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Down to the Wire for Marriage Initiatives

…ed for NOM by Republican rising star Senator Marco Rubio.  NOM made a last-minute plea for cash for its GOTV effort, saying “your contribution will mean the difference between God’s definition of marriage and ‘one man and one man’ as the law of the land” and warning that failure would mean persecution: If enough Christians, marriage supporters, and people of faith get to the polls, we’ll achieve a historic victory on Tuesday. But if we don’t turn…

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Humiliation and ‘Success’ in the Great Recession

…ers and teachers, HR professionals and food service managers. After the 75-minute facilitated portion I told them that the meeting space was theirs to use as long as they wanted. They stayed and talked through the entire morning; they spun out ideas about how they could scale up the reach and effectiveness of “Life and Livelihood”; and they continued to give each other the essential daily bread of friendship and solidarity. Exposing the Culture of…

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Fight the Power: How to Read, and Re-Read, the Book of Revelation

…he human race for most of our history. And so I was asking myself, “Wait a minute—when did they get separated?” I think we Americans mostly think about the American Revolution and the French Revolution when we set up a secular government. But there were people in the ancient world that tried to create a secular relationship to government where nobody else did—and those people were Jews. Because the government of the nations that conquered them—Egy…

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Whom Will She Wreck?: The Real Sarah Palin Question

…oft, waiting to hear the featured speaker. Palin obliged with a rousing 40-minute speech, during which she lambasted President Obama with plays on his stock phrase “fundamental transformation”: We’re not willing to just sit back and watch her demise through some “fundamental transformation” of the greatest country on Earth. We’re here to stop that transformation and to begin the restoration of the country that we love. She also deftly cast the Tea…

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Rejecting Blood Sacrifice Theology, Again

Penitentially present to RD readers for just a minute during Holy Week, I want to welcome a new Kindle-only book from Tony Jones: A Better Atonement: Beyond the Depraved Doctrine of Original Sin. I have never met Tony Jones, and I was initially inclined to offer a sneer instead of a review. I am still inclined toward sniping, as you will see, but the easy snipe just won’t do this time. I’ve thought about it, and (God forbid) I’ve even prayed abou…

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Conventional Wisdom: RNC/DNC Giving God a Bad Name?

…ches.”   Well, yes and no. It’s a party that gives Elizabeth Warren a microphone even as it dispatches Rahm Emanuel to make nice with the very same fat cats Warren denounces; that lurches to proclaim Jerusalem the one and only capital of Israel even when it knows how catastrophically wrongheaded this is to the cause of justice and peace in the Middle East; that is quite obviously afraid to talk candidly about grinding poverty in America for fear o…

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Lou Engle’s Bizarro Esther

…powerful ‘all-women’s gathering’ features Engle monologuing for the first minute and a half while two female colleagues—including Allred—nod enthusiastically. We should probably also just shrug when we learn that for Engle, all-women’s gatherings include “2000 ‘Mordecais’ we are calling to pray alongside the women.” In Christian patriarchy circles, female repentance and male guidance all fit into the common theme of submission/domination that’s t…

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Electionpocalypse, Part II: The Mythical Jewish Vote

…ng Obama’s commitment to its version of being “pro-Israel.” The RJC’s nine-minute web video, “Perilous Times,” ominously declares, “things have changed” in the US relationship with Israel “since Barack Obama became president.” But even the Anti-Defamation League’s Abe Foxman told Stone that quotes used in “Perilous Times” were “skewed, selective, and frequently out of context.” Indeed if one watched the video (part of the RJC’s “my buyer’s remorse…

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D’Souza Tries to Explain Himself

…ught or known I was doing something wrong.”   Hold on one holier-than-thou minute. D’Souza, according to press releases sitting in my inbox from conference organizer Alex McFarland, was the keynote speaker at a conference that “will present the Christian worldview and teach others to defend it,” and that was designed “[t]o help Christians to understand their faith, work through troubling questions, and ultimately, stand up for Christianity within…

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Are Social Issues Non-Issues?

…e been an opening for Obama, had he chosen to veer off-script for even one minute of his tedious and labored performance—surely one of the worst in modern presidential debate history. Romney was right: economic issues are moral issues. His sense of economic morality, though, forged somewhere between focus groups and Ayn Rand, is very different from the one most Americans share. Obama could have taken up this claim, and articulated a different econ…

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