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Why Liberal Religious Arguments Fail

…, eating, making bad puns.   When he was gone, did they first remember his list of religious instructions? Did they remember his debating points against his adversaries? Eventually they remembered these things. But first they remembered the Good Shepherd. Archaeology shows that long before the cross became the symbol of the church, his symbol was the picture of the shepherd with the lost lamb wrapped over his shoulders. His words were remembered,…

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The Problem with Ayn Rand Isn’t Atheism

…ngly proving to be critical to successful progressive advocacy.” Other panelists include Elizabeth Denlinger, Director of Campaigns at Sojourners, which her biography describes as “one of the largest networks of progressive Christians in the nation,” a characterization some progressive Christians take issue with. (I’m also speaking on a different panel at the same conference.) Eleison and the AVN are focused on making “people of faith” “comfortabl…

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Do Atheists Belong in the Interfaith Movement?

…sumably, not just to get atheists to be liked. Among other things, it’s to promote critical reasoning; it’s to advance the view that faith is decidedly not a virtue. Calling our worldview a faith does not seem the best way to achieve these objectives.” Unsurprisingly, the thought that interfaith work requires significant tongue-biting makes many atheists very uncomfortable; it was certainly a concern I had before I started working in the interfait…

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Tim Pawlenty’s Dilemma: How Far Will His Anti-Choice Extremism Go?

…f abortion coverage from private insurance, to name several of the growing list of restrictions at the state level. Because the anti-choice base will want to hear a rah-rah for all of that, but moderate general election voters may well be appalled by the prospect of, say, the state deciding that a woman facing a complicated pregnancy that puts her health at grave risk must carry that pregnancy to term. In 2003, Pawlenty signed in to law the Woman’…

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“I ‘Came Out’ For Marriage Equality”: An Anti-Gay Activist Changes His Mind

…ork that I was doing over the course of the past 4 or 5 years or so was to promote the agenda that marriage is the union of a man and a woman only, and that anything contrary to that definition was invalid, basically. And more so over the course of the past year or so, I was working directly with the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) in promoting this agenda, and specifically the way that I opted to do that was by organizing a summer bus to…

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Recounting (Again)
The Role of American Religious Activists in Uganda Anti-Gay Violence

…Uganda” over the bill, I asked him how the U.N. and other “lobbyists” were promoting homosexuality in Uganda; not surprisingly, he didn’t have an answer. He claimed that the pastors there told him “a story about how it swept into — the agenda promotion, of the agenda, and now the actual proliferation of the homosexual activity sweeping into the boarding schools of that nation. I don’t know much of the details so I can’t take responsibility for wha…

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The Zeitgeist Debate

…led by the John Birch Society and the Liberty Lobby. The Zeitgeist website lists Nation writer William Greider — a longtime critic of the Fed’s policies from the left — as an “information source,” particularly his 1989 tome, Secrets of the Temple: How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country. But the list is otherwise populated by right-wing conspiracy theorists. In Secrets, Greider maintains: The conspiracy-minded critics exaggerated the importance o…

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Evangelicals, Oppose Park51 At Your Own Eschatological Risk

…or symbolic transubstantiated elixir make. So evangelical and/or fundamentalist pundits opposed to Park51: What say you?   *The list of notable commentators and/or organizations espousing similar points of view include Hal Lindsey, Tim Pawlenty, Pat Robertson, Franklin Graham, Bill Keller, Richard Land (Southern Baptist Convention), Cal Thomas, Ken Blackwell (Family Research Council), and Bryan Fischer (American Family Association). Some mainline…

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The Ultimate Dirty Politics or Bipartisan Opposition to the Tea Party?

…part in trying to coax Meeks to withdraw. But yesterday Crist added to the list of Democrats who have defected from supporting Meek when he secured support from the Palm Beach Democratic People’s Choice PAC. Just this morning he added the endorsement of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.—suggesting, perhaps, a coalition of independents, moderate Republicans, and realistic Democrats brought together by their opposition to the tea party. At the same time, though…

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Shari’ah is Not the Law

…but not in a road-map-with-specific-details kind of way. It is not a long list of dos and don’ts. It is an idea that there is harmony in all of creation, including human creatures, our communities, and our relationships with each other, with the rest of creation, and with the Creator. It is also about doing that which will maintain that harmony. It is an ideal. The grounds for this idea are divine. In this respect and in this respect only, can we…

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