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Bush Era to Blame for Renewed Interest in Mainline?

…sm, including works such as Matt Hedstrom’s The Rise of Liberal Religion, Jill Gill’s Embattled Ecumenism, David Burns’ The Life and Death of the Radical Historical Jesus, and Elesha Coffman’s The Christian Century and the Rise of the Mainline, the article notes: The surge of interest in liberal religion, many say, reflects the renewed vitality of religious history more generally, which has spread beyond its traditional redoubts in divinity school…

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A Queer Atheist In the Heart of Mormon Country

…cted optimist. I don’t pretend that this work isn’t difficult, or that it will always work. But isn’t it worth trying? There is a part of me that strongly resists sitting down with members of a community that has actively worked against my freedom. But whenever I can summon the patience to do so, I am glad that I did. This conference wasn’t the first time I have found myself in such a position; I have also spoken at several evangelical Christian c…

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On the Ethics of the Tibetan Self-Immolations

…e taking of one’s own life, even for the sake of religion, to be a moral evil. Although generalization is always perilous, and although the views on these subjects are perpetually in transition, the mainstream Abrahamic view is that life is a precious gift from God, and taking one’s own life constitutes a kind of contempt for God. Such acts are therefore generally seen as sinful. Indian spiritual traditions in general, and Buddhism in particular,…

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Marriage Equality: No More (Word) Games

…ring the more fundamental problematic. Smith bases his proposal on the verbal parallelism we see in the phrases “gender equality,” “race equality,” and “marriage equality.” “Gender,” “race,” and “marriage” all qualify the word “equality” and should, therefore, be considered analogous. In the first two phrases, “equality” essentially means “it doesn’t matter,” while in the latter “equality” means “it absolutely matters!” But there is a problem with…

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Mormon Women Knock at the Door, Are Turned Away

…ing profiles of Latter-day Saints who support female ordination. Those profiles allow women to “use our own identities as a tool is a way to assert radical self-respect and a way to claim the narrative as our own. “What happened to women in the past is that the leadership cast them as outsiders and forced them out, so that they no longer had any control of the narrative of what they were doing.  We are claiming our insider status and developing a…

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Just a Mirror of a Mirror of Myself: Episode Three Recap of Preachers’ Daughters

…a proper date. Taylor, in turn, asks her dad Ken for permission.  He initially balks. But—and this was sort of awesome—the rest of the family out-argues him. Marie tells Ken that he’s living vicariously through Taylor because he regrets his own decisions. Taylor points out that if she only avoids bad decisions because she was prevented from making any decisions, she won’t have learned much responsibility. And then she makes a theological argument…

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The Curious Case of Mormons and LGBT Rights

…he Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is bracing itself for national civil same-sex marriage. And they aren’t the only ones. Even LGBT activists in Utah are steadying themselves for the effects of a Prop. 8 reversal. For example, earlier this year when I asked someone at Equality Utah, the state’s largest LGBT rights organization, whether the possibility of federally-mandated same-sex marriage would hurt the “bridge work” gay rights group…

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American Buddhism: Beyond the Search for Inner Peace

…reading. What news sources do you regularly read?  I normally look at several alternative news sources and commentaries. I follow Democracy Now! almost daily—though I don’t watch all segments every day. I also read Common Dreams, Truthout, AlterNet, TomDispatch, and Climate Progress. The commentators that I most appreciate are Amy Goodman, Glenn Greenwald on justice issues, Chris Hedges as a social and political analyst, Tom Engelhardt on militari…

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Unpacking the Giglio Imbroglio

…had, never had a chance to discuss the gay “agenda.” Conservative evangelicals—although there are still many willing to wage the culture wars unabashedly—see that they need to “broaden” their agenda to include issues other than the combatting homosexuality and abortion. Giglio, whose conferences draw tens of thousands of attendees, is an example of an evangelical who has taken on another issue, in his case human trafficking. It’s his trademark now…

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Scott Lively Defends Anti-Gay Uganda Work in Federal Court

…n February, is represented by the Liberty Counsel, a conservative evangelical legal group affiliated with Jerry Falwell-founded Liberty University, and itself home to some of the most anti-gay activists in the public arena. Lively’s lawyer, Harry Mihet, said in an online conversation hosted by The Huffington Post on Tuesday that the case is “ridiculous and frivolous.” He echoed claims that Liberty Counsel has been making that the lawsuit is an eff…

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