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The Real (and More Interesting) World Behind Magic in the Moonlight

…nley and the (seemingly) credulous Sophie meet somewhere in the middle. By minute 90, the audience has been transitioned too, through Allen’s own sleights of script, from Stanley’s once-strict Nietzscheanism (“I think Nietzsche has disposed of the God matter rather convincingly”) to Sophie’s less nihilistic take (“we need our illusions to live”). All of this makes for dramatic (if predictable) storytelling, cinematic synthesis and the like. And hi…

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If Bad-Ass Nuns Ruled the World

…d at one point in a very literally representation. It was only at the last minute that one of our designers found this incredible picture of a young nun in Mexico up on the top of this mountain that we literally all sighed together and said: “That’s the one!” Is there a book out there you wish you had written? Which one? Why? I am a huge fan of Nick Kristof’s Half the Sky and I thought about the book a lot while I was writing. In the same way that…

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5 Lessons From an Ex-Gay Industry Defector

…be trusted to see that homosexuality is wrong. I should have resigned that minute. 3. Ex-gay poster children are scripted and interchangeable: Near the end, especially with Prop. 8, I felt that I was stripped of my individuality. If it hadn’t been me at an event, it would have been someone else. When a speaking engagement conflicted with my schedule, someone else was found to be the “ex-gay” voice. There was nothing I could add or contribute that…

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Francis and the Nuns: An Interview with Mary Gordon

…him to do is to pull the censure of the LCWR. He could have done that in a minute. I am also tired of the way that women are always referred to as the kinder, gentler, more nurturing sex. It’s a way of denying us power. On my more charitable days, I think, okay, Francis is 76 and he is Latin American. Maybe he doesn’t have a lot of experience with strong women. But because a lot of what he has accomplished is tonal and symbolic, then I think, let…

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Scott Lively Defends Anti-Gay Uganda Work in Federal Court

…ion. According to a news report in The Republican newspaper, during the 90-minute hearing Ponsor “said he was troubled by the lack of connection between anti-gay rhetoric of local evangelist Scott Lively and acts of oppression against gays in Uganda.” But Ponsor also “expressed skepticism about Lively’s request to dismiss the case before trial, noting that the courts have set a high legal threshold for throwing out cases.” Paul LeGendre of Human R…

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New Study: Three-Quarters of American Giving Goes to Religion

…giving.   That may not seem like a lot, but just crunch the numbers for a minute. The study found that 65% of religiously-affiliated people donate to congregations or charitable organizations. (More on that statistic later.)  80% of Americans are religiously affiliated. And 65% of 80% is just about… 55% of the total.  In other words, the religious people who are giving say they’re giving because of religion. And they’re overwhelmingly giving to r…

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The Senate Deal: Still Stroking the Rich [UPDATED]

…ren’t so totally obsessed with hacking domestic social spending right this minute, rather than waiting a couple of months, they would have snapped up the White House-Senate deal without all the pouting and posturing. This deal locks in low Bush-era marginal rates for everyone with incomes up to $399,999 (single) or $449,999 (couple). Think what an incredibly sweet deal this is for a group of people most working Americans, who make a median income…

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Is Mitt’s Mormonism Responsible for South Carolina Loss?

…In 2008, Romney won about 13% of South Carolina Protestants; in 2012, that number grew to 27%. Certainly, data shows that anti-Mormon sentiment played a role in Romney’s fortunes, but here are five other takeaways from South Carolina data:  1. Anti-Mormon sentiment may be fading among mainline Protestant denominations. 2. Evangelical Christians are not a monolithic population. Clearly, evangelicals in New Hampshire felt differently about Romney th…

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Muslims and Christians Bond Over Gay Rights

…ud of on this front, they got their members to perform an action, and they a bunch of ‘phobes (Islamo-, homo-, xeno-, etc.)  to like them for a minute. Jackasses leading dumbasses. You can debate who’s who….

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