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I Was Nearly Seduced by David Brooks’ Reasonable Analysis

…ics, according to David Brooks, there are two dominant models of analysis: number crunching and psychology. Greenspan was a number cruncher, says Brooks, and unfortunately, human psychology caught up with him. Greenspan saw real estate values continuing to soar with no end in sight and allowed himself to be persuaded that they would never stop rising, and certainly would never fall. So he never had to think about petty psychological realities, lik…

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Kavanaugh Hearings Are a Commentary on Mormonism

…urrent elder statesman, finds so objectionable about the Kavanaugh hearing Thursday was that women were allowed to ask questions of a man. That’s not how these things are supposed to work. Finally, there’s the issue of rape culture within Mormonism. Rape culture refers not merely to how likely men and boys are to rape women and girls but to a whole set of assumptions about who is really responsible for sexual misbehavior (hint: it’s almost always…

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Days of Reckoning for the Philadelphia Archdiocese

…ask. I walked into Old St. Joseph’s church in Philadelphia this past Holy Thursday, with a friend who asked me to attend service. I had to be honest with my friend and confide in them my absolute white-hot anger, not only with the Philadelphia case, but with the cases I have been tracking and writing about in Religion Dispatches over the last two years. I have not been to mass for a long time because of my anger about the Church and the evils per…

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Should Barbie Get Her Feet Washed at Church?

…Holy Thursday the same week Mattel announced three new Barbie sizes (and a number of other variations) for its iconic doll? The convergence was nothing short of astonishing in a news cycle when competition for the surreal is keen. Rome got out ahead with its news on January 21, 2016. Women are now eligible to have our feet washed in the Holy Thursday liturgy, a privilege heretofore reserved officially for men though anatomically it appears that wo…

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‘Putin’s Children’ Push ‘Traditional Values’ in Latvia; Jewish Reparative Therapy Group Finds ‘Haven’ In Israel; Sikh Activist in UK Supports LGBT South Asians; Global LGBT Recap

…pponents Push Referendum The Central Election Commission held a hearing on Thursday on a referendum proposed by marriage equality opponents that would require marriage equality or custody legislation to be approved in a national referendum before taking effect. From Abraham Gerber at the Taipei Times: [Thursday’s] hearing on referendum wording was called after conservative activists associated with the Faith and Hope League submitted more than 130…

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Before Oprah, There Was the “Hour of Power”: Crystal Cathedral Pastor Robert H. Schuller Has Died

…huller’s grandson, Bobby Schuller. Word of Schuller’s death spread quickly Thursday, with the first announcement coming from his daughter-in-law, Donna, via Twitter. Christianity Today magazine described Schuller as the “forerunner of the seeker-sensitive movement” in evangelical Christianity, one that has “much to teach Christians about missional creativity and loving those far away from the church.” He is a superstar of televangelism; an estimat…

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Speaker Mike Johnson to Allow Privately Run National Prayer Breakfast into the Heart of the Capitol

…year, the breakfast was held at the modern-era Capitol Visitor Center. On Thursday, apparently, it will inch even closer to the heart of the U.S. government. “Every time these guys get a beachhead into government for their version of Christianity,” Huffman said, “they point to it as a precedent and they try to do more.” Referring to the 1950s anti-communist wave of religious incursions into government institutions and traditions, Huffman said, “I…

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How Thanksgiving Became All Dinner, No Worship

…annual editorials campaigning for a national Thanksgiving Day on the last Thursday of November. She also filled her magazine with heartwarming stories of Thanksgiving homecomings and dinners, and she wrote personal letters to five United States presidents and every single state governor every year. Over time a majority of states adopted annual Thanksgiving Days, and when Abraham Lincoln proclaimed the last Thursday in November 1863 as a national…

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I Was a Stranger: New York Activists Stage a Lenten Action for Sanctuary

…masses where they re-enact Jesus’ washing of his disciples’ feet. On Holy Thursday last year, Pope Francis washed the feet of refugees, including Muslims, Hindus, and Copts. Cardinal Dolan is scheduled to preside at Saint Patrick’s Holy Thursday service this week. The feet of undocumented immigrants are battered by their flights from violence, poverty, and war. Right now, they are also ready to run from the possibility of deportation and the poss…

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More Mixed Signals from Pope Francis; Church of England Wrestles with Rifts; Faith Groups Lobby Pro & Con on Irish Referendum; Global LGBT Recap

…e group did not get a private meeting with Pope Francis, but was given VIP tickets to the pope’s weekly audience in St. Peter’s square. Religion News Service reports that several bishops, including “San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone – point man or the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ battle against gay marriage – had written a letter to the Vatican on their behalf.” A group of LGBT Catholics from London who met up with the New Ways…

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