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Teaching Love: Soulforce Takes it to the Quad

…s to change the hearts of those who use religion to justify discrimination against sexual minorities. Most of the 20-somethings in the crowd are participating in Soulforce’s Equality Ride, a semiannual event that shuttles queer young adults and their allies to conservative colleges and seminaries, where they try to engage students and administrators in dialogue around the issue of sexuality. Terry Kimbrow, president of Central Baptist College, is…

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A Muslim Reflects on Christian Theologian (and UCLA Coach) John Wooden

…by family and friends, knowing that he would soon meet his beloved Nellie again, who had passed on some 25 years earlier. But the tears in my eyes were not for Coach; in losing him, we lost not just one of the great American men of the last century—one of our greatest teachers—but someone who transcended our differences and cared for everyone. There are many dichotomies we are fond of dividing America into: black and white, rich and poor, native…

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Pentecostal Prayer Gangs: New Film Documents Religion in a Brazilian Prison

…erested in religion in prison in general. I visited Angola Prison in Louisiana and got a tour of the prison. New Orleans Baptist Seminary runs a theology program in the prison—they offer classes and train missionaries that are then sent to other prisons in the state. I asked to speak to one of the seminary members, and the guard introduced me to an inmate named Charlie. Our conversation happened as the guard was looking on, and I realized at that…

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Why I Wrote the Freedom Seder And Why It’s Still Necessary 50 Years After Dr. King’s Assassination

…at Dr. Martin Luther King had been killed. Just a week later—a week of upheaval in my city and our country—the volcano of transformation entered within me, minutes before Passover began. Passover? Why was that suddenly so shattering? I had always taken the Seder seriously, but I was astounded to feel this moment shaking me to my core. Why was this Passover different from any other Passover? I was 34 years old, living in Washington DC and working f…

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Too Hot for Shul: Rabbis Seek Healthy Israel Dialogue After Gaza

…on campus.” Rabbi Laurie Zimmerman of the Reconstructionist congregation Shaarei Shamayim in Madison, Wisconsin, and likewise a member of the JVP rabbinic council, said, “I think for younger Jews, ethnic solidarity doesn’t mean anything to them.” Younger Jews aren’t as likely to believe that Jews share a tribal or ethnic solidarity around Israel as “the people of my generation or older do,” said Zimmerman, who is 40. In one-on-one conversations, s…

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The Radical Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Left’s Challenge Today

…onal Liberation Front (“Viet Cong”)—entities which he does not regard as “paragons of virtue.” Then King proceeds to make the antiwar case with unparalleled clarity, citing the reasons he’s calling for the slaughter in Southeast Asia to end: The war has eviscerated domestic anti-poverty efforts; war is always “the enemy of the poor.” War punishes the poor in a second way by sending the poorest to do the fighting and dying; King is scandalized that…

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Gay Marriage Supporters Rally People of Faith for Washington’s November Vote

…and Mormons for Marriage Equality. Both groups marched in Seattle’s Pride Parade last Sunday, and had representatives at the coalition’s first “people of faith” phone bank on Tuesday. Religious volunteers, they believe, can sway values voters by sharing personal stories about their own faith journeys toward supporting marriage equality, gay relatives and friends, explained Andy Grow, Washington United for Marriage press secretary. “In California,…

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Google’s Benevolent Interfaith Big Tent

…this is Yusuf.” Every evening they flew kites together, before stealing jhajariyas from the sweet shop owned by Yusuf’s family. A harsh reality interrupts these wistful recollections: “When partition came, we had to relocate to India overnight. … I miss Yusuf a lot.” The grandfather’s voice breaks, and now we understand. Geopolitical conflict, ongoing over six decades later, tore him away from his beloved friend. Distant memories keep the wound o…

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How Muslim Civic Activism Helped Pass California’s Prop 47

…we were doing what some other Muslim immigrants had been doing—we were separated from other communities, even our own Latino community. You’re not in a cocoon! “ Galedary said that advocacy for social justice and human dignity, which is the heart of LA Voice’s interfaith organizing efforts, is also fundamental to Islam. What had initially been a meeting about how LALMA could address insular concerns became a conversation about how a relatively sm…

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Exclusive: Columnist Jonathan Merritt on his Sudden Departure From Religion News Service

…readers that he would no longer be writing for Religion News Service. As Sarah Jones recently reported in the New Republic, the 84-year-old wire service has been undergoing what many insiders see as a “spectacular implosion,” with editor Jerome Socolosky being fired in an email by publisher Tom Gallagher, and veteran reporters Kimberly Winston and Lauren Markoe resigning soon thereafter. In the letter, Merritt wrote that his departure was due to…

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