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Scott Walker Loves Jesus. That’s Nice

…he current magnate—yet another Herbert Kohler—pushed through a greatly weakened contract for the small number of Local 833 members still employed in Wisconsin. I say all this to make the point that American business and its “business-friendly” sock puppets like Gov. Scott Walker will stop at nothing—nothing—to roll back worker rights and worker security. So it is simply wrong to view the current Wisconsin putsch with the eyes of “on the one hand……

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Does the Inquisition Explain the Modern World?

…nt the technique). But Murphy seems to be trying to establish a moral equivalency between two presidential terms and seven centuries of torture, intimidation, public humiliation, incarceration, and execution. I would like to see Guantanamo Bay closed, but it is not a gulag; medieval popes did not have term limits. But Murphy does have a point. If I have problems with his argument, it is merely a matter of degree. For the Inquisition indeed echoes…

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Martin Luther & the Mass Media

…nothing in intellectual history is foreordained. There is an instinctive tendency to view history in a Hegelian manner, as if truth always prevails and that ideas prevail simply by virtue of their merit. When you consider how easily Luther could have gone up in smoke in an auto-da-fé rather than launch a movement. Without the protection granted to him by Frederick of Saxony, Luther’s message would surely have been quickly nipped in the bud; it be…

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Gun Ownership as Sin—A Strategic, Secular Proposal for Gun Reform

…f “Yankee ingenuity,” the widespread belief that Americans have a special talent for technological invention, a traditionally masculine preserve. High demand for guns was in fact a major motive for developing interchangeable parts, which made mass production possible. Names like Samuel Colt, Oliver Winchester, and Richard Gatling are high on the list of America’s industrial pioneers. Their products, along with other famous gun names, have become i…

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UPDATE: Religion’s Role in the Boston Bombings

…Theft Auto are responsible for everything from vandalism to murder are frequently just as quick to blame religion should the perp name-drop Jesus or Allah. Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller, and the rest of the Blame-Islam-First crowd are eager to, well, blame Islam first—though they’re more restrained when it comes Christians or Jews. And here, between the Crusades and the odd psychopath, between religion haters, apologists, and Islamophobes, stand…

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Unbuckling the Bible Belt: “Nashville” and the Nones

…ucer from Season 1. Burnett’s and Miller’s tracks draw on the songwriting talents of luminaries Patty Griffin and Lucinda Williams, among others. But the show’s narrative pushes even further, denigrating pop-inflected country as both musically and ethicallycorrupt. In episode after episode, characters’ moral choices are conflated with musical style. For example, Gunnar and Scarlett, with their blues-inflected, sparse, roots-based songw…

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What Robot Theology Can Tell Us About Ourselves

…don’t know how much critical thought goes into asking, ‘what are the consequences of us introducing this technology into our lives?’” says Staley, referring to a range of digital tools. “Typically, and especially in the Christian community, I think the response to these sorts of things has been very minimal.” He suggests that, quite simply, most people don’t connect faith to the seemingly commercial details of, say, iPhones, or robots that care f…

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Lindsey Graham’s Lying “Eye-ranians”

…ho make me think Steven Strauss is on to something with his eight shocking parallels between the United States and Rome, except that he stopped too soon. (#IX: New York City subway stations are early Roman urinariums; #X: Edward Gibbon prophesied the Christian Right would be the straw poll that broke the empire’s back. Etc.) Beinart, a contributing editor for The Atlantic, has given considered attention (must-read) to a trend many Muslims have exp…

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No More Condescension: What We Can Do Now

…ures, but it is nevertheless programmatic in regard to its real-world consequence. Enough people voted with a vengeance to give Donald Trump the presidency. Simultaneously apologizing for and defending the pollsters, Nate Cohn tells us that analysts probably underestimated the number of white working-class voters over age 45 by ten million. Think about that for a moment: ten million members of a traditional Democratic constituency who apparently b…

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Shucking Off The ’50s. And the ’40s. And the…

…onomic and political cycles while failing to address the deep structural challenges it faces — and unable to develop the much-needed reforms, new economic policies, and broad infrastructure investments required for a new round of sustained prosperity. Does this mean that either the Republicans have to lose the social conservatives or Dems lose the unions in order for there to be a sustainable end to political gridlock? It’s worth a thought, says D…

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