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Republicans To Get Free “Spiritual, Historical” Trips to Israel

…ated by the RNC for members and their guests. An RNC spokesperson said the trip was not officially a committee trip, but is a “spiritual, historic journey through Israel” organized by the groups in concert with RNC faith director Chad Connelly. According to the official, who declined to be named, about 60 members RSVPd to attend, or 36% of the full committee. Lane’s Renewal Project made headlines during the 2008 Republican primary, when the group,…

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Snake-Handlers, False Messiahs, and a Few Great Souls: 14 Who Died in 2014

…other end-of-year list can hope to offer such profound juxtapositions: a groundbreaking female Mennonite pastor alongside an “immortalist”; the transcendent wisdom of a civil rights leader alongside one of the most hate-filled religious figures in contemporary memory. But here it is, a connect-the-dots portrait of a powerfully complicated American religious landscape, circa 2014. Vincent Gordon Harding Historian and theologian Vincent Gordon Hard…

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Pentecostal Prayer Gangs: New Film Documents Religion in a Brazilian Prison

…es would talk to me and let me do interviews. There were times when I made phone calls to inmates’ family members to let then know that visiting times had changed, to save them a long trip to the prison. I also visited the families of inmates with pastors and other volunteers to bring food, sometimes a gift a child’s dad had made. I basically become part of the lives of the people whose lives I wanted to document. How did a project you undertook f…

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Is There Hope for a Truly Progressive Evangelicalism? An Interview with Deborah Jian Lee

…he cancer that had crawled across his body, had lain in bed at home with a phone against his ear while my pastor, who had called him from the pulpit, pointed a cordless phone toward the congregation; we all wept and sang him love songs as he lay dying. These are uniquely evangelical experiences that shaped me, that will always be a part of me. I still long for this kind of community—the kind that journeys together through all the peaks and valleys…

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Hajj Journal: Tawaf: How I Fell in Love…

…ar, was doing next to me. We were all a part of this mighty river, rushing round and around the Ka’abah, the House of God. Nothing else mattered—well, except the roommate. We stayed linked at the arm until we hit the corner with the black stone. In order for me to wave, I had to get my arm out of her left arm link. I was conscious then not to get separated. But we managed the pause, the wave and kiss; and with each circuit, we got closer. Not surp…

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What Will the #NeverTrump Faction Do Now?

…on of Bible-believing IndyCar social conservatives.” Circumstances on the ground seemed to confirm that view. White evangelicals, for instance, make up 55 percent of the state’s GOP voters. And Indiana’s governor, Republican Mike Pence, had signed an expansive Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) into law just last year. In response, Cruz’s Indiana campaign ran on boilerplate culture wars stuff, making North Carolina’s transgender bathroom law…

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The Sacred and the Dead: How an Iranian-Jewish Angeleno Discovered Her Tribe

…bound together by our love of the band and bonded with each other by road trips where all 20 of us would crash in an EZ 8 motel in the middle of Oakland for days when the band was in town. Even as we all went our separate ways after high school, we still would reunite at Dead shows. The concerts were a way of keeping us connected before the dawn of cell phones, the Internet, and Facebook made it so easy to keep in touch. That same group Deadhead…

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What Did Kyrie Say That Was So Wrong? When Black Antisemitism Meets White Jewish Privilege

…bjective scholarship proposed far-fetched Eurocentric theories seeking to strip this group of African Jews of any claims of “genetic” Jewishness through assertions that Beta Israel weren’t Semites but Judaized Africans who forgot they weren’t really Jews. What the cases of the Lemba and Beta Israel both illustrate is that questioning a Jewish community’s ancestry is only deemed antisemitic when the said group of Jews is of European background. To…

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The Failure to Focus on — And Yes, to ‘Cancel’ — Right Wing Antisemitism is a Problem

…ht, including popular mainstream media figures like Tucker Carlson, spread nonstop antisemitic conspiracies about George Soros trying to “end civilization” by controlling the government (a conspiracy that directly contributes to violence), they meet with few or no consequences. When trans people are targeted daily by the Right, there’s hardly a whimper in response. When an insurrection occurs, the Republicans who called it “legitimate political di…

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When the Golden Rule is Used to Silence Dissent and Protect the Politically Powerful

…lity and grace.” For four decades, Rush Limbaugh had the biggest media megaphone through which he spat poison every day straight into the ears of 20 million Americans. He lied and lied, and he lied and lied. If there were no Limbaugh, there would be no President Trump, who himself told more than 30,500 lies, falsehoods and misleading claims during four years. Their canon of lies includes lies about the covid pandemic, culminating in a death toll n…

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