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Guns and Babies: What Newtown Does NOT Teach Us

…ng man took aim at them with a gun. The time has come to confront, without reservation and unceasingly, the type of theological evil that emerges from figures like Mike Huckabee and Bryan Fischer—who after yesterday seem little different from the Westboro hatemongers. It is not about “reaping and sowing,” David Brody. The nation reaped this whirlwind not because of God’s absence, but because of an absence of limits on the power of the NRA and its…

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Should Christians Confess to Plants? A Cranky Meditation

…t to participate. If liturgy asks people to pray or sing things that raise reservations, they find themselves in a quandary. It feels wrong to participate, and it feels equally problematic to refrain. Although I very much appreciate innovative worship, I have experienced this situation too many times. To be sure, I feel uncomfortable with worship every week. I’m asked to affirm things I desire to believe when the truth is that I carry doubts and r…

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The Battle for the Bible Against Christian Nationalism Seeks to Continue Historic Campaign

…non-violent civil disobedience against the British Empire. We all live on reservations Toward the end of the evening, the panelists sought to transcend the ways that race has been used to divide people against one another, and to recognize and grapple with our often multiple racial identities. Rev. Barber noted that he’s White, Tuscarora (a Native American tribe) and African American, and has had to “recover from some deep hatred” from the time t…

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Decolonizing Jewish Studies Part II: A Response to the Backlash

…ing settler-colonialism and land-theft. Being white, we use this term with reservation, appreciating its ladenness, while acknowledging that it signifies phenomena otherwise difficult to discern. We solicit criticism of our (mis)use of it and invite alternatives. Anti-racism in Jewish Studies minimally entails making it more accessible to non-white scholars and students and to the study of non-white lifeworlds. This isn’t just about “Diversity, Eq…

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“The Camp Is a Ceremony”: A Report From Standing Rock

…ngered state is a huge improvement. In Oceti Sakowin camp on Standing Rock reservation, we learned this week about the elemental nature of water and its centrality to life. “Mni wiconi,” Lakota for “water is life,” is the battle cry of this camp and this movement—and it will not go silent no matter what happens with this particular pipeline. The movement is already far bigger and visitors are encouraged to take the fight for the preservation of wa…

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Polygamy, Genius, and the Origin of Religion

…how up in proclivities toward certain behaviors. I say possible with a key reservation: even if these proclivities were there, we’d probably be terribly equipped to discern them. There’s no question that male and female roles are deeply conditioned by culture, by physical differences, and by power—which is to say, by patriarchy. A whole lot is happening here outside of any evolution-and-genetics explanation. Additionally, researchers are coming at…

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Protest Greets the Honoring of Rev. H. Eddie Fox at Emory’s Candler School of Theology

…ageous and to decide if it is willing and able to accept LGBT folk without reservation so that our voices might actually be heard in these seemingly endless conversations that are part of the Church today. It’s time for Emory University to clarify the tension between its own non-discrimination policy and that of the United Methodist Church. And when Candler decides to come down on the side of honoring denominational policy in violation of universi…

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Racial Justice Will Be Top Priority for New Prez of the United Church of Christ

…nity, they will give themselves over to it without rejection, judgment, or reservation. There will be less reliance on or need for religious experts: namely, full-time, seminary-trained, ordained or authorized clergy. “Membership” as currently defined by (and deemed essential for) the institutional church will have no meaning in a postmodern, emergent world. People will belong in both an organic and fluid way to those groups or cohorts that provid…

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Again, Vatican Punishes Gender Equality More Swiftly Than Sexual Abuse

…ed notorious dictators such as Gen. Manuel Noriega and was implicated in a number of human rights abuses in Latin America, including the murder of six Jesuits. In contrast to the relative alacrity with which the CDF moved against three elderly peace activists who celebrated mass with a woman, it took the Vatican 13 years to finally expel Michael Fugee from the priesthood in mid-March. Fugee admitted to fondling a 14-year-old boy in 2001 but his co…

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Will Internet Kill Mormonism Too? Or Just Missionaries?

…ch to missionaries to investigators, I’ll give it a cautious thumbs up. My reservation is that I worry about the effects of this approach to missionary work on the missionaries. The article mentions that missionaries spend “11 hours a day, six days at a stretch” in front of a computer. Given that sitting is supposedly the new smoking, I see this as a very serious health threat for the 18- to 21-year-olds who constitute the bulk of the missionary f…

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