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Conservative Christianity and Its Discontents

…, too. Populist historians within evangelicalism, like the prominent Texas Republican, David Barton, promote the idea that America is slouching toward Gomorrah. America is God’s chosen republic, Barton asserts: the nation has been an explicitly Christian country from its earliest days and needs to reverse its sinful migration away from its biblical roots. Professional historians, by contrast (including leading evangelicals like Mark Noll, Nathan H…

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Why is Huntsman’s Mormonism “Tough to Define”?

…vocabulary to describe. Early Thursday morning, Matthew Bowman at the New Republic tried to spin the differences between Romney and Huntsman as generational and Huntsman’s more easygoing Mormon style as evidence of the LDS Church’s evolution from mid-20th century models of “business Mormonism” to a more cosmopolitan 21st century outlook. (Both Romney and Huntsman are baby boomers. Generational? I’m not so sure.) But Time’s profile of Huntsman (al…

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The Heresy of Compromise

…the first modern pope” had to say amounted to nodding approval (“That your Republic is progressing and developing by giant strides is patent to all…”), which at times seemed to take credit for the success it praised. In a rhetorical flourish, the pope even laid claim to the nation’s neonatal survival: “When America was, as yet, but a newborn babe, uttering in its cradle its first feeble cries, the Church took it to her bosom and motherly embrace.”…

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Andrew Sullivan Really Took This Opportunity to Misread Intersectionality?

…know, a discredited ideologue paid by the American Enterprise Institute to promote public policies targeting people of color, women and the poor. His work has employed a combination of eugenics and other pseudo-science that has time and time again shown to be based on false premises, inadequate research and erroneous conclusions. He is not an academic nor a “critically acclaimed” public scholar, but a well-funded phony. His research is an insult t…

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Top 2011 Religion Stories That Weren’t

…eland, where extreme deference to the Church dates all the way back to the Republic’s founding, the prime minister now goes repeatedly before parliament to blister not just a few priests and bishops but Rome itself for massive criminality and concealment. Spain’s prime minister may have gotten the boot in November, but his Socialist government didn’t go down because it had pushed through fast-track divorce and legalized gay marriage: it only went…

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Darrell Issa’s Show Trial
on Alleged Obama Administration “Anti-Catholic Bias”

…going away anytime soon, though. It’s a perfect crucible for interrelated Republican cause celebres that all serve as election season fodder: that the Obama administration “promotes abortion;” that contraceptives are like a gateway drug for abortion; and that the Obama administration is depriving the Catholic Bishops of their religious liberty. But the Democrats could easily turn this around on the Republicans. Should rape victims be forced to ca…

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Constitutional Ban on Same-Sex Marriage Headed for NC Vote

…he people get to vote on everything), but instead live in a representative republic (where we elect and appoint people to set laws and standards for us), this red herring is especially pernicious. As we have seen from the recent Republican presidential candidate debates, if we actually let the people vote on what rights and privileges other citizens would enjoy, the people might implement a mandatory death penalty (possibly even for lessler infrac…

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Irish PM Scathing Denunciation of Vatican

…rds of the Prime Minister, “frustrate an inquiry by a sovereign democratic republic.”  When the Prime Minister of Ireland tears the church a new one, and implicates the Vatican in criminal activity, recalling the Apostolic Nuncio is a petty, inadequate response if it is not followed up with a direct answer for the materials outlined of the church’s failure in the Cloyne Report. In typical fashion, one of the points made by Fr. Ciro Benedettini of…

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Devil’s Bookmark: Sex and Drugs and Hating God

…ngels. And we want no part of it. This world is different. We intend to be free citizens in the Republic of Heaven. Anatole France’s angelic rebels against God pursue a similar objective: We shall carry war into the heavens, where we shall establish a peaceful democracy. And to reduce the citadels of Heaven, to overturn the mountain of God, to storm celestial Jerusalem, a vast army is needful, enormous resources, formidable machines… But here is w…

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Why 9/11 Changed Everything Nothing

…s, and the suffering on the homefront—meant liberation for 4 million newly freed people, while many others found it in the resolution to America’s most intractable division. There really was something to fight for—and over—beyond simply the chance for personal valor and national “pride.” Just a few decades later, however, that war took on a whole different meaning for most (white) Americans; a soothing story of reconciliation, shorn of almost any…

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