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Why Hulu’s “Handmaid’s Tale” May Be the Wrong Adaptation for Trump Era

…default position of white evangelicals, and then a central platform of the Republican Party. The Handmaid’s Tale was Atwood’s thought experiment about what it looked like for the state to take women’s fertility choices away from them. She listened to what the Christian Right was saying about sexuality, gender roles, patriarchy, homosexuality, and the God-given differences between men and women, and imagined an extreme version of a society built ar…

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Why 9/11 Changed Everything Nothing

…the irresistible attraction of war, the way that it has historically made participants and observers alike “touched with fire,” as Oliver Wendell Holmes said of his service in the Civil War: War and narrative in some sense create one another. War is not random, shapeless violence. Fighting is reconceived as war because of how humans write and speak about it; it is framed as a story, with a plot that imbues its actors with both individual and shar…

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Tim Pawlenty, Bad Fundamentalist

…o say that God is on my side, but I strive to be on God’s side. There is a parallelism in Pawlenty’s logic here. First, he argues that our founders and our founding documents show that our country was “founded under God,” though he never explains what that phrase means or what its repercussions are; nor does he even discuss who this God we’re founded under is. But that’s beside the point. He also incorrectly implies that God or a Creator is mentio…

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4 Reasons Why Egypt’s Revolution Is Not Islamic

…atible. On the other hand, Egypt is a proudly Arab society (hint: the Arab Republic of Egypt) which has never seen Islam as incompatible with their specific ethnic and national project. Arabness and Islam are hard to pull apart, such that the late Michel Aflaq, the founder of the Arab nationalist Ba’ath Party—he was a Christian—praised Islam as an achievement of the Arab cultural genius. (Many Muslims wouldn’t take too kindly to such a reading, bu…

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The Roots of the American Right’s Muslim Brotherhood Panic

…10, claimed that Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, then one of the organizers of the Park51 (a.k.a. “Ground Zero Mosque”) project, is part of this plot: Muslim Brotherhood started in 1920 in Egypt, thereabouts. And its main effort is to restore the call caliphate, through stealthy means, in the West. It is very much present here. In fact, any Muslim American organization in this country of any prominence is a Muslim Brotherhood front. We know that from the…

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Beck: Muslim Brotherhood Is Like ACORN

…because they provide food to people. And we’d never want a charity to give anyone food! “Please,” he concluded, “if you want to save the Republic, please, food storage.” Listen here:  …

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Tea Party Needs a History Lesson on Islam in America

…is a “Christian nation.” In fact, during the early period of the American republic America depended on many Muslims for its economic success. On the one hand, many of the African slaves that worked to produce the raw materials of early American industry were Muslims. On the other hand, during the trade of goods between India and New England, some of America’s trading partners were South Asian Muslims. These two economic factors helped keep the yo…

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Conservatism’s Bulldog Claims Psychology Tilts Liberal

…ar. So they go on, as Bernard von Bothmer has shown, mounting political campaigns against their distorted image of “the ’60s.”   Though that perpetuates their anxiety, it also gives them the paradoxically reassuring feeling that they are resisting change—even when change is desperately needed to improve the well-being of the entire society. Liberals, on the other hand, have a more open-ended worldview and are thus more accepting of change—not just…

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Georgia Legislator Behind Bill Criminalizing Miscarriage is Christian Reconstructionist

…ry God in Politics: On Earth As It Is In Heaven, Chalcedon Presbyterian is pastored by Joseph Morecraft, a regular lecturer at American Vision and Vision Forum events. And all of the proposed legislation noted above has roots in Christian Reconstructionist teachings or the culture of Reconstructionist-oriented biblical patriarchy.   Just a nut, you say? Well I wouldn’t argue that point, but his district has continued to send him to represent them…

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Pat Robertson Gaga for Gbagbo

…iamond mining business instead of relief work in Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of Congo). Robertson had befriended Zairian strongman Mobutu Sese Seku and pled on the 700 Club for the United States to lift sanctions on his murderous regime. Today, Robertson took to the airwaves, as the situation in Cote d’Ivoire spirals into chaos, forces loyal to Ouattara have reportedly seized control of the presidential palace, and UN forces close in, to de…

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