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Is the Prochoice Religious Community a Sleeping Giant?

…fraught with challenges but imbued with hope and possibilities. The sheer numbers, profound cultural resonance, and vast institutional infrastructure of these institutions and the communities they serve suggests great hope and possibility for a resurgent prochoice religious community of historic consequence. The “Directory of Prochoice Religious Organizations in the United States,” published today, along with a paper from which this article was d…

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Attraction to Covid-19 Conspiracy Theories Can Be Traced to the Christian Apocalyptic Imagination

…he half-truths and untruths involved capitalized upon the already-thriving online market for conspiracy theories. About three in ten Americans, for example, apparently think the virus was created in a top-secret lab (including four in ten conservative Republicans). Almost half of Canadian respondents believe at least one conspiracy theory about Covid-19: the virus was spread to the West on purpose, it’s a cover story for the putative baleful effec…

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QAnon Didn’t Just Spring Forth From the Void — It’s the Latest From a Familiar Movement

If you’ve been online at any point in the past year—if not, welcome!—your aimless clicks and doomscrolling may have brought you glimpses of the “world” of QAnon: the conspiracy theory that argues that US President Donald Trump is in the midst of a secret war against sex-trafficking, Satan-worshipping pedophiles. Its increasing prominence and power, especially as a worldview dissociated from fact, have compelled many an analyst, journalist, and pu…

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Christian Schools Invoke Religious Liberty to Reopen Despite Warnings of Health Experts

…ed positive for COVID-19 last week. As a result, the school has shifted to online instruction only until August 24, which is more than two weeks from when the boy tested positive. But while this move may seem responsible, it should be noted that, according to local reporting, the school previously required masks “except at recess,” which does cause me to question whether school officials have an adequate understanding of how children work, let alo…

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‘Cancel Culture’ Is as Old as Religion, And It’s Only a Thing Because of Who’s Doing the Cancelling

…my essays. A second example happened more recently. I read an essay in an online journal on a topic I know something about that I felt was very problematic, not because I disagreed with the views expressed therein (although I did), but because the essay contained errors, inaccuracies, leaps of logic, and was poorly argued. I wrote to the editors of the journal to express my dissatisfaction. In response I received a very mean-spirited response fro…

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As COVID-19 Spreads, Nicaragua’s Leaders Opt For Trumpian Denial and Misinformation

…than 3,000 infections in Nicaragua, scientists express certainty that the numbers are much higher. “I believe that within Central America, Nicaragua is at the epicenter of the pandemic, and in terms of deaths per capita, the numbers are among the highest in Latin America, comparable to those of Brazil, Peru, and Ecuador,” states Dr. Jorge Huete, a molecular biologist based at Managua’s Universidad Centroamericana. “We can see that cases are growi…

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Whether it’s Celebrated by CT or Denied in NYC, Evangelical Proselytizing Isn’t in Quarantine

…father Billy Graham) heaped praise on evangelistic organizations creating online resources that play on people’s fears of the new coronavirus in order to convert people to their version of Christianity. Naturally, evangelical powerhouse BGEA—also founded by the late Billy Graham and led by Franklin—is prominently featured: In March, BGEA launched landing pages with coronavirus resources in six languages (English, Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, Mand…

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When Fundamentalism Follows You Out the Door: Transphobic Statement Exposes Exvangelical Trauma

…nd weaponized social justice rhetoric, have all characterized exvangelical online spaces this spring, hampering both individual paths to healing and the coalition building and appeal to outsiders that are necessary for exvies to make the kind of impact that will ultimately weaken conservative, mostly white evangelicals’ political power. To me, exvangelical community building has always been about both things: finding each other in order to know th…

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DeSantis’ Religious Exemption Will Kill—And it Violates the 1st Amendment

…the country are worshipping alone, in small groups or even in large groups online. The short-term ban is simply on the unsafe activity, regardless of purpose. These policies are guided by clear science: The more people that gather, the more viruses spread. Viruses do not respect boundaries or holy ground, they simply travel from person to person. Second, these exemptions unconstitutionally favor churches. The Supreme Court has also held that the F…

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Romney’s VP Pick of Ryan Will Bring Religion to the Fore

…at’s brought Occupy Catholics together as a group around the country, both online and in person, is the shared sense that the Occupy movement’s message speaks to the heart of our faith.” But back to electoral politics. Democratic “faith” strategists have jumped on Ryan over his affection for Ayn Rand, criticizing him because she was an atheist—a wrongheaded move that demonized atheism rather than the cruelty of Randian economics. (A year later, Ry…

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