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Vatican Considers ‘Disordered’ Language; HBO Doc on LGBT Persecution in Russia; Nigerian Bishop Shifts on Anti-Gay Law; Arson at ‘Open Mosque’ in South Africa; Global LGBT Recap

…clear response to those clergy who have entered into same-sex marriages”. Egypt: More on Egypt’s Anti-Gay Crackdown We reported last week on the increasingly harsh crackdown on LGBT people in Egypt as a means for the current government to ward off criticism from Islamist factions. This week the New York Times’sErnesto Londoño covered the phenomenon. He writes: In some ways, Egypt’s new government has become even more repressive and intolerant tha…

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Confusion Reigns on Cairo Streets

…the end of it, Mubarak would retire as the first retired leader of modern Egypt. The rest of the day threw all of that into question. The anti-Mubarak protestors have been set upon, and now, increasingly, there are voices around Egypt making themselves heard against the protestors. I even heard, as I was walking around Cairo’s streets, people essentially blaming the violence in Tahrir on the anti-government protestors themselves—not because they…

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On Cairo Streets, No Support for Islamist State

…he Azhar University and the religious leaders of all in Egypt. But that changed in recent years, and in this protest, the Church came heavily out in favor of Mubarak’s continued rule. In so doing, it made clear that they were in favor of a status quo that the overwhelming majority of Egyptians were seeking to change, including Christian Egyptians. A rather foolish decision: a dignified silence might have been more appropriate. At some point, there…

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Dear Scientists: Please Stop Bashing Free Will!

…onsibility for ourselves rather than consign our fate to our genes or God. Free will works better than any other single criterion for gauging the vitality of a life, or a society. Choices, freely made, are what make life meaningful. When people doubt free will, they are more likely to behave badly. After reading a passage from a book that challenged the validity of free will, students were more likely to cheat on a mathematics exam. Others were le…

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LGBT Editor In Bangladesh Murdered by Islamists—and More, In this Week’s Global LGBT Recap

…st have been killed since. Prime Minister Sheik Hasina advised bloggers to use restraint in their exercise of free speech or leave the country for their safety. Although the prime minister has promised to take action against the attacks, authorities appointed by her have instead prosecuted bloggers for “hurting people’s religious sentiments.” Bob Shine at New Ways Ministry notes that two Catholic officials in Bangladesh condemned the killings: Fr….

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Pence Defends US Immigration Policy in Guatemala … Using Scripture

…ank week after week. For example, after all the uproar over Jeff Sessions’ use of Romans 13 to defend the extravagant cruelty of separating migrant families at the US border, you might be tempted to bet against administration members citing scripture. You would be a sucker. Vice President Mike Pence and Nielsen met with Central American leaders on Thursday to discuss the number of migrants trying to cross into the U.S. In a speech in Guatemala, he…

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Egyptian Riot Grrls: Finding the Feminine Face of Fury

…d costs, the effective use of social media technologies by Abdel Fattah to promote the cause earned her the nickname “the Facebook Girl”—as well as three weeks in Cairo’s Al Kanater prison.   While some might write off their efforts as the exception or else aestheticize them beyond any real import, the fact remains that the Egyptian women have decided to take back their streets—proving they are as much a part of the protests as the men who once ma…

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Gingrich and Hagee, End-Times Buddies

…m to Egypt along with hundreds of our latest and greatest fighter jets because Egypt was controlled by Mubarak who was America’s friend.  Can you imagine what Israel faces with Iran, Egypt, Syria, Turkey and Russia coming after them?  The prophet Ezekiel clearly predicted this battle thousands of years ago and you are watching the players get into position with lightning speed.  Jesus said: “When you see these signs, lift up your head and rejoice….

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Hey Hey, Ho Ho White Jesus Has to Go… But The Issue is More Complicated Than You Think

…particular to African Americans. King’s tweet referenced the “Flight into Egypt” (Matthew 2:13) when the holy family were called to flee to Egypt to avoid the “massacre of the innocents” by King Herod. This scriptural reference has served as a prooftext that Jesus and his family were going to hide amongst “Black” people in Africa away from the fury of an infanticidal despot, hence King’s emphasis on “EGYPT” not Denmark (Europe). King is relying o…

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Who Is “Sam Bacile?”

…aid he did not know “Bacile”‘s real name. He said Bacile contacted him because he leads anti-Islam protests outside of mosques and schools, and because, he said, he is a Vietnam veteran and an expert on uncovering al Qaeda cells in California. “After 9/11 I went out to look for terror cells in California and found them, piece of cake. Sam found out about me. The Middle East Christian and Jewish communities trust me.” Klein also tells Goldberg that…

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