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Today We Pray for Women for Whom Pregnancy is Not Good News …

…to focus directly on the Christian women who have abortions instead of on policy work. “We’ve got to reach them with an entirely more compassionate version of their own religious faith,” she told RD: a hearts and minds, approach. Turner added, “As a movement, we will never be able to change the laws back to being pro-woman until women themselves are voting pro-choice.” Christian women can own their abortions—or they can repent. There are entire m…

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RD News Round-Up—Oct.14, 2008

…read in part: “As an Internet company, Google is an active participant in policy debates surrounding information access, technology and energy. Because our company has a great diversity of people and opinions—Democrats and Republicans, conservatives and liberals, all religions and no religion, straight and gay—we do not generally take a position on issues outside of our field, especially not social issues. So when Proposition 8 appeared on the Ca…

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A King for Jesus: What the Religious Right Sees in Trump

…her. His campaign is organized around his person, not around core ideas or policy proposals. Like a myth or a wrestling-match it is the feelings he evokes that count: the feeling of humiliation, the feeling of threat, the feeling of imminent, even apocalyptic danger, that enemies outside and inside are coming to tear us apart, and the feelings of fierce determination and anger that that they will not get away with it. Hillary Clinton is cast as th…

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Uncertainty About US Role In LGBT Human Rights Under Trump; Global LGBT Recap

…sense of compassion it allows family members to do the same… Bishop Wurz’s policy opens the door for greater accountability from his ministers and more humane treatment for disenfranchised Hutterites. In effect, Wurz is saying that it is perfectly acceptable to say, we don’t understand, or we don’t agree or we prohibit the practice of homosexuality on our Hutterite colonies on the basis of our faith. But it’s not acceptable to vilify, berate or mi…

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A Story in Which the Gay Mormon Does Not Die

…baptized until the’re 18. The clear theological contradiction between the policy and Jesus Christ’s unequivocal and unconditional welcome to children in the New Testament has left even conservative and moderate Church members doubtful, defensive, or confused. According to some reports, a good number of rank and file Mormons are simply choosing to disregard and outlast the policy. Saving Alex celebrates the spiritual capacity to outlast the darkes…

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Less for Moore? If Russell Moore Left the SBC Due to Conscience and Convictions His Next Move Is a Curious One

…ty. Without ever departing from this doctrine, as head of the SBC’s public policy arm, Moore nevertheless publicly took the position that wives who were beaten by their husbands should leave their homes and call the police, which did not endear him to the ultras. Still, Moore has consistently failed to see that a strict gender hierarchy itself is a recipe for violence perpetrated by men against women and children. On that note, Immanuel Church has…

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Group Behind King James Bible Congressional Resolution Thinks Obama Might Be Antichrist

…yone would think about passing this at a time when we have fiscal, foreign policy and other matters of greater weight.” Lynn pointed out that even religious right figures have taken issue with the KJV; in the late 1990s, activists Gary Bauer, then of the Family Research Council, and Peter LaBarbera of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality, urged Christians not to use the KJV because, Bauer said, “it was commissioned by a homosexual.” (Note that…

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‘People You May Know’ Reveals a War on Democracy Being Waged With Big Data

…ta you can easily find people who might be open to an invitation. Part II, in which Kriel and Viken will discuss issues related to the coming election, including the Council for National Policy, a secretive conservative Christian organization leveraging these powerful tools to change the country, can be read here. — eds PYMK Trailer:…

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‘Cru’ Official Demoted for Refusing to Let Women Teach the Bible to Men

…ention of regional Cru officials, who met with Harman and reiterated Cru’s policy of “men and women leading together.” They gave Harman three weeks to reconsider his position, and said that if he remained “dogmatic” about the issue, he could no longer serve as Missional Team Leader. Harman decided that he would not change the practice, and Cru demoted him. As campus director at Louisville, Harman has permitted female staff to speak in front of mix…

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Catholic Church Targets Proponent of Women’s Ordination; Feminist Theologian

…the School of the Americas Watch, a group dedicated to changing US foreign policy in Latin America and closing the Army’s SOA (recently renamed the “Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation”), a combat training school for Latin American soldiers whose graduates have been involved in torture and murders. Roy  reiterated his support for the ordination of Catholic women, which he demonstrated earlier by being a part of the ordination of…

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