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Ugandan Gay Rights Activist Murdered, US Evangelicals Must Take Responsibility

…o Uganda by American conservatives.” “Kato’s murder is a heavy blow to the international human rights community,” said Rev. Kapya Kaoma, the director of PRA’s Project on Religion and Sexuality. “Those U.S conservatives who have lit the brushfire of homophobia in Africa have to bear some responsibility for this tragic death and for the conflagration that now threatens to consume all gay Ugandans.” Those U.S. evangelicals include Scott Lively, the f…

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The Zeitgeist Debate

…nkers” controlling the economy, theories with anti-Semitic roots (replace “international” with “Jewish” — although the film doesn’t describe any of its villains as being Jewish). At one point the film flashes a scare quote attributed to Mayer Amschel Rothschild, “Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes the laws”— oft recycled on right-wing conspiracy websites, even though there’s no proof that Rothschild ever said it. Simple G…

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Bush’s New Book: “Damn Right I OK’d Torture”

…the American people: Will we hold accountable those who violated U.S. and international law? Torture is immoral, ineffective, and counter-productive. U.S. sponsored torture has not “saved lives”; it has cost lives and inspired acts of terror against the U.S. and its allies. It is time—well past time—to establish a Commission of Inquiry to investigate the use of torture by the US and hold those who authorized the use of torture accountable. Tortur…

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Election Update: Oklahoma Bans Shari’ah Law

It’s called Measure 755. For Oklahoma, it forbids the use of international and Shari’ah law in state courts. As of the time of writing, it has passed, winning nearly 70% of the vote. As an American Muslim, and a citizen of New York, I am amused, concerned, fascinated and, oddly, given hope. Let me go in that order. Shari’ah is, for Muslims, the “path to the water”; the texts that normatively define a moral life and the means to God and heaven in…

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The “F” Word: Feminism in Islam

…so began to self-represent. They were always there. But whether or not the international community knew about them, or about their work, was inconsequential. Or so they thought. Both/And So in the void, the story of the Muslim woman went from Muslim male and non-Muslim female spokespersons to anti-Islam Muslim spokeswomen. Finally we get to the women who straddled the divide between living Islam and living in the world today, so they challenge Isl…

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Iftar: Breaking Fast

…special category of Islamic studies academics who are grounded both in the international or global nature of Islam and the history of identity politics in America. All of the madness hits us double. (I think Tariq knows what I’m talking about too, right!?) We are not supposed to be both black and fluent in another language (or two). We are not supposed to think abstractly, live spiritually, and still play in the street. There is a cost not to clai…

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Glenn Beck Attracts 300,000; Pakistan Floods Impact
17 million

…ings. So I was thrilled to receive news that the Church has partnered with International Medical Corps, International Relief and Development, and Saba Aslam Welfare and Trust to purchase supplies within Pakistan for redistribution to flood-impacted areas, with additional shipments from the Humanitarian Relief Center in Salt Lake City forthcoming. And I was especially heartened to see the Church teaming with Islamic charities to provide relief, as…

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Undercover-ed Religion: 13 Stories That Went Missing in 2012

…remain remarkably successful in taking their pelvic politics overseas via international “mission” activities. Rev. Albert Ogle enjoys a bird’s-eye view of this from his perch at a small foundation that tries to defend and empower gay people internationally. Big-time Christian agencies like World Vision and big-name evangelicals like Rick Warren have been moderating their homophobia on these shores, but they wear a very different face in the Globa…

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The Fire Next Time: Tibetan Protests Spread

…oung people told Raha. While uprisings in Tibet in the late 1980s inspired international solidarity movements among young Westerners, recent protests inside Tibet have galvanized a new generation of activists within the refugee community [See here for RD’s previous coverage]. The young refugees in India inspire their partners around the world in their persistence, but they also need a positive outlet for their frustration, activists say. “One thin…

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Fear of U.S. Marriage Equality Exported to Africa

…an Center for Law and Justice, Lou Engle, and Sharon Slater’s Family Watch International. It’s a claim that has been reflected in the reactions to the Supreme Court ruling from African political and religious leaders who’ve vowed to “defend” their nations from what, they’re being told, will be an invasion of same-sex marriage from the U.S. From conservative religious leaders to right-wing politicians, the ruling is being defamed as a manifestation…

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