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Romney Credits “Culture,” “Hand of Providence” for Israel’s Economic Superiority over Palestinians

…you see the GDP per capita, for instance, in Israel which is about $21,000 dollars, and compare that with the GDP per capita just across the areas managed by the Palestinian Authority, which is more like $10,000 per capita, you notice such a dramatically stark difference in economic vitality,” the Republican presidential candidate told about 40 wealthy donors who breakfasted around a U-shaped table at the luxurious King David Hotel. The economic d…

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Religious Leaders Accuse Conservatives of Misleading Public on Contraception

…lege executives have decided to enter the legal fray… spending their donor dollars and a great deal of their time in order to do that.” (Wheaton College, the prominent evangelical school in Illinois, became the latest institution to sue the Obama administration over the contraceptin coverage requirement.) “Unfortunately they violated one of the primary dictates of our faith… which is that we tell the truth.” Knox called contraceptive coverage with…

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God Delivers GOP Senate Nomination to Todd Akin

…bamacare.   Claire McCaskill voted to cut and gut Medicare by $500 billion dollars, I will vote to protect, strengthen, and restore Medicare.   Claire McCaskill voted to bust the budget with Obama’s stimulus spending, I will vote to balance the budget and pay down the debt.   Claire McCaskill voted for job-killing red-tape regulation, I will vote to cut the red tape and get Missourians back to work. The choice is clear. The time to reclaim our val…

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‘A Slice of Heaven’: Lakota Look to Buy Back Stolen Sacred Lands

…titled to $106 million in compensation. That figure was calculated in 1877 dollars at five percent interest per annum. Now, more than 30 years later, the Lakota, some of the poorest people in America, refuse to take the money. They want the land, not the $1.3 billion that the original settlement is now said to be worth.  Slice of Heaven! In 1981, Indian activists established the Yellow Thunder camp in the Black Hills, named for Raymond Yellow Thun…

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Romney: Your Data is Mine, But My Tithing is Secret!

…ng of voter data: Mitt Romney’s success in raising hundreds of millions of dollars in the costliest presidential race ever can be traced in part to a secretive data-mining project that sifts through Americans’ personal information – including their purchasing history and church attendance – to identify new and likely, wealthy donors, The Associated Press has learned. For the data-mining project, the Republican candidate has quietly employed since…

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Tragic Violence in Libya: No Excuse for Perpetrators—or for Provocateurs

…our government, not to mention throwing away the billions upon billions of dollars that our government has spent. That the majority of Americans want to have nothing to do with Terry Jones or fringe anti-Muslim films is likewise clearly lost on some Muslims, for whom the spectacle of violence against Islam—burned Qur’ans at a Florida church are inseparable in the minds of some from insults against Islam wrapped into techniques of torture and humil…

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Politics in a Time of Crisis: Sandy? Blame Socialism

…don’t have to prepare for storms that cost lives and leave us billions of dollars in the hole, potentially year after year. Even West Virginia, the state probably most associated with American coal, experienced a late-October blizzard that paralyzed much of the state and cost loss of life; a weird consequence of the confluence of weather systems that produced this frankenstorm. We cannot of course trace any single weather event to climate change,…

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CPCs Hire Christians Only With Federal Funds? Thank Obama

…osed to a political argument that it’s an undesirable mingling of taxpayer dollars with religious messaging) would be difficult, in part because of the intimate nature of the services the centers provide. “Just gathering the evidence to know what case to bring would be difficult,” said Lynn. “This is a long haul to get from knowing that this is going on instinctively or in conversations and being able to prove that a specific entity used its feder…

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MD Pastor says Sandy Was God’s Punishment for Bloomberg’s Support of Marriage Equality

…y struck: “So here was the mayor of New York giving a quarter of a million dollars, coming down to Maryland discussing the matter,” said Robinson. “While he’s here somebody whispers in the ear, you better go back home and protect your stock because God is sending judgment. The thing came through the area. You have to understand the season and the time. It’s almost the end of hurricane season, but God sent one of the biggest hurricanes ever.” Polls…

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Was Blind But Now I See: The Debut of a New Anti-Abortion Strategy

…d Parenthood was nothing more than a for-profit slaughterhouse driven by a dollars-per-abortion mentality; that clinics create more business by pressuring young girls into getting same-day abortions; or that standards are so lax that workers with no medical training are dragooned into assisting in abortions. To hear them tell it, Planned Parenthood will force every worker, from the janitor to the accountant, to become a “murderer,” one way or anot…

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