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Repent, Hillary: Trump’s Evangelical Backers Play the Sin Card

…er told us how to vote, he gave us all the good common sense to choose the best leaders.” It’s important to emphasize that best doesn’t mean perfect, as Abraham, Moses, and David would remind us. The assumption of God’s providence, however, doesn’t work both ways—that is, it can’t be positively applied to Trump’s presumed opponent, Hillary Clinton. That may seem inconsistent, at least on the surface: if God chooses imperfect people, then can’t God…

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The Left Behind: Why Are White American Christians So Racist?

…radition becomes corrupted. Traditionalism isn’t in itself bad, but it can promote social rigidity just by bringing together people like-minded in their stubbornness; at worst, it can lead to radicalization. In fact, radicalization seems to be the bigger picture of white Christianity, and white America in general, over the last few decades. Those willing to let go of tradition in favor of something more cosmopolitan and egalitarian have by and lar…

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CNN Editor Leaves Over Tweet on Hezbollah ‘Giant’

for women’s rights. She rightfully acknowledged that the Tweet is not the best format for expressing complex thoughts. For example, were I to Tweet “Sad to hear of the passing of R. Reagan … One of the Republican’s giants I respect a lot,” no one would think I support Republicanism in any of its modern incarnations, because of the totality of my work. I can say that Reagan was an amazing orator, or acknowledge how he gave the country hope. That d…

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Why Tony Campolo’s LGBTQ Reversal is Evangelicalism’s Tipping Point

…world and has been for close to 60 years. Both Campolo and Graham, 96, are best known and beloved first and foremost as preachers largely unencumbered by overt denominational or political biases. Like Graham, Campolo also has been a spiritual counselor to U.S. presidents and has played the role of public pastor in times of national sorrow and joy. (Since I first heard him deliver a version of it during chapel when I was a student at Wheaton Colleg…

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New Research May Explain the Weakness of Centrism and the Religious Left

…two sprawling coalitions that fear and loathe the other, and the side that best taps into that existential ego threat is likely to come out on top. Bitecofer’s not necessarily right, and she is only one voice among many in the complex conversation of election nerdery. But her views seems intuitively right to anyone coming out of left-blogdom in the last fifteen years, as I do. What we cynics have seen time after time is Republicans playing the fea…

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GOP Candidate: Obama is Taking Your Freedom to Find the Lord

…rsonal choice between you and the god or gods you don’t believe in. What’s best about America, though, is that each person, religious or not, has the right to be treated with both equality and equity by their government (though they may have to fight for that right to be recognized). I find it odd, though, that those who make the best arguments for the separation of church and state are most often those trying to marry the two until death do us al…

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World Congress of Families Meets, Seeks a New Dark Ages

…d easy divorce and births outside of marriage, confused sexual identities, promoted promiscuity, created conditions that increased child abuse, isolated the elderly, and fostered depopulation,” and figuring out how to best manipulate those same systems into defending their particular religious values. One concern undergirding the varied topics covered by the speakers was that the protection of individual rights (youth rights, gay rights, reproduct…

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What is a “Religious Progressive” Anyway?

…tirely sure how one can chuck a link at someone’s head, so it was probably best to just let the whole thing drop. As it happens, we hold a certain affectionate proprietary feeling for the term “progressive.” After all, we grew up in Madison, home base of Robert “Fighting Bob” La Follette, who ran for the White House on the Progressive party ticket, and whose journal survives to this day, headquartered down by the Essen Haus practically in the shad…

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Satanic Harmonies and Zoom Church: Readers Respond

…e “‘fanatical’ and ‘hateful’ ‘tribal’ Likud” and conservatives doing their best to throw blame on the left. All of this in sharp contrast to response to the tweet itself, which was much more directed at the offending extremist than to Likudniks as a whole. A.R. thinks this is the result of Maariv making a tempest out of a teapot. American media is certainly no stranger to this routine—outrage gets clicks, and in this age of negative partisanship,…

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Take the Van Gogh Challenge: Doctor Who Part VII

…primarily about describing the world as it is (although it should take our best understanding of the natural world into account), but about depicting the world as it could be, and transforming it into that better vision of reality. And of course, when religion takes a harmful view of the future, it can often contribute to bringing about a minor apocalypse. This episode ended with the Doctor and Amy not having managed to prevent Van Gogh’s suicide,…

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