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How Does an Atheist Come to Believe in God?: An Interview with Jacob Needleman

…ey have this capacity. They think listening is simply waiting for you to pause so I can come in. Speaking of listening, you use stories from your teaching experience to such great effect. It sounds as if teaching for you has been a laboratory… Absolutely. That is exactly the word I would use. And you teach courses in religion, spirituality, so you encounter every kind of opinion. I was so interested in that encounter you describe with the dogmatic…

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RDBook: Apocalypse Without God

…n, in his post-presidential years, when he could wear a pink tie and speak freely. He was talking in just this way. His “schema,” to use your word, for understanding the world is one of interconnection and relationship, very much in the terms that you describe. Maybe I should send him a copy of the book; here as in so many areas lately he seems to have forgotten what he once knew Maybe you should. And that raises the question—Clinton isn’t talking…

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Gay, Christian, Pagan, Artist: How Matt Morris Defies the Borders of Spiritual Identity

…in this world? How do you live in this world? I think there’s a connection between Christian practice and a heart for social justice. I think there’s a connection between Christian practice and compassionate service to the least of these. I think that the Beatitudes should be engraved in stone on our courthouses, not the 10 Commandments. I think that if we lived into that, we would reshape the world in the image of love. After your reconversion to…

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Touched by a Michael Landon: America’s Jewish Angel

…ers of difference separating him from “a car full of gentiles,” he knew to use Yiddish. In life, as in Little House, American Jews of Landon’s generation knew they were defined at least in part by language. It was natural, then, that when Landon finally told a Jewish story in his chosen medium, Yiddish would be used as a boundary, a marker of particular identity. Yet the meaning of any boundary depends on which side you’re on. Landon seems to have…

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Reconsidering “Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin”: An Interview with Ethicist Eric Reitan

…during your diabetic neighbor, what you actually do in relation to your diabetic neighbor because of your conviction that taking insulin is a sin, you’ll act in ways that will be detrimental to your diabetic neighbor’s welfare. That is therefore evidence that you’ve got it wrong about the sinfulness of insulin. Because, it is always possible to love sinners while hating what really is a sin. But, since you can’t effectively and properly love your…

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Do Catholic Responses to Stem Cell-Derived Covid-19 Vaccines Open a Door to a New Era in Health Care for LGBTQ+ and Others?

…ave a distant abortion connection. Stem cell lines derived from aborted fetuses were used in testing those vaccines. These realities prompted statements from both the Vatican and U.S. Catholic bishops on how Catholics and others could ethically access vaccines. Their framing of this issue could have a far-reaching impact on religious thinking about how caring for individuals facing health challenges and promoting the “common good” may take priorit…

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‘Culting’: From Waco to Fundamentalist Mormons

…n and mucous membranes and thereby compromises the respiratory system) and use tanks to dismantle the building, because of her concerns for the children, she was told that Koresh was abusing the children. (This allegation of abuse during the siege was retracted by federal agents after the fire.) Although CS gas is intended for use outdoors, Reno was assured that it would not injure the children. She approved the plan to assault the Branch Davidian…

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Park 51 and RLUIPA, Or, Conservatives Hoisted On Their Petard

…the Interfaith Alliance’s State of Belief radio show, once again religious freedom means freedom for everybody, not just the people we like. That ought to be an obvious statement, but apparently it takes some spelling out for modern conservatives. It would be nice to say that spelling it out might have some effect, but movement conservatives have demonstrated anything these days, it’s that they aren’t much interested in consistency, or logic, or e…

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How to Slow Down the Rush to War: What Obama Should Do About Syria

…t crisis in Syria, in which the U.N. is blocked from acting decisively because Russia and China will use their vetoes against any action that imperils Assad, President Obama should call a conclave of the world’s other countries, all of them, and let them together decide on what should be done with regard to saving the people of Syria from its rogue regime. The specific use of chemical weapons should be referred to the World Court for possible tria…

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Anti-Choice Activists to Use Planned Parenthood Vote as Campaign Issue

…ecades,” a false statement that even got it embroiled in litigation, and caused a group of Cincinnati-area nuns to call on it “to stop making the false claim that Congressman Steve Driehaus (OH-01) voted to expand federal funding of abortion.” Similarly, Charmaine Yoest of AUL falsely called the final health care law “the biggest expansion of abortion since Roe v. Wade.” Driehaus lost, as did about half of the House Democratic pro-life caucus, alt…

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