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Way Beyond Atheism: God Does Not (Not) Exist

…xamine the ground on which he stands: science itself. That is, Dawkins may change his mind about evolution, but nothing will change his mind about science. He will never question—in a serious way—the sufficiency of science as a guide to truth. Perhaps he thinks the success of science makes it a self-evident choice when it comes to grounding his worldview; what he does not and will not consider is the very real possibility that science is so succes…

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Why I’m Grateful for 2012, The Rapture, and other Millennial Delusions

…sh-fulfillment, at once eros and thanatos, that, failing to understand how change actually takes place, instead yearns for the whole system to be destroyed by magical means. It is a pathetic, if consummately human, fantasy. Yet given the violence of most millennialist prophecies, we should be grateful for their impotence. Editor’s note: this article was changed on 12/20 to correct an editorial error regarding post- and pre-millenialism. We blame t…

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Papal Retirement: A Matter of Conscience

…nk and file Catholics want a new Church, not just a new pope. We know that change is in the air because we put it there. Progressive Catholics all over the world are creating new forms of church since the old is so thoroughly discredited. No institution can withstand the onslaught of negative publicity that the Vatican earned over clergy sexual abuse and episcopal cover-ups without major changes. No hierarchy however fortified can hold out forever…

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Douthat: Conservatives Will Take Their Ball and Go Home if Francis Changes “Their” Church

…protects the church from self-contradiction. But they might want to consider the possibility that they have a role to play, and that this pope may be preserved from error only if the church itself resists him. So get with the program, Francis. Don’t go all Jesus-like and seek radical change or you might find your collection plates a little empty. And that’s the crux of Francis’ challenge. The changes he is promoting, while actually quite modest, a…

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Beyond Tolerance: Helping Religions “Come Out”

…ery religion evolves. To what degree each is willing to claim language of “change” varies wildly, but they indeed transform themselves again and again, sometimes bending to include a multiplicity of voices, other times splintering. Our chapter contributors ranging from Islam to Roman Catholicism, Judaism and Mormonism all acknowledge the shifts and negotiations that occur within American religious traditions. Even for those whose rhetoric claims a…

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First Gay Bishop? Give Me a Break

…ing more “conflicted Christians” to not only open their hearts but also to change their behavior—including voting. The son and grandson of ministers, Alston says religion is his family business: “My life is tied up in that culture.” Alston is the director of Auburn Media, a project of New York’s Auburn Seminary, which will be promoting the documentary this year along with a “Friends and Family Plan” campaign. Alston said he hopes to organize 500 c…

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Religious Right “Compassion” and Other Lies

…o top it off you are, according to their god, worthy of death – unless you change. Yes, with that sort of ingrained bullying built into church and society, it would seem hopeless to think that you would have to live your entire life being the subject of condemning sermons, the butt of numerous jokes, and the target of laws banning you from doing many things others enjoy without a second thought – like marrying the person you love. What breeds the…

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Democratic Egypt Tests a Divided Israel                             

…that nonviolence can achieve its goals, the situation on the ground could change drastically. No one knows what will emerge in a post-Mubarak Egypt. The Brotherhood will likely become part of any lasting governing coalition, though Egypt is still largely a secular country where Islam serves more as a resource of a rich cultural life roughly analogous to Judaism in secular Israel. Is there an Islamist minority that seeks to extend its power? Yes….

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Prayer vigil for Las Vegas shooting victim Sonny Melton (WBBJ TV)

No Way Out But The Ballot Box: Why Partisanship Trumps Morality In Gun Control Debate

…political system is structured to prevent such a solution. The only way to change the depraved American situation will be to change its depraved political system, and that will require a change in who controls that system. Maybe Matt Bevin is right. Maybe you can’t regulate evil. But you can vote those who abide it out of office. In fact, that’s exactly what has to happen. What I said in 2015 still holds today, I think: Religious advocates for gun…

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Glenn Beck’s Political Theology

…rah Palin made sure everybody knew she still doesn’t believe in that hopey-changey thing: I must assume that you too, knowing that no, we must not fundamentally transform America as some would want, we must restore America and restore her honor! In both cases, the message is the same: to hell with going somewhere new. We want to get back to square one. (And the squares sent up loud amens.) It’s that opposition to change, the fundamental inability…

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