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Junior Falwell Unmasked Conservatism; Let’s Thank Him For It

…sm in practice. It cannot and will not tolerate democratic change, despite change coming with the blessing of the majority. If the majority rules, Falwell and his confederates will abandon commitments to democracy. Once you abandon democracy—once you open the door to treason—there’s no end in sight. Once it seceded, “the Confederacy began to deny states’ rights,” wrote James W. Loewen in Lies My Teacher Told Me. “Jefferson Davis denounced states’…

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2012 Film Heralds Progressive Utopia, No Effort Required

…mass destruction, it predicts that in two years, we will abandon our smart phones, SUVs, and prescription drugs in favor of hoes, tandem bicycles, and ayahuasca. At the end of the Mayan calendar, two years from now, the whole world will supposedly start to resemble Burning Man. Psychedelics, Prophecies, and Counterculture 2012: Time for Change calls itself a “documentary,” which is as fine a category as any for this sprawling, free-associative fil…

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Maybe Instead of Solidarity, The Religious Left Should Try Being Indivisible

…gious leaders: just garden-variety lay people committed to creating social change in their own ways, and the hell with kumbaya and press releases and symbolic demonstrations? What if, in other words, the religious left gave up on trying to bring everyone together in some trans-partisan fantasy moral conversion and instead took the parable of the sower seriously, casting their seed on rocky ground and paths, shallow soil and good earth alike? What…

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God Bless You, Barbara Herz

…s’ forte.  UPDATE: The Arab-American Institute has criticized the language change on Jerusalem. From its statement: The 2012 language was clearly an attempt to bring rhetoric in line with reality—the generally acknowledged fact accepted by all sides of the conflict that the final status of Jerusalem is an issue that needs to be determined in negotiations between the Israelis and Palestinians themselves. Today’s amendment to re-insert the language…

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Eddie Izzard on Atheism, Transgender, and “The Invisible Bloke Upstairs”

…me up with a theory which history plus change in society multiplied by the change in technology equals the future. It’s a bit of a glib equation, but humanity keeps repeating things. We have a Hitler and then we had Milošević. Why did that happen? Then you factor in the change in society. No elected government—or even dictatorships—are saying, “let’s have slavery.” No one is putting it forward as a sensible idea. The Arab uprisings came through Tw…

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How Do You Beat a ‘Pretty Damning’ Impeachment Case? You Lie

…“President Trump will be acquitted.” I’m asking whether the evidence will change their minds. In fact, however, their minds have already changed. The Post’s Aaron Blake has a great item today showing the same Republicans now saying it’s awful hard seeing the connection between Trump’s violent rhetoric and his supporters’ violent actions saw the connection crystal clearly the day of the insurrection. Kevin Cramer, for instance, who now says he doe…

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Has This Anti-Muslim Extremist Reformed… Or Just Gotten Less Extreme?

…am, which facilitated his departure. First, will Robinson’s message really change? Just because he’s no longer with the EDL and claims to reject the increasingly violent direction the group had taken doesn’t mean that he has seen the light about hate speech; it doesn’t mean that his invectives about Muslims will be any less inflammatory or that he will change his views on Quran burning, Muslim immigration, deportation, mosque construction, etc. It…

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Global LGBT Recap: World Vision Caves, World Congress of Families Vamps, God Weeps

…Dominican Vice President Margarita Cedeño was forced to withdraw proposed changes to the country’s “Family Code” which would have “championed ‘traditional Catholic family models’” in legislation. “The bill drew withering criticism from left and right with newspaper 7 Dias calling it “a Trojan horse launched by the most extreme wing of conservative Dominican ideology.” The paper said the proposed language championed heterosexual marriages above al…

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Chocolate Will Make You Thin! Or: How Should We Trust Science?

…we may trust them completely. Chocolate will help you lose weight! You can change people’s minds on gay marriage, just by talking to them! Altering your posture will make you more successful (unless it doesn’t)! Yes, of course. Science says so. So should we trust scientists less? I don’t think that’s the solution, exactly. Science is a powerful tool for understanding reality, with a remarkable system of checks-and-balances to prevent and catch err…

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What We Cannot Do is Be Revolutionaries Except When We’re Mothering

…he has questions and concerns. How we demonstrate our commitment to social change and answer her concerns is an extension of how we politically identify. If we cannot live our politics in our parenting, we cannot live our politics at the ballot box or at the protest. On this Mother’s Day, in honor of the launch of the Poor People’s Campaign’s 40 Days of Moral Action, we are re-committing ourselves to revolutionary mothering. We believe that this e…

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