassador; Global LGBT Recap

…respect for a United States ambassador is unchecked and unprecedented. The Washington Blade has more details about the campaign against Brewster: Nearly 32,000 people have signed the petition that a group of Dominican evangelicals posted to the White House’s website earlier this month. A group of Catholic bishops in the Dominican Republic have urged Medina’s government to formally complain to the U.S. about Brewster’s “conduct” that includes visit…

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