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RD10Q: Spiritual Survival for LGBT Christians

…sent the cover to my partner who said, “It looks like a mystery novel.” Finally, I called my editor and meekly voiced my displeasure. She was quick to make suggestions on how to improve it. She agreed to consult with the designer and send me another cover. That cover was even worse. I lovingly call it “the porn cover.” It was the naked torso of a man with his hands folded over his chest and another pair of hands holding his. I freaked. I called my…

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RDNews: Oct 20, 2008

…renthood. “The FOCA Act would make partial-birth abortion legal again, repeal all parental notice laws on abortion, provide unlimited tax funding of abortion. For most Americans, these issues are settled, but not for Senator Obama.” To view the 30-second ad, click here. In June, Dr. James Dobson, the founder of Focus on the Family, took off after Sen. Barack Obama on his nationally syndicated radio program. Dobson—who at the time had declared that…

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RD News Round-Up—September 22, 2008

…sure the Palin Effect on younger evangelical voters, whose shifting political allegiances put the demographic in play for both major-party presidential campaigns.” “But a portrait emerges through interviews with more than a dozen pastors, authors and others who either belong to that generation or track it: Conservatives are energized much like their elders, progressives are unimpressed and many undecideds are gravitating toward McCain-Palin. “I th…

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Creationism v. Integrationism

…reds of scientists and teachers in Europe and North America. The Atlas, available online, is full of plain English and nice illustrations, containing many of the usual attacks on Darwin heard from Christian fundamentalists in this country. The author does go a bit further than most, making the intriguing assertion that all science since Darwin—including the fossil record, genetics, and the like—has successfully disproved Darwin, before going on to…

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Do Not Arrest the Pope: New Atheists’ Call for the Pope’s Arrest Isn’t Likely to Produce Justice

…y the idea that increasing the authority and power of women in the Church will also increase the forces within the Church committed to protecting children (an idea that, interestingly, might be pursued even without changing the requirement that priests be men, insofar as canon law does not require that Cardinals be priests). We can hope that more Church leaders and theologians will take seriously the profound analysis of the current crisis that wa…

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Ground-Zero Mosque: A Call for Internal Muslim Debate

…ion budget is massive. Could there be better ways to spend this money? Social services and educational support for Muslim communities could be expanded. Funds could support activities with Cordoba’s larger goal of giving Islam and American Muslims good PR, with more exposure than a localized project. Furthermore, any debate highlights the plurality of voices in the American Muslim community. Just by engaging one another and openly airing differenc…

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Christians are ‘Jerks,’ The New Scopes Trial, Pastafarians’ Rights

…are a’changin’. The synagogue where Bob Dylan had his bar mitzvah is for sale. While the Vatican may say Homer and Bart Simpson are Catholics, The Simpsons’ producer disagrees. The cartoon family regularly attends Rev. Lovejoy’s First Church of Springfield “which is decidedly Presbylutheran.” Meanwhile, apparently it is impossible to officially leave the Catholic Church. And the Archbishop of St. Paul-Minneapolis says he doesn’t want any “lukewar…

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Religion, Morality, and the Death of the American Soap Opera

…t, programs devote intense energy to the day-to-day business of intense moral dilemmas, egregious moral violations, and agonizing moral questions. Personal morality, rather than social justice, has always been the domain of the soap. Those who watch soap operas regularly will not hesitate to tell you that the shows have incorporated select “big issues” into storylines over the years—alcoholism, abortion, racism, same-sex relationships—but these is…

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Pew Survey Skews Christian

…t is assumed to know that they are two manifestations of Christianity. The parallelism of religions breaks down when you have two Christian movements listed, instead of “Christianity” against religions like “Judaism” and “Islam.” As you move through the quiz, the only questions that deal with theology are from a Christian perspective. Question 6 is about transubstantiation, the belief that bread and wine of the Catholic communion is turned into th…

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Ihram: Dressing for the King

…shoulder covered to left shoulder covered. It’s very specific and very detailed. All semblances of national or cultural dress and of class are removed. Unity in uniformity and that uniformity is very specific and very plain. Not so specific is what to do under the two cloths. Some have taken it to mean that is all they are permitted to wear so they go around without any underwear. My friend Na’eem wrote a nice little book on his hajj experience so…

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