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Feeding on the Faithful: How Supernatural Thinking Empowered the Third Reich

…ch has already been written. Because of the vast and influential nature of Germany both before and during the Third Reich; because of the sheer scale of the Second World War; and because of the unprecedented number of documents preserved in hundreds of archives and libraries across dozens of countries, this is obviously not the case. The second is that there’s little to no reality behind popular cultural representations of the Nazi supernatural. W…

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Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s Legacy of Eugenics and Racism Can’t Be Ignored

…n on and extermination of millions of so-called “imperfect” people in Nazi Germany. The vast majority of the victims were Jewish, but the ranks of the oppressed included disabled persons, gays and lesbians, and political dissenters. Once the death camps were discovered in the mid-1940s, the Western world buckled in shock and horror. People fled from discussions of eugenics, sterilization practices quickly fell out of style, and anti-Semitism began…

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As US Reaches a 1940s Fork in the Road — Which Path Will We Choose?

…US should stay out of European affairs; some Americans were sympathetic to Germany post-World War I. The radio priest, Charles Coughlin, broadcast these views to millions. He was kind of the Rush Limbaugh of his day. Nazi influence in the US culminated with a huge march and rally in New York City in 1939. Thousands gathered in Madison Square Garden to listen to blatantly fascist speeches under the banners of George Washington adorned with swastika…

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The Anti-Trans Hate Machine’s Conspiracies Don’t Stop at the US Border

…cartoon. Julian Reichelt, the disgraced former editor-in-chief of “Bild,” Germany’s largest right-leaning tabloid, who was fired after a New York Times investigation found claims of sexual harassment and inappropriate sexual relationships in the work place, had already attacked the cartoon. In what can only be described as an attempt to channel Tucker Carlson’s rants over M&Ms’ clothing and Mr. Potato Head’s genitalia, Reichelt had called the car…

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Hamburg Shooter’s Manifesto Reveals the Complexity of the Influence of Far-Right Ideologies

…eich” from Jesus, and that, therefore, the persecution of the Jews in Nazi Germany was in accordance with divine will. (Jehovah’s Witnesses were in fact persecuted and sent to concentration camps in Nazi Germany.) While a lot of his manifesto reads like the unique ramblings of a distressed mind, there is another trait the Hamburg shooter shares with other far-right mass shooters: antisemitism. In his manifesto he spreads the classic Christian anti…

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Closed-Door Conference in Poland Shows How US Conservative Christian Networks Export ‘Conversion Therapy’

…dt, a prominent figure in the conversion therapy bubble, who traveled from Germany. A member of the IFTCC Board of Directors from 2017 to 2020, Vonholdt directed the German Institute for Youth and Society (DIJG) until 2021—an evangelical think tank that has worked with right-wing organizations in the US, like the Institute for Religion and Democracy and the aforementioned NARTH. Vonholdt’s DIJG is connected to the Reichenberg Fellowship (known in…

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At Launch Rally in Waco, Former President Sets the Stakes for Trump ’24 Campaign with Apocalyptic, Violent, Genocidal Rhetoric

…ot just make good on Adolf Hitler’s vows to punish elites who had “stabbed Germany in the back” by accepting the draconian terms of the Versailles Treaty (which held Germany responsible for all moral and material damages incurred during World War One). They also targeted groups that Hitler identified as threats to Germany’s survival in the future. These included Jews (“black parasites of the nation”); Bolsheviks (the “scum of humanity”); and war p…

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Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s Legacy of Eugenics and Racism Can’t Be Ignored

…n on and extermination of millions of so-called “imperfect” people in Nazi Germany. The vast majority of the victims were Jewish, but the ranks of the oppressed included disabled persons, gays and lesbians, and political dissenters. Once the death camps were discovered in the mid-1940s, the Western world buckled in shock and horror. People fled from discussions of eugenics, sterilization practices quickly fell out of style, and anti-Semitism began…

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The Forgotten Struggle Over Gender and Bigotry in Christianity

…ch Weinel, who helped to found something called the Freie Volkskirche (the Free People’s Church), a hotbed of theological liberalism and social democratic reform in early-twentieth-century Germany, saw it differently. He argued that Galatians 3:28 was at the heart of Paul’s radical social vision—even if his own nerves would not quite tolerate the fullness of that vision in real time.2 Today, most scholars do not deny the radical social and politic…

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Why I Boycotted a Conference at Brigham Young University

…us jobs at the same time. This seemed so counter to the spirit of academic freedom—and to the very issues of religious liberty that the conference was promoting—that in conscience I felt that I had to take a stand. I had looked forward to the conference. The issue was important, the international roster of scholars participating was impressive, and my old friend and colleague, David Little, was to receive an award for his work on issues of religio…

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