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How To: Write a Science-Explains-Religion Op-Ed

…religious things, like our need for attachment or our hatred of The Other. List them as fast as you can! Don’t let on that there are other dimensions of religion that aren’t being considered here, which plenty of established non-scientific fields are investigating. Instead, try another callback!! (Did you notice that I just made a callback to the callback? Did you chuckle? Then you know it works! Callbacks are important.) 4. Wrap it up. You’ll wan…

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Rethinking a Classic from the Conservative Contraception Canon

…ong the things we’d intended to do in July and August of 2003—an ambitious list that included things like getting married, moving to a new state, buying our first house, starting a doctoral program (me), and trying to find a job (my husband)—we had not planned also to conceive a child. It seemed like a bad time to do that, under the circumstances. But there our son was, announcing his presence with a second pink line on a pee-stick, in stubborn de…

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The Way of the Brother: How Critics Missed the Boat on Tree of Life

…n Nature and Grace  By suggesting we see Tree of Life not in terms of a dualistic choice, but as a “middle way,” I also mean to trigger a Buddhist sensibility to the film that runs alongside the more overtly Christian one. There is no space to develop a full account of this here, but it is worth mentioning that a “Buddhist reading” is entirely plausible. In fact, many of Malick’s films—in terms of cinematography, mise-en-scene, soundtrack, and edi…

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‘Republicanity’—The GOP Transformation is Nearly Complete

…antorum (okay, this last one is short on charisma but people still seem to listen anyway)—is critical to the success of this religious movement, with the primary sacred textual sources legitimating the moral universe drawn from the Declaration of Independence and Constitution.  What is the operative creed for Republicanity? This is, by no means, an exhaustive list: Money rules and wealth is the greatest good; the natural world is at the disposal o…

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The Perry v. Bachmann Primary at Liberty Unversity

…anwhile, Perry’s supporters are going public. After news broke of televangelist James Robison’s secret meetings with Perry and religious conservative leaders, Robison released a complete list of those leaders on his blog. Referring to his September 2010 and June 2011 meetings as “supernatural gatherings,” Robison was obviously trying to rebut speculation that the group was supporting Perry for president, but rather that they were just feeling the…

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Presbyterians, Change Hearts & Minds, Begin Ordaining Gays

…epent of “any self-acknowledged practice which the confessions call sin”—a list that includes transgressions as varied as usury, “undue delay of marriage,” and “immoderate use of meat.” (What now for patrons of Brazilian steakhouses?)   Of course, the struggle for full acceptance of LGBT people began way before efforts to repeal the so-called “fidelity and chastity” rule. Many folks mark the 1974 General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church as the…

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Touched by a Michael Landon: America’s Jewish Angel

…t was used to score an indelible moment in Stephen Spielberg’s Schindler’s List, in which a little girl in red runs unnoticed through the black and white world of Nazi-occupied Poland. Only later do we see her in a pile of bodies. Despite its frequent dramatic use as a death knell, the popularity of “Oyfn Pripetchik” continues no doubt thanks to its theme of the resilience of Jewish memory. Following the lyrics above, the point at which the singin…

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“I ‘Came Out’ For Marriage Equality”: An Anti-Gay Activist Changes His Mind

…ork that I was doing over the course of the past 4 or 5 years or so was to promote the agenda that marriage is the union of a man and a woman only, and that anything contrary to that definition was invalid, basically. And more so over the course of the past year or so, I was working directly with the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) in promoting this agenda, and specifically the way that I opted to do that was by organizing a summer bus to…

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Devil’s Bookmark: How Not to Defend God

…rding to that line of reasoning, what would the “practical God,” the gradualist God, the God-who-is-ready-to-lower-his-standards say about the treatment of victims in the German concentrations camps? Meet the Nazis halfway? Let’s spare the children and only send adults to the crematoria? Or feed the concentration inmates on better food and clothe them more decently before exterminating them? And here’s the problem: God is excused on grounds of “gr…

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Virginia Attorney General Tells Pastors to Get More Involved in Politics

…warning that “Virginia Pastors are Losing the Culture Wars.” VCA’s website lists its heroes, several of whom have Christian Reconstructionist ties, including David Barton, the late D. James Kennedy, Ken Ham, Roy Moore, and Pat Robertson. The other event sponsor, Fredericksburg Christian Schools, (FCS) claims that parents bear the God-ordained responsibility for education and the schools and churches are to assist them in that role. Conspicuously a…

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