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New Research Links Spiritual-Not-Religious to Mental Disorder

…of Texas, Austin) and Meredith Worthen (University of Oklahoma) suggests a number of cautions that might well be applied to studies like that offered by King and colleagues. In their review, Musick and Worthen found no direct causal relationship between religion and health, with service attendance alone showing a meaningful correlation that extends to measured benefits in mortality. Going to church seems to be a good thing healthwise, but it’s not…

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‘Cult’ Is an Inaccurate, Unhelpful and Dangerous Label for Followers of Trump, QAnon, and 1/6

…desired collective salvation. On January 6, 2021, it probably seemed to a number of participants and supporters in the Euro-American Nativist Millennial Movement that they had finally achieved the critical mass of adherents to overthrow Congress. There are many varieties of millennialism. As I wrote in The Oxford Handbook of Millennialism: “A nativist millennial movement consists of people who feel under attack by a foreign colonizing government…

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The “Mormon Moment” Yields… Not So Much

…lves:  down from 65% of Americans surveyed to 61%. Some measurable gains have been made among mainline Protestants: 28% surveyed in 2011 said they have “a lot in common” with Mormons; now, that proportion is 42%. And when asked to give a one asked to give a one-word descriptor of Mormonism, the number of respondents offering a positive word like “good,” or “honest,” increased from 18% in 2011 to 24% in 2012.  All of these gains were concentrated a…

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White Evangelical Leaders Already Distancing Themselves from the “81-Percenters”

…olls indicated that 81 percent of white evangelicals voted for Trump. That number represented a shocking measure given who Donald Trump is. But it also fit squarely with the patterns of white evangelical support for Republican presidential candidates in all recent elections. Still, some evangelical leaders are challenging these findings. “No, the Majority of American Evangelicals Did Not Vote for Trump,” reads the headline of an article published…

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Five Social Media Trends that are Reshaping Religion

…into face-to-face relationships. If the folks at Nielsen are correct, smartphones will continue to overtake, uh, dumb phones, making app-based connection and information-sharing a continuing growth area. Religiously-themed apps are certain to be an important part of that, but unless they grasp the digital trinity of social engagement, spiritual meaning, and incarnational potential that makes such apps truly worthwhile for believers and seekers. Th…

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If You Liked The Martian You’ll Love These 3 Sci-Fi Shorts

…. Luckily, Weir offers a treasure trove of short stories on his website, a number of which break with The Martian’s goal of approximating reality, grappling instead with some of the same issues that we discuss here at The Cubit. Without further ado, here are the top three short stories for anyone jonesing for more Weir: Bored World. The story of a mischievous, trans-dimensional plane of existence. Is this a god, or the story of sci-fi itself? Anti…

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Swimming Against the Tide: Religious (Non) Affiliation Might Not Mean What You Think It Means

…(at a rate of .3 percent) was the American Baptist Churches USA, which is classified as a mainline denomination. Growth for evangelical institutions has occurred almost entirely under the auspices of the ambiguous classification of “evangelical non-denominational”. These trends in Protestantism coupled with the significant decline among those who identify as Catholic (from 23.9 percent to 20.8 percent between 2007 to 2014) indicate a deep ambivale…

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2017 Around the World: Progress and Persecution For LGBT People

…as early as next year. The Coalition, the Greens and the Opposition will clash over religious freedoms when Parliament resumes in February after Treasurer Scott Morrison vowed to defend Christianity from discrimination following the passing of same-sex marriage legislation. Mr Morrison fired the first shots in the post same-sex marriagedebate by declaring he would “call out” offensive remarks against religion and attacked Greens Senator Nick McKi…

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Obama Caves on (Another) Contraception Exemption

…creating greater solidarity with our Latin American brothers and sisters, or examining the ways our own U.S. economy creates a society of exclusion of the kind Pope Francis has denounced, or how they intend to monitor their own brother bishops who thumb their noses at the Dallas Charter for the protection of minors with impunity. Winters says that the USCCB is in a “meltdown,” with seasoned staff abandoning ship in record numbers. It appears that…

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Dieting, Sex, Jesus: The Body as Moral Battleground

…others. I wasn’t able to include much on fatness, weight loss, and social class—an issue that interests me a great deal and that I’ve written about elsewhere. What’s the biggest misconception about your topic? There are so many. I think in terms of weight loss, it’s that fatness is self-evidently bad, that fatness on bodies has moral meaning, and that dieting and weight loss is quotidian and harmless at worst, and a moral mandate at best. The disc…

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