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Religious Right Dream of Privatized Public Education Gets Boost

…n an eleven-city (Detroit, Phoenix, Los Angeles Cleveland, Tampa, Orlando, Chicago, Indianapolis, Pewaukee, WI; Sacramento and Newark), “Education Revolution Tour,” the goal of which is to renew “American Exceptionalism.” The result of these reforms is likely to be a fractured educational system incapable of serving the very purpose of public education: to ensure an educated citizenry capable of participating in a democracy. An RD commenter, frhar…

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Illinois Pastors and Politicians Paint King as Homophobe

A group of pastors and political figures gathered near Chicago yesterday to paint a picture of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as a homophobe, um, I mean, a “man of God and a leader who fought for the civil rights of African Americans [who] was not a champion for gay rights.” To properly remember King, according to David E. Smith, executive director of Illinois Family Institute, who attended the luncheon, people must remember that “Martin Luther King…

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Why I’m Not Watching the State of the Union Address

…in 1987, back when the future president was still a community organizer on Chicago’s south side. In fact, I don’t think Obama is a sellout or a Wall-Street lapdog, as some people have suggested. I believe that he is a generally moderate-to-liberal technocrat who honestly believes that he can do right by both big money and the little folks. And therein lies the problem. When your vision of economic leadership involves buzzwords like “competitivenes…

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The (Mostly Catholic) Anti-Abortion Roe v. Wade Schlep

…nder down to Capitol Hill for the annual commemoration of Roe v. Wade. Thousands of anti-abortion Catholics and a few friends gather in Washington, DC for an always-cold schlep to the Supreme Court. This year was no exception. Emboldened by the recent Republican anti-choice gains in the House of Representatives, the crowd was more hopeful than in recent years but otherwise largely unchanged. They were Catholics. Many of the participants are young…

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Repurposing the Gospel Aura: Eminem’s Chrysler Ad Borrows Some Spirit

…r the salvation of freedom in the Civil Rights era. And then there are any number of other mainstream movies that in one fashion or another use the crossover hit, “Oh Happy Day,” what one reader at my blog aptly suggested could be retitled “the only black gospel song Hollywood knows.” For only one of the most recent examples of this phenomenon, see Disney’s Secretariat (2010), in which a montage overlaid with a black gospel choir singing “Oh Happy…

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Utah’s New Senator And The Intellectual Decline Of LDS Conservatism

…ers opted to protect slavery and sacrifice the rights and liberties of thousands upon thousands of African-Americans and Native Americans to political expediency. Or the fact that concerted federal action has played a substantial role in the enforcement of the rights of women and people of color. The Skousen-ish worldview Lee appeals to has been decried even by conservative-leaning Brigham Young University political science professors, who describ…

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Turn Off, Slow Down, Drop In: The Digital Generation Reinvents the Sabbath

…entless deluge of information constantly comes at us every day on our smartphones and computers,” says Schevitz.  But this is not always the case. As Schoenfeld notes, “If you live in an isolated, rural area where there is not a Jewish community, not driving a car on Shabbat has a very different effect in terms of your connections to others than it does for someone in a city. That doesn’t mean you don’t observe the law, but that observance will me…

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Will the Religious Side with Workers?

…n of Labor, and even the IWW attracted significant religious allies. Large numbers of clergy and religiously-based lay activists rallied behind the industrial union surge of the 1930s. Yale Divinity School’s Liston Pope became a national labor advocate during the ’30s and ’40s. The Brothers Niebuhr and the Brothers Reuther spoke pretty much the same language—and I don’t mean German. During the 1950s and 1960s, civil rights heroes like King and Hes…

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Robert George’s Bogus Comparison of Herman Cain to Martha Coakley

…a lesbian’s request for infertility treatment, and an ambulance driver in Chicago to turn away a woman who needed transportation for an abortion. Opposing conscience protections is just like requiring Muslims to sign loyalty oaths, isn’t it? George couldn’t just say Cain is wrong and leave it at that. He had to compare Cain’s McCarthy-esque Islamophobia to opposition to health care providers refusing necessary, legal treatments on religious groun…

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Michael Vick Walks on Water: Updated

…icially, redeemed himself. Not Lazy Anymore This Thanksgiving weekend, the Chicago Bears will try to shut Vick down; no small feat as the top-rated quarterback, who pundits are already projecting to be this season’s MVP, has yet to be stopped. Before his Monday Night miracle, Vick was already on his way to winning over both an apprehensive public and the disparaging media through his stunning on-field performance. He began the season as a backup t…

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