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Trump’s Muslim Ban and the History of Stolen Citizenship in America

…and its others. Ironically, by doing so, he is cutting America off from itself. Religions like Islam have existed in this country since the 1600s, coming over with enslaved Africans, while Hinduism and Sikhism have been present here since the 1800s. Moreover, lest we forget, the entire Southwest was once part of Mexico. By idealizing a heteronormative white Christian state, Trump is embracing a view of America that never existed, and is assuring a…

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Book Burning and the Scapegoating of Islam

…ints out that the crucifixion, while a story of sacrificial scapegoating, deliberately exposes the scapegoat for what he is: an innocent. More significantly, the crucifixion gives to the victim the very voice of God: The passion narratives tell the old story of redemptive violence, but tell it entirely from the point of view of the sacrificed one. Even more dramatically, they tell the story of redemptive violence as a sinful human construct for pe…

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‘Son Worry’ and the Hypocrisy of the ‘Purity’ Movement

…nstitute: The vast majority of Americans also do not worry about being falsely accused of sexual harassment at work. More than eight in ten (84%) do not worry that they will be falsely accused, while fewer than one in five say they worry somewhat (12%) or a great deal (4%). And, it should be pointed out, this vast majority of Americans is correct to not worry. False accusations are both rare and easily identifiable, according to experts. The secon…

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Religious Right Reax to SCOTUS: “A Spiritual 9/11”

…on of religious liberty and conscience, to believe what you are called to believe free from persecution.” And from Jeb Bush: Guided by my faith, I believe in traditional marriage. I believe the Supreme Court should have allowed the states to make this decision. I also believe that we should love our neighbor and respect others, including those making lifetime commitments. In a country as diverse as ours, good people who have opposing views should…

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Muslim Beard Decision was a Boost for “Religious Liberty” Advocates

…t that the opinion continues the slippage between the concepts of sincere religious belief and substantial burden that were evident in Hobby Lobby as well. The Court notes that the state has not disputed the sincerity of the prisoner’s belief that his religion requires him to grow a beard. It then turns to the substantial burden analysis, but simply states, quoting Hobby Lobby, that the policy requiring the petitioner to be clean-shaven means he m…

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It’s Not “Inappropriate” for Public School Teacher to Tell Class that Obama Isn’t Christian

…s cannot discuss important controversial topics and that schools must be “religion free zones.” Superintendent Ledbetter announced that he’s considering more diversity and sensitivity training for teachers. He also sent a certified letter to the parents explaining that the incident will not happen again and that Nancy Perry is retiring. A local NBC affiliate reported, “The superintendent believes it goes back to a basic lesson: don’t talk politics…

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Ringing in a Christian Nationalist 2019 With an Even Larger Legislative Playbook

…ess to reproductive and LGBTQ health care. These included versions of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) and First Amendment Defense Act (FADA) which had been rebranded as the “Preserving Religious Freedom Act” and the “Marriage Tolerance Act.” The authors suggested starting with the less controversial bills in Category 1. They call these bills “Legislation Regarding Our Country’s Religious Heritage.” Category 2 involves seeking “Resolut…

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Arrests Made in Murders of Atheist Bloggers in Bangladesh, But Int’l Response to Violence Remains Anemic

…ct Bangladesh’s Hindus and other minorities from ongoing violence mandate religious freedom and human rights be at the forefront of the U.S. relationship with Bangladesh While the resolution is unlikely to come to the House floor for a vote (due to House Speaker John Boehner’s general refusal to vote on resolutions), it’s an important symbolic step towards recognizing that Bangladesh continues to fight the battles of yesterday with disastrous cons…

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The Tea Party, the Blind Man, and the Elephant: Part 1

…ed-neck, Bible thumping (something or other) owns this joint,” making me feel generally unwelcome. Last night there were over 100 people there. When one speaker asked how many were “new” nearly 75% raised their hands. Overwhelmingly over the age of 50 (and North Florida, unlike much of the state, has a median age in the 40s) and pretty evenly split male and female, this struck me as the kind of “community organizing” for which conservatives ridicu…

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Back to Basics: Feminism 101

…-bodied                  Dis-Abled Heterosexual                Homosexual Believer                        Not-Believer Masculine                     Feminine In the column under persons 1 and 2, there are infinite numbers of human differences that are often put in binary terms. The reconciliation of these binaries under tawhid can only be of equality. Different but equal. This model is explicit to the system of Islam. That means any one who aspire…

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