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Bill to Stone Gays to Death Introduced in Kenya

…sexual harassment, molestation of children, and unfaithfulness to one’s spouse.” No distinction is made between homosexual and heterosexual behaviour—both must be free from harm; with mutual consent; the breaking of a commitment to another person is not involved; and sexual behaviour must be carried out with the intention to express affection with respect, and give pleasure to each other. These precepts apply irrespective of one’s gender or sexual…

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A Religion Scholar Gets It Wrong on Indiana’s RFRA

…e federal RFRA, SB 101, and other states’ RFRAs are not identical just because they all use the moniker “Religious Freedom Restoration Act.” In fact, “not all RFRAs are created equal,” as Aaron Weaver wrote recently for a Religion News Service blog: “If [SB 101’s] conservative champions were truth tellers and not trading in deception trying to pretend the Indiana RFRA is the same as the federal RFRA, they’d acknowledge that the goal is not to rest…

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United Nations Affirms the Human Right to Blaspheme

…ecommendations is that controversies over blasphemy are not just conflicts between “free speech” and faith, but clashes between competing claims of conscience. This stance is defended by the International Humanist and Ethical Union and elaborated in my forthcoming book, The Future of Blasphemy: Speaking of the Sacred in an Age of Human Rights. The message of General Comment No. 34 is not only a clear condemnation of the blasphemy laws of countries…

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Flagship Biblical Studies Group Faces Bitter Divide Over Statements on Israel/Palestine

…ourse people would feel intimidated … Language performs things, right? The use of the rhetoric of ‘barbarism’ is performative because it intimidates others, it silences those who dare to think differently. This kind of discourse will literally place people who have different opinions into the same box as those barbarians.” Nonwhite scholars also found the asymmetry between the letter’s signers, who were almost entirely White, and the SBL leadershi…

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Booing Gay Soldiers and Expressing Faith in the Public Square

…now, will you have a national church in the United States? He said no, because we believe in freedom of conscience, we believe in freedom of religious liberty, and expression, and speech. That’s a foundational principle in the United States. But that doesn’t mean that we aren’t people of faith and that people of faith shouldn’t be allowed to exercise religious liberty in the public square. Of course we should be able to… (APPLAUSE) … (inaudible) e…

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Pricking the Conscience of Churches: From AIDS Activism to Ending World Hunger

…eve it is possible to conquer hunger and end AIDS in our lifetime. An AIDS-free and hunger-free world are my mantra. What it will take is political will and compassion without borders. This is not simply a romantic vision, but one embraced by scientists, economists, politicians and other persons of goodwill around the world. These goals are not simply within our reach, but also our grasp. Achieving this future is not inevitable, but neither is it…

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Gays Are Oppressing Christian Florists, and Other Dishonest Arguments

…s fellow citizens – citizens, it should noted, who want nothing more than “freedom for all.” But let’s be honest. The SBC does not want freedom for the LGBT community. As I’ve argued before, there is simply no way for conservative Christian advocates to make this claim unless they erase about 45 years of anti-gay antagonism. The issue does not exist in a vacuum; the slate is not blank. I tweeted this point to Walker, who didn’t take the bait. Stil…

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Tony Perkins: Atheists Can’t Be Chaplains

…n important role in that context. So what about the debate surrounding the use of the word chaplain? Personally, I don’t feel particularly attached to it. But when it is the standard used for other community care practitioners, as it is at Harvard and in the military, then it should be applied across the board. I feel similarly about the debate over whether to call legally-recognized same-sex partnerships “marriages” or “civil unions;” when one te…

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It’s Only a Game: How Not to Think about Video Game Violence

and spiritually destructive influence of cyberspace technologies that are used to produce high fidelity and that promote degrading and evil purposes… Beware of digital displays and data in many forms of computer-mediated interaction that can displace the full range of physical capacity and experience. If courts seem to be failing to get to the heart of digital violence’s complex blurring of idea and action, maybe it’s time for religious and philo…

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Morality Police, Jihadists, Religious Competition, Grindr, & Americans Abroad: Global LGBT Recap

…ians view the acceptance of homosexuality by liberal Western churches as a betrayal of the values taught by the missionaries. This sense of betrayal is heightened by Christians’ sensitivity to accusations from cultural nationalists that they have forsaken authentically African traditions. Islamic partisans reproduce a version of this discourse by painting virtually any Nigerian Christian or secularist, or any Muslim who deviates from the orthodox…

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