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Transgender and Christian: Finding Identity

…mber does not include the transgender people who haven’t undergone sex reassignment surgery (a process many people call “the transition”), so the number of transgender-identified people is likely much higher. The term “transgender” encompasses anyone with a gender identity that is different from his or her birth sex. A transgender person could be someone who just cross-dresses from time to time in private; someone who identifies as gender-queer (t…

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What We Really Talk About When We Talk About Health Care

…e? For starters, there’s the guy in New Hampshire who brought a gun (and a sign about watering the tree of democracy with blood from time to time) to a protest outside a recent presidential forum on health care. Interviewing the guy later on Hardball, Chris Matthews was baffled by this, but it makes a certain, scary sense to me. Having spent a lifetime immersed in the fundamentalist evangelical culture of rural America (first as a Southern Baptist…

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The Deadly Burqini, Or, What Exactly is an “Islamic Swimsuit”?

…ut the burqini is dangerous. It is a germ. It might spread. It is a visual sign of the disease – Islam – that right-wingers wish to eliminate from the bodypolitic. It is not an accepted form of minority religion that keeps its head down and tries to look nonchalant. It is a little too loud-mouthed in its visual message. How, then, may it be tolerated in public spaces? As the local expert on Islam, of course, the local mayor Alain Kelyor sagely rem…

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The Most Religious Race: Islam in Europe

…ics, and identity reveals a deep anxiety among even the most privileged, a sign that capital and its inherent desire to destabilize have unmoored and unsteadied every part of the world. We should take any such argument seriously, especially for the almost existential helplessness it admits. Caldwell fears the dilution of an ideal Europe, whose countries had and should have distinct yet interchangeable cultures, all equally incompatible with a Musl…

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Of Zionism and Anti-Zionism: The Ultra Orthodox and the Settler Movement in Israel

…se. In a July 27 article in the New York Times, “In West Bank Settlements: Sign of Hope for a Deal” Ethan Bronner and Isabel Kershner point out the soft nature of Haredi sympathy for their ostensible partners. The article shows that while the Haredim enjoy the benefits of their lives in these settlements, by and large they have not become aligned, or even sympathetic, to Settler Zionism. Their position remains pragmatic; they do not see the state…

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Diplomatic Suckerhood: Why Israel Is Fighting Toward its Own Demise

…s more, many early Zionists were ashamed of their weakness, seeing it as a sign that Jews were “abnormal.” They expected to escape all those feelings once they had their own independent nation, with its own armed forces. It doesn’t seem to have worked out that way. They have the power, to be sure (by various accounts, the fourth, fifth, or sixth most effective military in the world) which they frequently put on display. But all that expenditure of…

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US Catholic Bishops Elect a Culture Warrior

…opponent, Bishop Gerald Kicanas of Tucson. But his election is not a good sign. As the New York Times mentions, this is the first time a vice president has not been elected president of the USCCB since the 1960s. What the Times fails to mention is that it happened then because the vice president was quite old and would have retired as bishop in the middle of his term. The rejection of a Bishop Kicanas is essentially unparalleled. As Thomas Reese…

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Condoms and Common Sense

…other sexually transmitted infections than is an exclusive focus on condom promotion. Regrettably, however, many scientists, HIV prevention educators, and AIDS activists are so fixed on condom promotion that they do not give due attention to the risk avoidance that is possible to achieve through abstinence outside marriage and mutual, lifelong fidelity within marriage.” Who, one asks, are these scientists who believe in the “exclusive focus on con…

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Awakening, Counter-Awakening, and the End of Church

…look at those people who are unaffiliated and I say, ‘Wow, that to me is a sign of the transformation that we’re going through. More and more people understand that we’re moving into a new place and are willing to take the risk, freeing themselves up and exploring their spirituality in different ways.’ I think eventually a large number of those people will re-affiliate in some way, shape, or form—but when they do, the actual institutions of religi…

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New York State Senator Declares War on NY Marriage Equality

…included Orthodox Jewish men from the group Jews for Decency who displayed signs that warned that bestiality was the next step. Members of the Topeka, Kansas, family-based Westboro Baptist Church also turned up, only to be shunned by fellow protestors like NOM’s Maggie Gallagher. “We had advance notice that Westboro Baptists might try to join our march and we want to make it clear that that kind of message… is loathsome and not welcome here,” Gall…

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