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Significant Changes to LDS Scripture Reflect Shifting Church Views on Racist History

…he Pearl of Great Price—includes editorial changes that reflect a shifting official view on issues like polygamy, the Church’s history of racism, and the historicity of LDS scripture. Perhaps the most significant is the inclusion of a new heading to precede the now-canonized 1978 announcement of the end of the LDS Church’s ban on black priesthood ordination: The Book of Mormon teaches that “all are alike unto God,” including “black and white, bond…

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“Ex-Gay” NPR Report Closets Mormon Side of the Story

…conferences is understood within the Mormon community as something like an official seal of approval. Matheson wrote the official workbook for Evergreen and has received grants from Evergreen to develop his own research on root causes of homosexuality. Wyler has keynoted Evergreen conferences. According to sources in the gay Mormon community, both Matheson and Wyler are all-stars in the world of Evergreen. And both Journey into Manhood and Evergre…

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A Response to Hussein Rashid

…slim Community. Even Ahmadi Muslim mosques are not counted among the total number of mosques in America. As another example, when 86 Ahmadi Muslims were brutally massacred in twin bomb attacks in Lahore on May 28th, only one American Muslim leader offered condolences to the Community. More tellingly, Professor Rashid appears to blame American Muslim diversity for the failure of American Muslim organizations to speak out against extremism with the…

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Mormon “Martin Luther” Causes Stir by Uploading LDS Church Handbook of Instructions to Internet

…onishment, the LDS Church published the entire second volume on its own website. (The first volume remains officially restricted to lay clerical leaders.) The buzz among bloggers and web-journalists quickly converged around changes to the section of the Handbook dealing with homosexuality. One Utah television station even ran a nightly news segment suggesting a link between the changes, Proposition 8, and the protests following Elder Boyd K. Packe…

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Prop. 8 Ruling Delayed By Standing Questions

…es the state Supreme Court an opportunity to clearly reaffirm the right of official proponents to legally defend voter-passed initiatives they successfully enact, particularly when public officials abdicate their constitutional duties by refusing to enforce and defend the law.” But Jennifer C. Pizer, National Marriage Project Director for Lambda Legal, contends that state law does not empower activists to bring a lawsuit in support of ballot measu…

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Palin Cries ‘Blood Libel’: Can Words Harm Us?

…l, frequently receiving support from bishops, popes, and emperors. Yet the official declarations exonerating Jews from blood libel were often ignored and ritual murder accusations were brought against Jews by priests or laypeople seeking to stir up Christian passions against their Jewish neighbors. Blood libel cases spread eastward into Poland and Lithuania in the early modern period, and into the Middle East, Greece, Russia, Hungary, and the Otto…

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CPAC Speaker Admires Geert Wilders

…ly flyer Hughes was passing out.) As I discuss in the piece, there was one official and explicitly Islamophobic panel at the conference, the essential premise of which was that shari’ah law is coming to America, beware, beware! The panel included former CIA director James Woolsey, activist-scholar Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and National Review contributor Andrew McCarthy — whose book, How Obama Embraces Islam’s Shari’ah Agenda, was peddled in CPAC’s exhibit…

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Why the King Hearings Should Matter to Mormons

…reover, LDS missionary efforts were resisted by law and by mobs in various sites of the nation at the turn of the century. European immigration by Mormon converts was enjoined, as well. Arguably, this was over more than the illegality of plural marriage. But LDS lawlessness in this one matter was always available to legitimize widespread legal and popular discrimination. This seems an essential distinction between the two groups; at least insofar…

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LGBTs in Philippines Reflect on Papal Visit; Francis Meets Trans Man Shunned by Parish; French Group Turns ‘Bar of Sodom’ into ‘Pub of Mercy’; Global LGBT Recap

…ream, “an information resource for orthodox Anglicans,” featured on its website this week an article by Joseph Nicolosi, champion of “reparative therapy.”) In a related note, the Telegraph reports that BBC announced that as part of a cost-cutting restructuring, it was eliminating its top religion post, currently held by Aaqil Ahmed, the first Muslim to hold the position. Italy: Rome recognizes civil unions; Catholic Church decries ‘anti-family iti…

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Progressive Christian: Wallis “No Longer Speaks for Us”

…on, and the Israel-Palestine conflict. “We decided that ad space on our website isn’t the best way to get our message out,” King said. “What we’ve found is that people tend to respond to the ads and fail to have productive discussions.” King wrote a blog post on Sojourners’ website describing his personal experience with a gay friend who was alienated by the church, and he endorsed the message of the Believe Out Loud video. Sojourners thought it b…

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