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Challenging Both Homophobia in Islam and Populist Bogeyman of ‘The Homophobic Muslim’; and More in Global LGBT Recap

African bishop promotes reparative therapy, Brazilian promotes acceptance South African Cardinal Wilfrid Napier announced on Twitter earlier this month that he is reading “Reparative Therapy of Male Homosexuality: A New Clinical Approach,” by the late advocate of reparative therapy Joseph Nicolosi. His August 1 tweet called the book “a challenging work on a subject of great importance.” The next day he followed up with a tweet referring to a quot…

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Competing Visions of Family & Freedom at UN; Methodists Try to Avoid Schism on Sexuality; Catholic Cardinal Denounces LGBT ‘Demonic Ideology’; Global LGBT Recap

…Zoll notes that 30 percent of the delegates at General Conference are from Africa, which, like those from the American south, have predominately conservative views on sexuality issues. A recent survey by the church found about 54 percent of U.S. pastors and lay people in leadership roles agreed with the church restrictions on gays and lesbians, although only 41 percent of congregants held the same view. The Rev. Adam Hamilton, who leads Church of…

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For International Human Rights Day, a Snapshot of LGBT Rights from the Vatican to Cape Town

…rganization for the Family (IOF) rolled out its “Cape Town Declaration” in South Africa Friday, reaffirming the critical role of traditional man-woman marriage as the bedrock of civilization. The Declaration, already signed by hundreds of religious, political, social, and civic leaders from all the continents, states that the family is the “first and primordial community” and that marriage is “the conjugal bond of man and woman.” This definition i…

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World Congress of Families Draws Anti-LGBT Activists to Budapest; More in Global LGBT Recap

…ve also argued that Taiwanese society has its roots in Confucianism, which promotes a strong adherence to traditional family values, and of course, producing offspring. They argue that the fundamental concept of marriage should be between a man and a woman, otherwise it would be “very confusing for children.” The South China Post said the court ruling in Taiwan “has reverberated across Asia, but the fight for equality is not over yet in a region w…

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Conservative French Catholics a ‘Rightwing Patriarchal Bunch’?; Indonesian Prez Decries Anti-LGBT Discrimination; Romanian Prez Warns Against ‘Religious Fanaticism’; Global LGBT Recap

…ty. If being a Christian leans toward fanaticism…it sends a wrong signal.” South Africa: International gathering of queer Muslims The Inner Circle, a queer Muslim organization, held its 14th annual international retreat in Cape Town this past week. A preview story in Mamba Onilne said that about 80 percent of the delegates were from other countries: “Some of the tracks being covered this year will focus on transgender health and education which wi…

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In ‘The Evangelical Mission to Spread The Gospel to Muslims’ a Journalist Tells a Global Story About Evangelical Missionaries and the Spread of Right-Wing Ideology

…center of Christianity began shifting from the Northern Hemisphere to the South with the explosion of Pentecostalism in Latin America and Africa. Read Anthea Butler’s BILLY GRAHAM AND THE GOSPEL OF AMERICAN NATIONALISTIC CHRISTIANITY So the encounters between evangelicals North and South reshaped the movement and the future of Christianity. Evangelicals are still almost homogeneously conservative, anti-abortion, and anti-LGBTQ+ rights advocates….

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Anti-Gay Celebration in Uganda; Weddings in England; ‘Francis Effect’ at the Vatican

…anda Bilerico’s John Becker reviews reports of anti-gay violence Tanaznia, South Africa, and Uganda. And Gay Star News reported on a group of Nigerians who were stripped naked and whipped in front of a town hall when they wouldn’t meet a blackmailer’s demands. In Zimbabwe, notoriously anti-gay strongman Robert Mugabe described homosexuality as “inhuman,” according to the Washington Blade: “The West says we must accept there is change in the world,…

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The Passion of Katniss: How the Hunger Games Confronts the Trauma of Violence

…e of social and community values in pictures.” For the next 38 years, that code shaped Hollywood’s output. The Production Code insisted that movies were primarily “to be regarded as entertainment” that would “improve the race.” As such, movies should avoid explicit images that would be upsetting or play to “the lower and base element.” Those images included graphic violence, “excessive passion,” “white-slavery,” “scenes of actual child birth,” and…

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“Muslim Gospel” Revealing the “Christian Truth” Excites the Da Vinci Code Set

…nd 20th century in the context of Muslim–Christian polemics, especially in South Asia. It was mentioned already in Rahmatullâh al-Kairânawî’s 19th-century polemics against Christianity, and it also made an appearance in Mirza Ghulam Ahmad’s 1899 Jesus in India. As Oddbjørn Leirvik has shown, it rose to even greater prominence after the 1907 publication of the English translation by Longsdale and Laura Ragg. Within a year, it was translated from En…

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How Do We Break the Cycle of Religious Violence in South Asia?

…and global headlines of mob violence and lynchings. For those of us in the South Asian diaspora, these headlines are painful to read. For some of us, our friends and family back home are under threat. But unfortunately, not everyone agrees on how to break free from this cycle. The predictable cycles of religious violence in South Asia can be described fairly simply. First, a member of a religious or ethnic minority is accused of offending the reli…

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