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The Anglican and the Evangelicals: Insights from the Sudanese Genocide

…ce began in the run up to the July 9 inauguration of the newly independent South Sudan. South Kordofan is a northern border province, and home to many supporters of the SPLM, the political movement aligned with the South, and the SPLA-North, one of its armed wings. History has left them behind, in the name of peace, to face the vengeance of a regime led by indicted war criminals. The ethnic Nuba, who are Black Africans, and predominantly Christian…

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Muslims Need Not Apply—To the White House or Congress

…ing that Obama should be impeached because he is a Muslim (complete with a promo promising free guns, paid for by “a millionaire” who wants you “protected against what’s coming.”) The video in the email is by evangelist Jack van Impe, known for his premillennial rapture theology and his disconnected rambling in Bible verses. It is entitled “President Obama’s Religion in Question” and argues that he is really a Muslim. Joan, who claims in an email…

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South Dakota Bill Could Legalize Killing Abortion Doctors

…e made in the committee hearing on the bill last week. “If you look at the code, these codes are dealing with illegal acts. Now, abortion is a legal act. So this has got nothing to do with abortion.”  Here is the bill in its entirety: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to expand the definition of justifiable homicide to provide for the protection of certain unborn children. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA:      Section 1. Th…

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Donald Trump Scares LGBT People Worldwide and More, in This Week’s Global LGBT Recap

…able at the blog of the European Journal of International Law. The role of South Africa in current UN disputes over LGBT human rights is being disputed. South Africa had been the sponsor of a key 2011 resolution at the Human Rights Council, but has since stepped back. Mamba Online reported his week that human rights experts believe the South African government is saying one thing and doing another regarding the move to suspend the new independent…

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How (Not) to React to Anti-Mormon Sentiment in the South

…few months ago: winning in the South. Romney is now up by double-digits in South Carolina, the first primary south of the Mason-Dixon line. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard LDS people say that a Mormon candidate like Romney could “never win in the South” owing to historically deep-seated anti-Mormon prejudice. (For a refresher course on the roots of that prejudice, please see this interview with religion historian Patrick Mason here at R…

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What Does Anti-Christian Even Mean?

…ned the inclusion of the FRC and other anti-gay Christian outfits on a new list of hate groups by the Southern Poverty Law Center as an un-Christian act. While name calling and list making of this sort does seem to violate the value of forbearance — the FRC and others have been violating, with impunity, the values of love, peace, kindness, and gentleness when it comes to LGBT people. The FRC and others like Bryan Fischer at the American Family Ass…

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Frodo and Mormon Share Stage in South Park Mormon Musical

… In “A Million Little Fibers,” a similarly fictionalized story by Towelie, South Park’s resident sentient, pot-smoking towel (it’s a long story), is defended for the inspiration it has provided others: “What’s the big deal? His book helped people; why does it matter that he made some stuff up?”  This appreciation for the value of a well-told story extends to a love of the story-teller. The Joseph Smith in The Book of Mormon is (like the South Park…

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Does the Susan B. Anthony List Know Santorum Supports Funding Planned Parenthood?

…n has endorsed a candidate in a presidential primary. The Susan B. Anthony List, which has made defunding Planned Parenthood one of its signature goals, might be surprised to find out that Santorum supports funding Planned Parenthood. As I discussed earlier this week, Santorum told an interviewer in 2006 that he had voted for Title X (even though he thinks contraception is harmful to women and doesn’t even work). Title X is the federal program tha…

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Texas Textbook Massacre

…“I could have registered to vote there.” Publishers Watching, But Are They Listening? While the code language in the science standards may be vague enough that perhaps writers like Miller can use them to their advantage, the social studies requirements are another story. Many warn that as goes Texas, so goes the nation, since publishers writing textbooks to adhere to Texas’ standards would sell the same or similar versions to other states as well….

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Brownback Nomination Further Evidence That “Religious Freedom” Is Code For “Conservative Christian Supremacy”

…ement policies in respective regions or countries, and develop programs to promote religious freedom.” But given Brownback’s history of using “religious freedom” as a sword to discriminate against LGBT people, his nomination offers the strongest evidence yet that, when the Trump administration talks about “religious freedom,” it actually means “Christian supremacy.” Though Brownback an equal-opportunity excluder: the Council on American-Islamic Re…

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