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Jim DeMint says Lame-Duck Session Before Christmas is “Sacrilegious”

…he final days of the session, blaming Republicans for stalling legislative business throughout the year. “As a Christian, no one has to remind me of the importance of Christmas for all of the Christian faith, all their families across America,” he said. “I don’t need to hear the sanctimonious lectures of Sens. Kyl and DeMint to remind me of what Christmas means.” Catch that? Harry Reid, the Mormon Democrat from Nevada, tells Kyl and DeMint to cram…

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2012 Presidential Hopefuls: God Game is On

…right base, Romney was at a disadvantage. He was boring, technocratic, and business-like, and the audience wasn’t buying his claim to be on their side on abortion and gay marriage. In contrast, Huckabee knew how to play the big-bad government card, claiming that the crisis we face is not “fiscal,” but “moral” — in other words, if everyone was just good and “Judeo-Christian” we wouldn’t need financial regulation. (Good luck with that!) See, for Huc…

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Howling at the Moon

…n mind, that this is personal wealth, and not commodities of one’s ongoing business. For example, a car salesperson that deals in thousands of car sales annually might have no less than 100 cars at any one time, but that is not taxed. They say the rationale here is that Islam encourages investment. It is also about avoiding hoarding. Sorry, Mr. McDuck, you’d have to pay hefty just because you like to sit on your gold. The Qur’an describes those wh…

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Scott Walker’s Faith-Based Anti-Government Rhetoric

…oing to take you home both here at home and ultimately far beyond.” Fourteen months later, at his inaugural prayer breakfast, Walker said, “The Great Creator, no matter who you worship, is the one from which our freedoms are derived, not the government.” In a lunch talk to the Christian Business Men’s Committee in 2009, he spoke of his learning the meaning of the hymn Trust and Obey. While he says his obedience doesn’t relate necessarily to politi…

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Damned if You Do, Damned if You Don’t: The Problem of the Rape Exception

…an to bear her rapist’s child, that if you actually think that’s both your business and an appropriate use of the law, you had better be falling over yourself to end sexual violence and rape culture? That you’d best be trying to figure out how everyone can access contraception, including emergency contraception, and including contraception that their abusers can’t sabotage in order to perpetuate the abuse? And that you naturally want to make it sa…

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American Prosperity Gospel Makes South Sudan “Ripe for Exploitation”

…bigger than the broadcast might suggest. Where Samaritan’s Purse is in the business of saving souls, providing sustenance, and engaging in politics on the sly, the Juba Christian Center is going to have a more far-reaching impact on the Sudanese who choose to follow Pentecostalism. It does the humanitarian work that Samaritan’s Purse does, but it also has the benefit of being closer to the indigenous population. What’s more, as the broadcast made…

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Right Wingers Say “Gay” is Out, But Try Putting “Unnatural Vice” On a Bumper Sticker

…only 1.7 percent of the population is gay or lesbian.) The first order of business was decided to stop painting the LGBT community as so darn happy — so the word “gay” is out. Instead, the new in-words to describe the community are such unwieldy and bumpersticker unfriendly phrases as “same-sex attraction,” “same-sex intercourse,” “sodomy,” and “unnatural vice.” (Didn’t Don Johnson star in that?) The dark horse in the new name calling sweepstakes…

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Man Behind Willie Horton Ad Is Out to Save America from the Mormons

…th and antagonize the LDS Church into getting out of the marriage equality business. Strange logic, this: that calling attention to Romney’s anti-marriage equality record (an issue on which Mormons and evangelicals have made the rare common cause) will create a liability for Romney in the Republican primaries. And even stranger logic, to believe that the LDS Church with its 14 million members worldwide (at least two of them US presidential contend…

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Catholic Church Targets Proponent of Women’s Ordination; Feminist Theologian

…enior churchmen, apparently unaware of the scandal that pedophilia and episcopal cover-ups have wrought, go blithely about their business of disciplining priests, nuns, and theologians. What used to be a large tent of a church is now a tepee—soon to be a pup tent—if these gentlemen have their way. Catholics wonder where it will end. This afternoon, Maryknoll Father Roy Bourgeois joined other supporters of feminist ministry on the sidewalk in front…

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Pat Robertson Gaga for Gbagbo

…its planes were being used to support Robertson’s personal diamond mining business instead of relief work in Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of Congo). Robertson had befriended Zairian strongman Mobutu Sese Seku and pled on the 700 Club for the United States to lift sanctions on his murderous regime. Today, Robertson took to the airwaves, as the situation in Cote d’Ivoire spirals into chaos, forces loyal to Ouattara have reportedly seized cont…

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