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Despite Vastly Different Values, Evangelical ‘Hamilton’ Connects Secular Left and Christian Right

…gers smudge and smear and wear and tear. Benjamin’s fellow thinkers out of Frankfurt had reason to distrust what the many grimy hands of democracy represent. After all, these Jewish intellectuals narrowly escaped with their lives from the terrors of accessibility. Give people a chance and they’ll elect a dictator. Make music that everyone can understand and you get Muzak. Their point was that art may not survive democracy. Borders are necessary. O…

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If the Media Are Reluctant to Properly Label the GOP’s Racist, Christian Nationalist Ideologies, We’ll Have Trouble Hanging on to Democracy

…er was crystal-clear and widely reported on, a large German newspaper, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung still featured an article by their US correspondent whose headline referred to the shooter as an “alleged racist” (the headline has since been changed). And while it’s good to see large media outlets report on the racist “White Genocide” and “Great Replacement” conspiracy theories behind the Buffalo murders, it’s also a result of a striking, y…

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You Are Not Your Star Sign

…markers. Astrology, in this way, is not unrelated to racism, as argued by Frankfurt School critic Theodor Adorno in his analysis of the social function of American horoscope columns. Affiliation with a given sign reduces “the complex to a handy formula” just as the blood rhetoric underlying racism does.  An Ideology for Dependence For Adorno, the daily horoscope was part of the wider “culture industry” of modern capitalism, cultural means by whic…

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How Breivik’s “Cultural Analysis” is Drawn from the “Christian Worldview”

…rge Lukacs “and their planned assault on Western culture.” He condemns the Frankfurt School (all demons in Breivik’s manifesto also) and praises “one voice in the wilderness seeking to expose the Marxist influence in America, but especially on her campuses,” David Horowitz—another pundit Breivik cites approvingly and borrows from in 2083. In a “Leader’s Guide” for “Arming Yourself to Confront Non-Biblical Worldviews,” available on the Summit Minis…

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Mat Staver vs. the Anti-Immigrant Right

…faith and our Judeo-Christian values,” and with bringing the ideas of the Frankfurt school to America. His next pivot? To the argument that “we need to enlist” the Latino community in “our culture war.” Staver fretted that he was “very concerned about the future of the Latino population… concerned we will push them into a liberal political leftist machine.” Not to leave any dangling threads in his speech, a significant portion of which was devote…

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Lincoln, Clinton, and Trump: From Strategy to Spin to Straight-Up Bullshit

…nge. For this reason, many commentators have invoked the philosopher Harry Frankfurt’s famous analysis of “bullshit” to describe what Trump does when he plays hard and fast with the truth. Unlike a liar, the bullshitter is ultimately unable to distinguish the difference between truth and falsehood and comes to believe his own claims no matter how exorbitant and far from reality they might be. In this sense, instead of having two faces, he only has…

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An American Muslim Abroad, Or, Things I Saw in Dubai

…h buildings, starting right around the same time. Talk about luxury on the cheap; it’s hard to deny a feeling of similarity. (The tower is to the Burj as a certain toupee is to hair: might the Trump Tower inadvertently mimic an Islamic motif?)   The regal twin palm trees in the foreground are the world’s tallest, at some 3,500 feet each. Recently a falling coconut crushed an entire apartment complex, punching a massive hole that has filled up with…

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Religious Affiliation, ‘Mankind’: India’s Anti-Corruption Activist Leads Second Freedom Struggle

…good move. When I got to the lobby another something told me to dig out my phone and check it for messages. Sure enough, I had one from an unfamiliar number. A woman’s voice said Bedi was still sleeping, exhausted from the previous day’s overseas flight, and needed to reschedule our interview for that afternoon. I called the number back, convinced the opportunity was lost. “I’m here at the hotel now, but I’m booked solid this afternoon—” “Hold on,…

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What ‘Faith Groups Do X’ Journalism Reveals About the Press’s Priorities

…t sends is that religious people, categorically, are doing good. Take this Orlando Sentinel headline from October: “Orlando-area Faith Leaders Grapple With Far-Right Views After Capitol Riot Puts Spotlight on Christian Nationalism.” If faith leaders are “grappling” with the far-right in their midst, then they can’t be complicit, right? And surely there aren’t faith leaders who are fomenting Christian nationalism? (To be clear, yes, yes there are.)…

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Updated: Netflix’s Gay Jesus Upsetting Brazilian Christians Has a Centuries-Old History

…dos depict Jesus as a gay man who introduces his cross-dressing boyfriend, Orlando, to his family. Incongruities abound when Orlando, who wears massive amounts of makeup and a blonde wig, performs ‘Jingle Bells’ on a digital keyboard in Judea ca. 30 A.D., endearing himself to the holy family (and his relationship with Jesus).1 Of course, this is merely the nth iteration of the irreverent Jesus motif, with countless gay-Jesus memes being the most o…

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