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Feeding on the Faithful: How Supernatural Thinking Empowered the Third Reich

…t if one wants to reach a wide public, one has to strike the right balance between historiographical complexity/originality and accessibility, between exhaustively documented, archival-based primary research and a story-driven narrative unencumbered by too much nuance or detail. If I’ve erred a bit toward scholarly documentation, it is because the topic really deserved serious inquiry. I still worked to make the narrative and argument as accessibl…

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Hamburg Shooter’s Manifesto Reveals the Complexity of the Influence of Far-Right Ideologies

…eich” from Jesus, and that, therefore, the persecution of the Jews in Nazi Germany was in accordance with divine will. (Jehovah’s Witnesses were in fact persecuted and sent to concentration camps in Nazi Germany.) While a lot of his manifesto reads like the unique ramblings of a distressed mind, there is another trait the Hamburg shooter shares with other far-right mass shooters: antisemitism. In his manifesto he spreads the classic Christian anti…

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At Launch Rally in Waco, Former President Sets the Stakes for Trump ’24 Campaign with Apocalyptic, Violent, Genocidal Rhetoric

…ot just make good on Adolf Hitler’s vows to punish elites who had “stabbed Germany in the back” by accepting the draconian terms of the Versailles Treaty (which held Germany responsible for all moral and material damages incurred during World War One). They also targeted groups that Hitler identified as threats to Germany’s survival in the future. These included Jews (“black parasites of the nation”); Bolsheviks (the “scum of humanity”); and war p…

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The Anti-Trans Hate Machine’s Conspiracies Don’t Stop at the US Border

…cartoon. Julian Reichelt, the disgraced former editor-in-chief of “Bild,” Germany’s largest right-leaning tabloid, who was fired after a New York Times investigation found claims of sexual harassment and inappropriate sexual relationships in the work place, had already attacked the cartoon. In what can only be described as an attempt to channel Tucker Carlson’s rants over M&Ms’ clothing and Mr. Potato Head’s genitalia, Reichelt had called the car…

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‘We Remember a United States That Fought the Nazis’: A German Scholar of Fascism Weighs in on Christian Nationalism in the U.S.

…he Nazis,” she explains. Brockschmidt is careful about drawing comparisons between the US now and the rise of Nazism in Germany in the 1930s. It’s such a severe and somber charge, “Germans are hypervigilant when it comes to fascist movements, but also protective of when the term is used,” she explains. In the end, Brockschmidt is willing to go there precisely because the comparisons are apt. When I ask, “Do you think that analogies to 1930s German…

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Mormons Fight Marriage Equality in Mexico; Is Catholic Church Italy’s Anti-Gay NRA?; Nigerian Anglicans Cut Ties With UK Diocese; Global LGBT Recap

…d and punished. This fact clearly shows the intention of the government to promote a witch hunt against homosexuals rather than its stated objective of protecting traditional ‘natural’ marriage between a man and a woman. The Same Sex Marriage (Prohibition) Act is fundamentally an attack on the civil and human rights of all Nigerians. This law goes against all provisions of the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights of which Nigeria is a signa…

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Closed-Door Conference in Poland Shows How US Conservative Christian Networks Export ‘Conversion Therapy’

…dt, a prominent figure in the conversion therapy bubble, who traveled from Germany. A member of the IFTCC Board of Directors from 2017 to 2020, Vonholdt directed the German Institute for Youth and Society (DIJG) until 2021—an evangelical think tank that has worked with right-wing organizations in the US, like the Institute for Religion and Democracy and the aforementioned NARTH. Vonholdt’s DIJG is connected to the Reichenberg Fellowship (known in…

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As US Reaches a 1940s Fork in the Road — Which Path Will We Choose?

…ng them down. Meanwhile, US companies had businesses operating within Nazi Germany. Beyond these lesser known activities, rightwing groups and personalities espoused the Nazi cause to millions of Americans. Many Americans found this ideology enticing. It’s easy to blame immigrants for problems; many Americans believed the US should stay out of European affairs; some Americans were sympathetic to Germany post-World War I. The radio priest, Charles…

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Are Muslims as Dangerous as Nazis, as ESPN’s Curt Schilling Tweeted?

…s Fisher said, this assumption that “the religion of Islam is akin to Nazi Germany.” Are Muslims really as dangerous as Nazis? Fascists to fanatics National Socialism, what we call Nazism, came to power in 1933, promising a 1,000-year Reich. In twelve years, the movement nearly captured a continent, but was broken by the Soviet Union and then done in by allies pushing from every direction. Much of its leadership committed suicide, fled into hiding…

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Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s Legacy of Eugenics and Racism Can’t Be Ignored

…the largest collection to date of Teilhard’s writings on the relationship between forced human perfection and cosmic theology, I have no doubt that there is more to be found. And third, in order for Teilhardian scholarship to continue in light of this essay, academics, clergy, and laypersons alike must be vigilant in reconsidering our own cosmic theologies in relationship to eugenics. As for Teilhard’s own work, I want to be sure to point out tha…

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