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Violence of the Lambs: The Legacy of Anti-Choice Extremist Father Norman Weslin

…DC bio, and does not seem to have eulogized Weslin.) Twenty years later, a number of Weslin’s Atlanta cohort—like Shannon, Dinwiddie and Bray—would become chief supporters of Scott Roeder, the Operation Rescue follower who shot Dr. Tiller at his church in 2009. The 1988 arrestees were housed separately for 40 days, resulting in the creation of an ad-hoc movement school that the prisoners compared to the civil rights schools of Birmingham jails in…

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Just Your Average Teenage Muslim (Shapeshifter) Girl From Jersey

…nd talents, trying to fight not only crime but stereotypes, just like Kamala will probably do with great finesse. So I hope that come February the American public will all buy the new Marvel comics featuring Kamala/Malala/insert-your-own-name-here, and enjoy the journey. I certainly will….

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Cornel West, Using His Powers for Good

…people; it is a “manipulative marketing tool” that dupes all Americans to buy into the agenda of the wealthy 1%. Smiley and West are seeking to appeal both to the down-and-out inner-city person of color who struggles to find a job and to white folks in rural Kentucky who shout about the evils of government spending at Tea Party rallies while riding around in their motorized wheelchairs purchased with Medicare money. Readers who may not want to re…

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Case Against Church-State Separation From Unlikely Source

…wanting to fight for labor rights and for the dignity of workers today to buy into Daly’s whole libertas ecclesiae shtick. Not only is it not necessary: it is a wildly circuitous and highly dangerous route to take. Are some rights-based liberals unfriendly to unions and union culture? No doubt. Are these liberals as dangerous to unions and union culture as wealth-based conservatives? I don’t think so. Are they as dangerous to unions and union cul…

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Easter: The Underdog Holiday

…hyped than Halloween and “the Holidays.” It doesn’t really demand that you buy gifts for anyone or send cards—unless you want to. For people with small children, it’s a chance to enjoy a holiday which has remained strictly for children in its childish ways. There are no embarrassing costumes or horrifying office parties. Adults with no children may not even celebrate at all.  What does Easter even mean? Apparently the English term for the season h…

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40,000 Fundamentalists Can’t Be Wrong: Investigating Mormon Polygamy

…s never a mission objective, though I doubt Mormons will be rushing out to buy copies for their friends. But to inform and entertain? Absolutely. This is a first-person exploration of polygamous groups and the issues they raise, and I always thought of the reader as my traveling companion as I went around Utah knocking on doors. Sometimes things didn’t go according to plan. While some groups invited me to stay over for weeks on end, others threw m…

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NOM’s Gallagher: “Don’t Call Me a Bigot!”

…e law, I can build a lifelong relationship with my partner, have children, buy property in common, and do everything other married people do. But, when one of us dies, we are strangers under the law. The custody of the children is up for grabs, perhaps by parents or grandparents who disapproved of the relationship. Our property is up for grabs, usually by greedy family members who smell quick money from estates. Our government refuses to give us b…

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Not Even Camping’s Followers Believe End is Nigh

…are going to leave this world very soon. Not that I think those who don’t buy into this silliness should shy away from having fun. I think the many Judgment Day pub crawls and Rapture parties are terrific. Humor is an invaluable tool for shining a light on crazy. According to this piece by Michael Tracey, even the most devoted of Harold Camping’s followers are having trouble ingesting the blue pill. On a visit to a New Jersey radio station that b…

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“I ‘Came Out’ For Marriage Equality”: An Anti-Gay Activist Changes His Mind

…en to what you’re told, or to follow the lead and do what others do, or to buy in to some of the rhetoric that organizations like the National Organization for Marriage spew out every day—that is indicative of a person who hasn’t made up their own mind, who hasn’t examined the issue independently and come to an independent conclusion. Because I’m of the belief that if you do look at this particular issue, with an open mind, and you examine it inde…

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Paul Ryan’s Bible, Jim Wallis’, Or None of the Above?

…or decades. The evangelicals tolerate it, because, minus the atheism, they buy it, too. As Jeff Sharlet showed in his book The Family, the founder of that powerful organization, Abraham Vereide, got his start as a union-buster and opponent of the New Deal. The Family, or Fellowship, offers religious succor, counsel, and cover to Washington’s most powerful people, and its annual National Prayer Breakfast is attended by Democrats and Republicans ali…

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